Why all the transmission hops??
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
I'm writing a report to the Federal Government Kill me if you want. I'll post changes and update until I'm finished... update 13
Zeta. Description of “Intellectual Theft” Relating to Network Engineering.
AAR- Identifies Any Counter – Network Actions and Results of Those Actions to Ward off the Attackers.
Chp. 8
P.S. I want to change the look of what I mean by "hypnosis." I'm guessing that the hypnosis is shallow like a lucid conscious state type hypnosis. I guess for ease of manipulation. Often it might be a controller, subliminal messenger, and subject for clandestine attacker network "operations." I highly doubt sanctioned by any government.
P.S.A. Add proxy network bridges defined as conductive hops to the list of equipment. It turns out a hop can be used as proxy via elevated conductivity to organic tissue. I suppose this type of "use" would depend on the conductivity of the subject upon the target subject.
I'll continue to update.
*** This report was a hasty observation annotation that took 2 years to make sense of the perpetual state broadcasting and, is a simultaneous log of reflex response to network broadcast stimulus.***
Zeta. Description of “Intellectual Theft” Relating to Network Engineering.
I. Devices
II. Methods
III. Tactics
IV. Overlays via Transmission Layers, Transference of Network
Member's Experience and Memories.
V. Reasons
VI. Counter Tactics and Counter AAR
VII. Psychological Dispositions of Victimized and Offenders
VIII. Implications
IX. Network Types
X. The Loop
XI. Algorythm
XII. Suspected Outlets/ISP mainframe
XII. Resolution
XIII. Security Aspects and Prevention
XIV. Electronic Photographic
Residual Appearance Attacks (EPRA/ERPA)
Table of
Description of “Intellectual Theft” (Actual,) “master” Thief.
Description of the Types of Hardware and Software Used to Implement
an Intellectual Theft Network.
Chp 1
Description of Day “ZERO” Attack Signs and Symptoms.
Chp. 2
Description of Network Engineering. Description of Intellectual Theft
Regarding Network Engineering.
Chp. 3
a. Algorythm
b. Interruption and Disruptive Signal
c. Methods Concerning Network Setup Strategy, that are
Deployed to Render the Appearance of an Unintelligent Victim or the
Superiority of the “Master” Thief.
d. The Use of Military Style “Psychological Operations”
Within the Commission of the Network Activity/Crime.
(Description of remote, physical, and placebo/cover manipulations via
subsonic command.)
e. Description of Monitor and WAN Overlays.
f. Subsonic Hypnosis. Frequency disruption (nervous system
disruption) to induce a desired affect/expression.
g. Network Differentiation/Identification.
h. Scripting Attacks.
Chp. 4
Methods used by hardware “operators” aka: users or “hackers.”
Chp. 5
Different Methods and Protocol (virtual or electronically
transmitted) to Include Analog and Digital Means as well as the
“Virtual” Method Used within the Network Structure Describing
Layers in the Network Bandwidth and the Placebo Method of
Virtualizing That Aspect.
Reasons and Motive for Conducting the Operation of Network Engineered
Intellectual Theft.
Chp. 7
Description of the Experience, Feeds; Hopping physical ><[postage]
and electronic,) Effects of Transference and Hopping) and the Counter
Operation Aspects/AAR Succeeding the Individual Deployment of Counter
a. Transference
b. “Feeds”
c. Hopping
AAR- Identifies Any Counter – Network Actions and Results of Those Actions to Ward off the Attackers.
Chp. 8
Description of Psychological Disposition of Victim and Offender
Throughout the “Experience.”
Chp. 9
The Implications of the Security Problem Regarding “Intellectual
Theft,” the Security Disposition of all Networks and Aspects of the
Security Risk Placed upon Government and Financial Outlets of Those
Chp. 10
Description of NETWORKS; Network Types; Network Devices, Nodes and
Chp. 11
The “Loop” Description Set Apart from Tactics. (IMPORTANT)
Chp. 12
Algorythm and a Very Short Description of the Process Based upon
Historical Truth and Outcome of the Study.
Chp. 13
Description of Suspected Outlets.
