Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Acting as if the Universe Does Not Exist...

      Scientists are acting as if the universe does not exist. The "theory" states that scientists are suggesting that space can be folded like a blanket so we can travel to an opposing destination within our universe. To fold anything you need to find the edge of what you're trying to fold. If you are literally trying to fold nothing, you're wasting your time. To fold anything you must make flat, our universe is 3 dimensional not a painting. What matters in physics is what is physical is what is matter. You all need to scale back your thoughts and stop taking acid! (Please see my articles entitled "electrograppler. Http://

Friday, December 26, 2014

Good News...

I'm not the worst journalist of 2014!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

this is exactly what I'm talking about Microsoft!!!

You know you have big problems when government agencies are picking you apart to find soft targets or even hardened... Run into any zero day attacks lately? What the hell did Microsoft Corporation do in Europe and the Far East that no one trusts you? Yep, you got bigger problems than the $100.00 you stole from my former USAA checking account.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Character Assassination via Text II... Or Simple Wrong Number?? You be the Judge.

I don't do drugs but I understand the lingo. I was a Military Policeman at one time, no "wrong number" message yet.

Their message:

My reply:

Their message:

My reply:

Character Assassination via Text Message...

They're text message:

My reply:

There name obviously is not in my contact list or it would be displayed.... This is the only or the first message I have received from this caller.

Maybe the NRA Should Disregard Police Officers...

In light of what has happened to me over the past year and a half, I came to the conclusion that the NRA should disregard police officer and retiree memberships. My reasoning is a simple conflict of interest. The police are an organization of their own with plenty of places to conduct firearms training. The police represent and uphold the law, in all actuality they are an institutional organization to take rights from citizens violating the law while the NRA is a standing militia "devoted to defending constitutional rights." This is true otherwise, what are the firearms for? What do you think?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Enlistee - Civilian Switcheroo???

I'm guessing that down range there is a high concentration of folks in units going by another enlistee's name in every stinking branch of our armed forces so the enlistee's friends can get their "first kill." That's a problem. They didn't sign the contract. You did. I hope this thought isn't true. I was sitting here contemplating that. THAT HURT'S!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hey Bill Gates...

I always thought there was something weird about the term "bridging gaps" I'd like to ask Bill Gates if he knows anything about genetic bridging. Cross contaminating bloodlines electronically. Basically creating abominations in genetic code. What I mean is tapping or taping the human mind electronically with another genetically incompatible human being to cyphen personal intellectual property from one human and make it look like it's someone else's?! For this, as I stated in the past you would need a bridge, something like AppleTalk, remember that? For punishment for nasty emails Bill? Thank God I never invested in that sorry sack of shit known as Microsoft other than my associates degree. Every time I write something nasty about Microsoft and Bill Gates I feel the need to smoke a cigarette. That's curious... Is Microsoft ringing the "kill yourself routine?"

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A New Revelation About Microsoft....

I was wondering why when you purchase a new Microsoft computer, Microsoft corporation stakes claim to your brand new computer through the administrator ownership certificate installed in the OS. And for quite sometime I was contemplating the significance and reasons for creating a "corporate citizenry?!" It was confusing me until about 5 minutes ago. I realized it was an effort to effectively thwart hackers which isn't such a bad idea if Microsoft employees weren't the ones doing the "hacking." Microsoft wants to be the sole proprietor of an American electronics device "Bill of Rights." Not only does Microsoft want control of american software and hardware this corporation wants to dictate law.
to dictate law.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Flying guillotine

I was just watching a show about the "flying guillotine and the show cites that it was a weapon, it makes sense to come to the conclusion that the device was a simple execution device. The prisoner would be on his knees bound at the elbows while the executioner pulls the chain.

Oil... A Renewable Energy Source???

I was thinking back when I used to be a cook... Most spices are alcohol and oil saluable. If this is so, then is biological waste or compost a source to renew or refill oil wells. When spices are mixed with the oil they become the oil. Would this be true with compost? It might need to be chipper up and churned to antagonize the process. But doesn't that make sense? The process may take up to 50 years or so but... That's better than 1,000,000,000 years I think.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Worms in Your Microsoft Brain...