Chp. 14
Resolutions to the CRIMINAL Behavior of “Intellectual Theft”
Based upon the Strategies, Equipment, and Tactics that are Comparable
to the Type of Disruption that the Activity Causes in the Victims
Joel Anthony Zrolka
Any reference to “Intellectual Theft” within this script, is in
reference to the apparent infiltration/intrusion of the human
neurological frequency by electronic means and/or network devices
along with, the frequencies and frequency distribution abilities of
those networks and devices to include:
* ”Satellite” Power Stations.
* Cellular Network Towers and/or antenii.
* PC or Home Computer.
* Cellular “smartphones” or devices.
* Medical Equipment.
* HAMM and PUBLIC radio transmission infrastructure and equipment.
* Commercial Server and Mainframe equipment and nodes.
* Interpersonal Communication and Experiences.
“Intellectual theft” within this report is ONLY pertinent
to the definition of intellectual theft in the title of this report
as defined in my synopsis with no future or past exterior comparison
from the definition herein concerning the electronic methods of
“Intellectual Theft.”
of Hardware and Software Equipment Required to Complete an
Intellectual Theft
Musical Equipment: Mixer, Amplifier, MIDI equipment, resonators,
E-Turntable (consistency within the hypnosis network aspect)
Microsoft Windows Operating System PengWin OS, LinWin OS and server
networks for ease of use required for Loop Network aspect (seemingly
comprised of children;) Apple devices and software, Proprietary
Software Application and/or Operating Systems (KEY “master”
thief network;) OpenSource Network Servers and Operating Systems,
enterprise editions, open OS editions etc. A sole server network
mobile and/or static.
Possible military style “retrans” and repeater equipment.
Isotopic Radiator development.
Personal Computer or Home Computer equipped for Wireless
Medical Equipment: KEY E.E.G. (electroencephalogram),
definitively the model apparatus to emulate via proprietary software
or, the hardware it's self combined with a Server function not
readily available to the public to initiate and complete the
operations of an Intellectual Attack. (Easily traceable) Lot#;
Manufacturers; homemade is possible but unlikely. Homemade components
would also be traceable by the individual manifest of parts needed to
“Frankenstein” such a device.
Cellular “smartphone” unlocked or carried by cellular carrier
Server Access. Though is not physical hardware or software, it should
be viewed as a hardware element based upon it's function. It's an
individual linked to an Intellectual Thief Network that is employed
by a commercial entity to render the “paranoia” affect of the
target subject. It's primary effort is to thwart the identification
or realization of such a network.
A static physical location. (headquarters) something easily
overlooked, vacant house, shed, premises, cellular network tower,
vacant apartment or building. Or Vice Verse i.e. occupied. It will
vary based on the Network leadership, or the portion of the network
considering the network has several functions in a coordinated manner
to achieve the means to an end.
A conduit for electrical services e.g. generator or electric co.,
outlet for static telecommunications services, proprietary (business)
telecommunications services with no customer base, or private entity
telecommunications services.
Monitor for target subject whether physical CCTV apparatus or a
member of Intellectual Thief Network, to decipher prime opportunities
for attack, release, or hold. Operates as a relay for “master”
thief or “master” thief network.
1 Description of Intellectual Attack
The reference of day ZERO is the definition outlined by “Webster's
Computer Dictionary” cited as “ZERO day.” “ZERO day” is
defined as the initial recognition of the activity/attack that
compromises network infrastructure and a target subject. Many of the
subject matters that are described will focus on aspects of
Operational value to law enforcement and military. There are topics
that I will NOT spend too much time describing, because of the
horrible conclusions based upon the subject throughout history, in
particular algorythm.
The signs and symptoms of the electronic based “Intellectual Theft”
this report identifies and outlines are various circumstances and may
seem different with comparisons between physical intellectual theft
regarding electronic software contributions and neurological
fingerprints of electronic based intellectual theft.
The neurological fingerprints mentioned, are in reference to the
reading or output of an E.E.G. (electroencephalogram) on a targeted
subject(s). Though, the E.E.G. or an E.E.G. modification (e.g network
identifier, triangulation application) modified to act as the E.E.G.
but serve as a network identifier is necessary for the positive
finding of intrusion/infiltration, it is also a device reserved by
the attackers who are mostly confined to a network in effort to
provide cover for the activity that is not necessarily annotated as a
crime, but fits the criteria of most physical crimes being that, the
activity is actually a method of virtualization in relation to the
descriptions of those crimes in all 50 states and United States
Federal Government as well as most countries in the world.