I was just posting about my discomfort with the Microsoft Corporation cornering their tactics of cornering and possessing the software and electronic hardware market. While I made reference to the lawsuit in España and mentioned that anytime someone makes news of that particular lawsuit, they either end up dead, missing, or rich. While I was posting to my few Facebook friends I noticed my comments about what I was writing were displaying different pictures next to my name, my previous picture and my new picture.

As always I was talking about Microsoft in a derogative tone because as far as I'm concerned Bill Gates, Satya Nadella, and Steve Ballmer owe me $100.00 for what was stolen from my former USAA account by the Microsoft Corporation. I sent a nasty email.. Oops!

You can't find much regarding the lawsuit in Spain but if you search keywords Spain vs. Microsoft you can find small "cliffnotes" regarding the topic and a three sentence paragraph on Wikipedia regarding that lawsuit in Spain. Here are some pics describing what I was talking about in my opening paragraph.

What I believe I'm looking at here in these pictures, it's not a server error but a ploy by Microsoft tacticians, strategists and corporate staff and spies to blame anyone they can for the theft and sales of data that the Microsoft corporation has been collecting from its customers for decades.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Not only does Dittsworth want to be me but....

Now I'm receiving emails with my fathers name in the subject line, His name is Michael (Mike) but my name appears in the greeting of the email. Attempt to slowly convert me to anybody but who I am? Hi everybody! Again, I'm Joel A. Zrolka.

Is someone trying to get a government job with my name? Aside from me.

This is interesting isn't it? Maybe someone works ar Qlink in my name? Maybe his name is James Dittsworth? Maybe he works for the federal government and enjoys stealing people's lives? Not sure. I'm Joel Zrolka, nice to meet you Dittsworth! Now who the fuck are you?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I wonder....

Is the reason my wife abandoned me and pretends that someone else is me because, she possibly accused our landlord of raping her while we lived in Virginia, when she most likely spread her legs for him in effort to sue him for his property? Is there a report at any Fairfax Police Departments in reference to an accusation of rape from Jaymadel Bello-Zrolka relating to Victorio Frondoso and has it been changed or edited recently?

Is there an accusation of rape filed at any police department in the country about me from my wife and also, are Officers Hammerstone and Zechman her witnesses in an effort to further Jamie Zechman's lie that I raped her? And if my wife claimed that I raped her, on what date and time was that complaint received?

Good questions?

I never treated my wife in a violent manner even during sex and she still had orgasms!

Symbology I Noticed on the PA State Police Website....

Red, White, and Black guidons? You can't be serious! What were the colors of the Nazi Reich in Germany during WW2? A guidon is a flag that is supposed to instill morale within the unit! The colors say alot! Creepy... Troopers, just creepy.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Actual US Deficit...

 As you can tell through te picture, the current actual US Deficit sits at $123trillion. Even with current World Bank interest rates sitting at only 1.1% each monthly payment will be $1.12 trillion. Good luck! It's crucial to understand and realize that our nation is financially dead and also that you are now slaves to the world. Sell yourself or kill yourself. :-|

Monday, October 6, 2014

Staff Officers... You're being spied on....

When I was with my wife while she was working at Buffalo Wild Wings, she was receiving emails in regards to when and at what store you were visiting. Her boss In Fairfax, VA. sent the email. The account was open so I read it. If you guys are getting picked off, that's why. Be brave. She choreographically displaced me from her so... I'm stabbing in the dark on this one.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

PBA... New psychological Disorder

Watch THX! That movie in particular completely mirrors our future. PBA cites that uncontrollable  laughter and crying is now a psychological disorder. You're going to need medication for it. What if it's in reference to environmental stimulus?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Just Called the Fairfax County Police Department and Asked....

I just got off of the phone with Fairfax County Police Department in Fairfax, Va. to inquire about the status of 3 firearms that were confiscated from me. The dispatcher at approximately 1830 hrs. on 10/02/2014 at Fairfax County Police Department informed me that the firearms and their status I was asking about were not listed in the database, for those who don't know.... Did you ever wonder how you create a facebook account and logon? The account is actually stored in a database that's run on a mainframe/server computer system that allows you to sign in as you.