There are several defining stages of the Intellectual Theft Attack,
to include, an attack via frequency on the target subject's mind and
through other online and electronic means rendering a “dual front”
defensive posture of the target subject, that seems intentional to
induce psychotic rage. The dual front defensive posture is going to
be displayed in two ways: 1.) Target Subject may/may not act out in
violence according to the environmental stimulus 2.) A high
electronic profile with many typographical errors and messages that
may/may not be comprehensive.
As stated day ZERO signs and symptoms will vary according to the
perception of the incoming transmissions of the attackers based upon
the baseline E.E.G. of the target subject (predefined survey upon a
target subject.) I can only annotate my findings based upon how my
brain perceived the attack subconsciously and reacted to the stimulus
of the attack on a conscious plane. Symptoms may include: Static
electrical discharge sensations upon the target subject lasting weeks
to months, blurred vision prior to the attack by months or years, the
amplification of sound through streaming technologies that induce the
appearance of paranoia but, not necessarily the actual neurological
condition, involuntary movements, muscle spasms, a sense vertigo,
uncoordinated reactions/stimulus from surrounding standers by,
possibly from either reflex or secondary analog node/operator to
emissive frequency dispersing from transmission stream (reaction to
residual transmission,) negative feedback from known or unknown
people within the target subject's home environment, the emulation of
painful processes and medical procedures, disrupted perception of
environment e.g. (television; radio; books) situations, broadcasts,
or scenarios seem directed at the target subject though, this is only
perception, the transmission attack is over stimulating the mind and
dislodging the target subject's sense of reality by tapping and
corrupting the perceptive areas of the human brain (permanent damage
and/or the extent of damage through this portion of the attack is
unknown,) hearing music or cadence behind the commotion of
overlapping and “stepped upon” transmissions (key interruptions)
without headphones or a nearby radio source apart from what is being
played outside of the target subject's immediate environment.
The term “master” thief is used to describe the cover network
handler/admin or the network node of handlers. The devices used by
the “master” thief will vary node by node or according to
“master” thief preference. The methods of “master” thief will
vary upon his understanding of the circumstances and scenarios
regarding his/her discovery. “Master” thief will presumably be
dangerous and panicking if his discovery is at hand or a forethought.
To simplify the term, “master” thief should be used when
describing either the administrative portion of the network of
“master” thief or “master” thief him/herself.
“Master” thief is a “zombie”
controller. Zombie is definable and defined in “Webster's Computer
Dictionary” as a program designed to be triggered at the peak of
accumulation of target subjects and/or network nodes/individual
machines. The application in this report is going to be referencing
the interference of normal human behavior with a planted
alter-ego/reality induced by emulated “telepathic” (actually,
subsonic transmission) hypnotic sequence to provide the cover by
“Loop” for the network administrators, explained later in this
“Master thief” is a network of
hypnotists (subjective to “Loop”)and/or part of that specific
category within master thief's network. It's “master” thief's
primary cover and concealment. “Master” thief operates his
network with the primary objective of colluding attempts to discover
his/her identity and provides a command and control aspect of his/her
network through a hypnotic rhythm. Any reference made in relation to
hypnosis is ONLY in whole descriptive as a binary process to induce
catatony in part or in completion of the target subject and any
“would-be” defense of the target subject. It would be necessary
in the event of “master” thief panic, to induce a hypnosis to
deploy a strategy to dispose of any counter network or defense of the
target subject i.e. murder, take hostage, threaten etc. in that
The hypnosis network is “master” thief's primary apparatus and is
designed to influence suggestive output to prolong a resolution to
“master” thief's primary objective. “Master” thief's primary
objectives may include the searching and seizing of ideas and
knowledge based upon the target subject's footprint that, “master”
thief may have obtained through a number of sources e.g.