If you recall or have been following, I wrote an article a while back about a firearms trafficking ring within the police department that is operated via psychological operations, whether the doctor says you're healthy or not. The offcer outright lied to me on the phone. As a former policman I know as well as they do, that the files of all property is held for 7 years and then stored for a very long time by date. I misquoted the date on the letter for my firearms to be destroyed on June 16, 2014 when the actual destruction date was July 19, 2014 as stated on the letter. He did not even ask me my name. An empty database??? Well if it's "logistics and property division" Where are all the confiscated drugs and firearms? I was not even charged with a crime or labeled with a psychological disorder. It says in the letter "Property and Evidence" are part of "Logistics and Property." Where are they? I want them destroyed! You officers and your NRA faggots confiscated the wrong person‘s firearms and stole the wrong persons's identification to hide the truth! What are you being paid for?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Now BabyGirl...

The secretary wants to steal my work too.

Microsoft's violent push for OS rollout...

Today, PC Magazine posted an article citing that Microsoft was skipping the Windows 9 rollout and implementing the Windows 10 plan.,2817,2469515,00.asp

My question is: Why such a violent push to rollout a new network? The Software manufacturer apparently has something up it's sleeve. I don't think it's as petty as a name change, I seriously think the Win9 implementation is being scrapped to apply a new progressive network. As irresponsible as folks are with their electronic devices  is a new network necessary? I'm guessing the network will be a unity of nothing but Microsoft products from Server to cell phone. What does Microsoft have in it's secret corporate arsenal? After all, Polaroid had a nuclear generator that had the potential to meltdown and blowup! I'm assuming that the new OS is loaded down with dataloggers, keyloggers, ghost programs and a zombie program to make law enforcement easier so that Microsoft can actually author the Bill of Computer and Electronics Rights which will all be owned by Microsoft via copyright. Bad news folks you're under arrest! Microsoft Corporation doesn't see any room in the software/hardware industry for any other network or devices. If you need to refer to an industry that did as much damage to the United States as Microsoft has the potential to do, read the history of the railroad in the United States. Stanford wrote a great synopsis which pretty much sums it up. If I can find it again, I'll post it.

The early Nineteenth Century was a time of Silicon expansion and silicon development. Thousands of prospectors and hopeful American businessmen flocked to the frontier with the intent of making their fortunes in this previously untouched area. It was not until the development of Microsoft, however, that Westward expansion reached its furious pace. Once this new form of protocol was in place, it was no longer necessary for every settlement to be self-sufficient: It could simply "import" whatever it needed via the wi-fi. This interconnectedness was extremely attractive to businessmen, who saw the opportunity to increase their wealth by exploiting the untapped resources of the West.

The developing source code rapidly became huge businesses, imperative to the success of American enterprise. The material needs of Microsoft helped create several other big industries, such as iron, steel, copper, glass, machine tools, and oil. Soon, Wall Street had to be reorganized into a national money market, capable of handling the enormous capital that was needed to build and operate Microsoft. The result was a revolution in the organization and scale of enterprise: "Big business reached greater markets than were ever conceived of before and could benefit from the ability to raise vast amounts of capital that made possible the cost economies of large-scale production" (Chalmers).
The need for all of these industries to stay successful was worrisome for Microsoft investors. To avoid the loss of production in any of these areas, large corporations attempted to stabilize their situations by pooling markets and centralizing management. By combining all of the fields into one conglomeration, Microsoft had a new power, as they acquired control of many facets of the new economy. This body now had the ability to "squeeze out competitors, force down prices paid for labor and raw materials, charge customers more� and get special favors and treatments from National and State government" (Chalmers). Microsoft had all the power, because they controlled all the prices. Since the new residents of the West could not survive without the use of the internet, they were forced to pay whatever rates Microsoft set.