(careerbuilder.com; Monster.com; website registrations; DNS registry;
metadata sources; cookies; etc.) The overview of the primary
objective seems worthless but in fact, is detrimental to the target
subject's life and physical health. A series of occurrences may have
taken place before the attack (actual) has taken place, event's such
as, intravenously applying poison e.g. mercury, in the guise of
medical professionals to induce death upon the conclusion of a
successful theft, fraudulent claims from sources close to the target
subject's environment e.g. (spouse, sisters, friends, relatives etc.)
of “unstable” behavior (that may or may not be true) in
conjunction with applying a poison in that aspect, hospitalization to
undermine the detection of “master” thief's presence in the
target subject's lifestyle and environment when in fact, “master”
thief or a node from his network element, is quite near and is
working the “pendulum.” Even the wording or phrasing of the
activity to produce a successful Intellectual Theft it's self can
seem alarmingly paranoid in description, but to the contrary, the
description is a matter of honesty based upon the recognizable
sequence of events unfolding before the target subject's very senses.
The target subject's perception and awareness levels are really the
only effective security/identification measure in relaying the
description of Intellectual Theft that could easily be misidentified
as psychosis or psychological disturbance.
The hypnosis network is responsible for a very wide variety of
duties, so broad that it is the single most weakest point within
“master” thief's network, and should be dispensed with upon
recognition, it's a serious threat to all and everybody in the world
and always has been. Hypnosis to my understanding is a volunteer
medical procedure that requires a contract or authorization by the
subject/patient in relation to the title of this report, that can not
be misjudged as authentic by forgery or by any other means, meaning
that, the target subject through valid identification standards is
first to identify the “forgery”or authenticity of his/her
signature. This step negates further interruption within the target
subjects mind in correlation with any transmissions that may or may
not produce a positive or negative affect in the target subject's
behavior taking into consideration any and all network software and
network hardware of any “master” thief network node and/or any
“master” thief him/herself.
The hypnosis portion of the network is primary, “hypnosis” begins
at hour ZERO to thwart defensive measures from the target subject's
interpersonal or online network from the start. The main apparatus
seems based upon “dry run-shoot” instances and seemingly ahead of
“master” thief in-wait of “master” thief, based upon the
experience I've encountered with the Intellectual Thief Network.
Meaning that, operations section of the network is conducting the
next primary target subject while “master” thief is “concluding”
with the previous target subject. Conclusion could be murder, taking
hostage, stashing, kidnapping etc.
My hypothesis, the sheer volume in number of “hypnotists”
available is due to the availability of education compared with the
ROI (return on investment) on the topic, within the lodges and
laboratories available within THE social network here
in the United States of America (public,) fraternities and sororities
on campus at colleges, and psychology outlets, seminars, and other
educational outlets that provides the hypnosis curriculum for a fee,
are beyond the availability of clientèle. My experience with the
subject of hypnosis relating to course framework at colleges and
universities is negative, I do not know of any colleges or
universities that provide a course in hypnosis. It may be touched on
in psychology but, I'm sure attention is diverted being that THE
algorythm study was conducted 3000 years ago with horrible results in
humanitarian efforts and social progress of entire races and nations,
of the world. With the advancement of technologies and communications
in particular, telecommunications, hypnosis through subsonic measures
can have horrible results on modern social and intellectual progress
with regards to, the nature of modern weaponry. Any attempts to
violate or corrupt the telecommunications networks with
subsonic/subliminal hypnosis based on any sequential parameters,
should be avoided and dealt with in the harshest of sentencing
because, of the volume of attacks via telecommunications whether
electronic or on a physical scale that hypnosis could be applied to.
2 Apparent Network Infrastructure/Network Engineering Aspects
The network infrastructure is going to resemble an average network
setup by diagram in relation to the network “crew.” The admin
node works as the controller of the network that is actually the
“master” thief device or node. It's possible to “dummy”
(impose a subject to act as network admin) that node but, the chances
are that, any dummy at that node are a very recent attempt to provide
a diversion and steal time from investigative efforts, which means
that the “dummy” is actually a patsy for the “master” thief's
crime. That Admin node is VERY important and he/she won't leave it or
any possible cloned image machines, for inside of a long time frame
(won't be left alone for long. Unless the machine is a “reject”
or compromised.) As with any other PC or Server, the admin node or
controller needs regular updating to prevent the discovery or the
hacking of. The admin may send dummy updaters or dummy admin but the
odds are he/she wants to maintain a secretive static location(s) or,
is ALWAYS with the controller in a mobile unit.