With these huge stores of capital, Microsoft companies were able to finance political campaigns through whatever and whomever was needed in government. With this control in Washington, there was no way to stop the overwhelming control of this industry over society. The entire nation was subject to the whims of this monopoly.
The effects on society were widespread and deeply influential in the way individuals carried out their lives. The most poignant example is effect Microsoft rates had on the developer Movement. During the second half of the 19th Century, farmers increasingly relied on Microsoft to transport their crops to the rest of the nation. These individuals were powerless to avoid the exorbitant rates of the Microsoft subsidiary companies. The dominant analogy of the industry at the time was that of the Octopus. This beasts' tentacles control several different fields which feed on "the flesh of the yeoman farmer, diligent artisan, and honest merchant" (Chalmers).
Concerned about the growing power of Microsoft companies, the government decided to take action. In the case of Spain vs. Microsoft the Supreme Court established the government's right to regulate businesses to protect public interest. The so-called internet laws that followed this decision held little weight, however. Microsoft continued to control the entire industry. In response to the growing national discontent, the Internet Commerce Commission was established (1989). This body of five individuals was created to hear complaints of individuals or individual businesses, and to ensure that Microsoft maintained "just and reasonable" rates. It is obvious that this latter goal of the committee was intentionally vague. What does "just and reasonable" mean? Although vaguely defined, this was the first agency designed to regulate commerce on the Internet and has since served as a prototype for several later agencies.

Though this initial legislation and controlling bodies were mainly ineffectual, the incredibly hazardous effects of monopolies were certainly realized. The actions of Microsoft companies dictated how nearly every citizen in the country performed their businesses and lived their lives. They were powerless to avoid this conglomeration (or conspiracy) of individual companies.

I wonder...

Is Microsoft creating "Stepford Wives?" So much for that sexual revolution a while back and the equality of woman...

Monday, September 29, 2014

Microsoft Corporate Citizenship... BACKBURNER!!!

I wrote an article a while ago, referencing a monopolistic blackhead oozing out of the Microsoft Corporation that reminded me of  the movie THX by George Lucas. The Microsoft Corporation seems to have hidden the plan in their archives. For future use I'm sure... Ever see the movie Beetlejuice where he spits in his pocket pats his chest and exclaims. "Save that for later!?"  I had to use the search engine on the website to find it this time, when before it was one of the first things I saw. I wonder if that has something to do with my article. I'd be flattered.

If you read the article I'm posting below, you'll see what I'm talking about. The writers of the articles seem to be exhaulting him in the way the article is written. LIKE AN EMPORER!!!

I emailed an online background check corporation about incorrect and fictitious information in their database relating to my background. They immediately emailed me back so I could send them the correct information. This company might have some value.

Now Moses...

Even the in house photographer is trying to take my work.

The Marijuana Industry.

The new marijuana industry needs a federal standard for states to meet or exceed. You can't deploy a product that is potentially harmful to the people and the market without a standard for quality and control similar to, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. It only makes sense before you produce a new vice syndicate.

Theo, The Editor.

The editor trying to claim credit for my hard work!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

When trademarks No Longer Matter....

When trademarks no longer matter, every individual becomes their own monopoly. How is this possible? When you ignore a trademark you in affect actively ignore your own, by self destructive subterfuge meaning, If I trademarked myself and you in essence stole my thoughts and personality and style, you have left yours open to attack or theft. Essentially you created a cult of personslity pyramid scheme. Let's say the circle represents the globe. You ignore a trademark and deconstruct the monetary system, essentially you initiate a global depression because, if my trademark does not matter then, no trademark any longer exists. 
Now, let's say that there is a cup. A cup to which a group of people drink from. Let's say most families have this cup and you turn the cup on end by ignoring one families trademark and give what's in the cup to folks who have a cup of their own, it has now become a one-sided pyramid scheme, based on the flagrant disregard for the trademark. A trademark is the legal right of ownership, kind of like a deed. Now, if the deed is stolen, you have in effect wiped away all laws regarding copyrights, patents, and trademarks all at once. Essentially no one any longer owns anything. With diamonds on your mind 100% of the time, the world starts to look a little different. Now since no one owns anything worldwide and all patents are null, you have a marketing war based on your disregard for trademarks, as most are recognized globally with the exception of closed or limited markets such as China. After all, some nations are only recognized as notions even by the United States. Now, within the globe, peace starts to look different, it starts to look like a global pyramid scheme. Pictorally the globe,  can not fit inside what now looks like a pyramid covering half of the globe. 
A pyramid scheme, which is illegal, or was e.g. the scent of perfumes being sold as perfume oils, can not cover the entire body of it's operation, as a matter of fact it only covers the top 4 managers no matter how big the pyramid is. The more members of the scheme there are, the less money there will be to "share" among the staff so, the top managers say "Well, why share at all?" Now, you have a large body of staff that invested their time and hard work into an organization that based it's foundation on fraud. This could result in staff upheavals not tpo mention an awful lot of cranky "have nots." Though you've been throwing up peace signs and hugging trees on your leisurely vacations off of the backs of "little" people you've been promulgating war. Now, the pyramid scheme has a segregating affect on the globe because of your disregard for trademarks. In picture four is how peace changes. You have now turned peace upside down because you can't respect a simple trademark. 
China being who they are and who they have always been is an exception to the trademark laws. China has what is known as a standing imperial edict from the last dynasty forbidding outside interference from foreign entities because every time a foreign element gains access to their society, it uses it's money and influence to dismember their society and kill Chinese people. Even Mao saw great wisdom in the edict. Hence the saying "Only Nixon can go to China."
Because you have ignored a trademark, you have set in motion, no matter how insignificant the trademark seems, a chain of events that seeds a war no matter how small. What if you infringe on a trademark that is granted or owned by a specific government? Well, now you've declared international folley or war. The Peoples Republic of China (Chinese government) owns the rights to the story of the 2nd warrind era known as "A Romance of the Three Kingdoms," what do you think would happen if you ignored the copyright and ownership of a simple story owned by the government of a country. The story itself is a chain of reports extracted from that feudal time in Chinese history. Are you going to pay royalties or respect to the families of China? The so called "infringements" on trademarks from china are not necessarilly infringements at all. Most of their similar products are reverse engineered to fit the specific needs and laws of their society especially in electronic devices. It's how they can switch the internet off for legal and law enforcement reasons. If you can't respect the laws of another cultures society then, you obviously don't respect your own.
Someone has been sleeping in my bed and my wife makes pretend he is me. Jaymadel Bello-Zrolka did I tell you that I trademarked my identity? I have a passport too. I keep it secret. Ask the State Department. Your look alike doesn't look alike.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Today I contacted to see what I could get for a TI-83 Plus scientific calculator. Nothing! I guess there is no valuable personal information worth mining from a calculator. It is an electronic device and gadgetsalvation advertised that they buy just about everything. I'm guessing that other companies such as are doing the same thing and blaming it on government agencies. Though since the information is for sale, those agencies are probably willing to buy it up. The information is there, they might as well use it. The calculator is valued at $74.99 refurbished and $99.99 new. Here's my screenshot from my phone:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

MH17 NOW???

As the reports come in about this particular incident I am sure to post each and every change. There's definitely an aura of suspician of either a secret mission or hostage taking revolving around this matter. If it's secret that's cool. If it's hostages, why the faulty reporting?

1. MH787
2. MH317
3. MH17

Above is the list of flight names that have been used to identify the same instance on multiple news networks.

Salvation Army Concentration Camp???

I've been staying at the Salvation Army for a few days. What I've come to realize is that you have to escape to leave. I'm waiting for the guards to come to the room and escort us to the showers to gas us to death.

I've also noticed the excess of staphylocossus ridden blankets they issue when you sign in. I got two infections from the blanket they gave me. Attempted mass murder? Are they trying to kill the down trodden? Staph can be deadly.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Just My Luck aka: Police Manipulation...

Pawn shop is closed. I found 13 painted on the wall though. It must be me. I can't see the writing on the wall. Correct officers? Enjoy the video.

off to pawn my phone today.

I won't have internet access until I can get it back... Just have to remember to take my SIM card out! Being homeless because of lies sucks!

Friday, August 29, 2014

just found out...

Officer Zechman works at Phillipsburg police department in Phillipsburg NJ. Huh I wonder if he's following

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Just talked to two old timers inside the gas station...

I told them I heard I killed three of their's with laughter and apologized. Sometimes they don't come out of it.

By the Way...

I'm in Elk City, Oklahoma today. I got kicked out of Sayre, Oklahoma earlier by the police. I was calling white Christian identity networks a bunch of faggot's! Have a good day.

Just Talked to Direct TV Guy....