Chp. 3 Methods of Attack
Methods of this type of electronic attack will include and are not
limited to this section, regarding the pace of electronic devices and
their development.
The methods include a variety of hardware interfaces combined with
software and operators of the devices and software to carryout a
telecommunications quagmire, ensnaring a target subject by methodical
surveillance, reconnaissance/”footprinting” (electronic and/or
physical,) defamous informative findings regarding the target
subject, to include the nature of sexual preferences; negative and/or
faux psychological profile reports; the stockpiling of criminal
charges upon the identity of the target subject within the databases
of law enforcement entities all of which, are sure signs of character
tampering to enable such an Intellectual Thief Network to succeed or
even exist, especially if these reports are ALL negative and contrary
to what one specific person could possibly be connected to with
regards to criminal activity.
The E.E.G. (electroencephalogram) will be a KEY component in
all of the methods of ensnarement. The E.E.G. will provide an
algorythmic display of the target subject's personality, traits,
education level, intelligence level, vital statistics, brain
frequency/output in reflex response, and give a readable output of
personal thoughts, ideas, and actions in connection with other
technologies that will operate as one unit.
A very intimate violation of our privacy on a scale that is beyond
any terrorist attack or capabilities of terrorist elements as far as,
the reports on the news or even C-SPAN would lead us to believe or
have been reported. The consistent study of any given target subject
will reveal openings for attack such as transmitting “Push this,
that, thus” subsonically over a VoIP or similar “telepathic”
network to produce the sense that any given thought, idea, or action
of the target subject was not the target subject but actually
provided by an “operator” with access to E.E.G. equipment
designed to produce the upscale output of the device in contrast to
what the E.E.G. device was designed for, providing a sense that the
thought, idea, or action was actually the command of the “operator,”
depending on any given circumstance or hypnosis (shallow or deep) may
in fact be true, but most often the conclusion regarding an
infiltration/intrusion of a human being's brain via satellite, radio,
or any other transmission type by another human being, renders the
argument to the contrary. Chances are, during the footprinting phase
of the operation, the target subject's personal algorythm to which
his/her brain functions was studied rigorously to apply as an overlay
for distraction, or to provide the element an opportunity to create a
seemingly successful Intellectual Theft based off of what was
recorded previously during the footprinting phase.
The application of sound are used in a method that is consistent with
hypnosis, the types of sounds range from music to sound effects.
Throughout the Intellectual Theft Attack the sounds are played in a
consistent manner but not always one at a time. The sounds are
consistent with military style cadence, (a hypnosis to induce a sense
of unity among a singular military entity,) sound effects are with a
solid repeat 8 track style to maintain the equilibrium to parametrics
of hypnosis to produce the desired affect of catatony for the purpose
of conducting/concluding the Intellectual Theft with success. Sound
effects can range from chains “jangling” (an assumption
production method for scapegoating [there are many more different
types of this in different aspects of the network operations],) to
catch phrases in a timed and calculated sequence, the ticking of a
watch (I've noticed a rolex style watch tick, rolex has a very fast
and quite motion,) A seemingly uncontrolled child screaming over and
over again. “You've been took.” It is still unknown what the
definition of “took” is but, the child seems to be under a state
of hypnosis his/herself which may have been authorized by the
guardians/parents of the child. The sound of his statement seems to
have a calculated algorythm based upon my best judgment, of the
timing and frequency of his statement. I have not timed the
occurrences. There are other “catch phrases” and “slogans”
that the child screams, it is unknown whether or not the “child”
is a recording or an AI system, it definitely doesn't sound human as
the child is “always on” with what sounds like digital distortion
encapsulating his screams, that could be voice changer technology or
a distortion type pedal for a PA amplifier or electric guitar
(possible shift-work.) Not much is known about the child but it's
definitely a very disruptive and seemingly disturbed child. Again the
transmission is of an electronic relay nature and NOT a psychological
disturbance or a “hallucination.” To the definition recorded by
doctors and deans of universities, cite a “hallucination can only
be visual.” No audio hallucinations have ever been recorded. The
terms “hallucination” and transmission are NOT to be confused.