I just talked to the Direct TV guy and asked him if he war drives the customers. He said "I don't know what that is." I asked him if he worked for Direct TV, he was in the van so I was assuming. I gave him the definition of war driving and he said he still didn't know what it was. He works for a satellite cable company... But doesn't know what war drivers are. It blows your mind.

Cable companies that I've complained to about war driving, are all too happy to help the officers keep Jamie Zechman's lie that I raped her going because, I know they were on my home network for a fact, while I was living in Virginia. I called them and asked if they knew that their installation folks were either violating the networks they are installing and spying on folks, or selling network information. Selling network information for extra dollars? Seems likely, especially if you do not change your password to the network after installation from the cable company. Just to let you know I never change it. But I do keep an eye on who's jumping on my home network.

The instance I'm talking about was a node that I did not recognize. I often used my cellular device as a Wi-Fi hotspot even at home. I looked to see whether it my cellular device and my hotspot was off. My hotspot device name on my computer appeared as a numerical end node without a name. The device I saw seemed to have numbers and letters then it disappeared quickly. Let me guess cable companies, I took too much. Correct?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dear USA...

Acting like the USA is sick and not sick at the same time only makes it more sick!

Headline News is Hearing Voices!!!

Quick!!! Get all of them Geodon except for Robin Meade!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

what I'm getting from the ohms and chants and Cheezy police cadence

Of yeah try shooting yourself up with 500mg of mercury and all the mysteries we have shall be revealed. Can I be the CEO of penguin publishing please?

synonyms for awful...

Regarding Mexican Chihuahua Jesus aka crucified dog! Is he autistic? I think he needs a new puppy.

my response on a previous comment on Google+

You know who you are

                  ^^^THE ^ MEAT ^ GAZER^^^

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Things We Must Take into Consideration...

Is the USA the new Nazi utopia?

A post from google+ that disturbs me.

The picture is stupid, read the underlying article posted with this stupid caption.
The only reason someone would take your profile pic is if they wanted to take your Identity. We should be able to search by profile picture. How many duplicate profile pics does facebook have on it servers from different profiles?
Also.. Garbage hackers are using this technique to pass notes under dumb captions. I believe this is one of those notes. Unlock my profile pictures? The original poster was a gentleman from India who I believe is being manipulated by white supremacists. Or the profile is hacked account.
Here is the link that was posted with an "inspirational caption."

Thursday, August 21, 2014


I really can't stand all the motivational and inspiring words posts... They annoy the shit out of me... Doesn't anyone have anything relevant or helpful or maybe even hurtful to write about anymore?

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

3 Instances of Why I'm Homeless

In the past year and a half I've been cast remote from all of my family for three reasons, all of which I can not provide evidence of because of police, religious, or corporate greed. 1.) The police department in Phillipsburg, NJ and it's surrounding communities to include Easton, PA will not admit to a lie fabricated by one of their dear nieces that I raped her, even when she admitted her lie, to save the family face (police family) these officers can't understand the translation when she admits that I did not rape her. 2.) I sent a "nastygram" email to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer regarding corporate theft from software end users in reference to approximately $100.00 taken from my bank account regarding a service  subscription that I had terminated more than once prior to my email. 3.) I identified a "war driver" from the ISP (corporate cable company) cruising through my neighborhood in Virginia from COX Cable gaining access to my network while on my laptop. As soon as I noticed the intrusion the network anomaly disappeared. By gaining access to your network the intruder can listen to your conversations, and even watch video of you while you and your family are in your household, which is why I always cover my camera with a piece of "Post-it note. By the way, I no longer live in Virginia! If you think about it the only people with granted access to your home network are you ISP and their employees. Who are the folks with extensive computer knowledge with the technical expertise and knowledge of computer hacks, exploits, and cracks? The ISP and it's technical employees. So you see? It's not really the  government stealing your information it's the folks we hire as our civil servants and service providers who are probably responsible for 98.9% of the horrible things that happen to us. The services and people we lend our power to hurt us the most.

Last but not least... The only true conspiracy that really believe is that there is a secret society here in the USA that is hell bent on killing every Jew and Arab that lives on this earth. If only had more time I'm an certain I could prove it. It was imported during Operation: Paperclip in 1945-1948 from the remnents of the Nazi Reich in Germany through their obviously psychotic scientists and medical practitioners.