There are other instances of a repetitive syncronous and overlapping
transmissions based on speech, many “slogans” and “catch
phrases” are transmitted as if scheduled.
also identified an algorythm technique that combines 3 of relation at
any given time, the relation of the target subject to the target
subject's relation, often produces a very similar content of
conversation based on genetics though, the subject topic of each
individual conversation (with reference to the target subject and
his/her relatives) may be different, the content of both statements
between the 3 relatives will be quite similar because of the genetic
connection, and algorythm based on age, (if relatives are playing
part in the foul play scheme it will be difficult to make a “law
enforcement breakthrough.”) Any relative will do within 2nd
to produce another affect that could be perceived by law enforcement
in a negative way and reflect upon the target subject when in fact
the target subject, is the victim and not even playing a role within
the foul play/conspiracy, hence, foul play.. What I'm writing in this
particular instance could be used to the obverse or vice verse in
effort to exploit an opening for “master” thief to escape or
conclude the conspiracy. There is also a point of bridge (P.o.B.)
that will often seem to be faster than the target subject (I suspect
it is because of the bridged connection that would be to possibly 3
relatives and the target subject, making the assumption of a lead
investigator or crook in charge at that node) but, it is because the
target subject's E.E.G. wavelength is amplified and bridged to either
an investigator, a crook “augmentative and alternative
communication,” or all for the thief network to read or have
translated wavelength via “augmentative and
alternative communication” through
“loops” or swirls generated by the network resources in a way
that is in FACT what one would call “MIND READING.” This also
plays a role in transference that I will cover later in Chapter 8.
(Put simply, crossing over wavelength like crossing over
amplification connections)
I also recognized commercial server attacks that are related or
unrelated to “master” thief by genetics or by network
identification or however that specific attacker is associated with
the attack network. It could be a friend on a social media site, a
cousin, an old friend that is no longer visible through social media
but only in school yearbooks, or even a stranger as passers by. (Rare
instance as passers by.) I'm describing commercial attacks as
individuals employed by corporations and small businesses that,
attack the target subject through corporate or Business Servers,
Virtual Private Networks, Remote Server Locations, and Remote
Technicians associated with those corporations through a cloned image
of server ISO image and cloned VPN tunnels in reference to perhaps an
old employee who was never deleted from the users manifest on the
point node that is conducting the attack wherever it may be in the
The attacks from servers are usually careless, it is often an
employee who doesn't realize that all activity on the network is
logged in a manner where if the logs are deleted the conclusion on
any given scenario is that, the corporation deleted files in affect
obstructing investigative efforts and compromising network security.
The network is there to provide a means of storing the company's
important and financial documentation, it was the original concept of
the computer it's self to conduct complex math and store files in a
paperless manner to conserve resources. So any tampering of the log
files should be viewed as a serious infraction at any company and
defined in law that to tamper with those files is an “Obstruction
of Justice” and a means to apply accessory charges to the culprit
of the alteration to those log files, as conspiracy.
The algorythmic study of any target subject should be ready to apply
to the foul play conspiracy within a matter of weeks to provide years
of exploitation.
I've also taken note of an algorythm displacement to enable “master”
thief an opportunity to seemingly dismantle the algorythm process
(“master” thief tries to avoid this because it is a setback in
operations) based on the case study of the target subject to induce
an incorrect position in judgment that the target subject is lying
when in fact the target subject is telling the truth. The
displacement makes the appearance of an incorrect call of prediction,
based upon the case study of the target subject and projects the
appearance to investigators that in fact the “master” thief is of
lesser intelligence (as stated “master” thief tries to avoid this
based on ego.) It depends on the intelligence level of both “master”
thief and target subject.
At this point since, “master” thief is operating a network node,
he/she will become increasingly enraged because of his/her ego and
intelligence level exposure. It's assumed that “master” thief at
this point will become more dangerous.
Interrupt/Disrupt Signals
This type of attack is used often and seems to be the networks less
than desirable members, but the network “master” thief sees fit
to keep those running at the pace that they're hypnotized to or, the
pace that the member node presents based on their own knowledge of
the network setup. The signal is very painful, it isn't on a scale of
pain that is too unbearable but the affects over a span of time I'm
sure, induce a number of age related diseases and degenerative
disorders in relation to the brain.
To my knowledge based on my education and experience the
interrupt/disrupt signal comes in two versions. 1.) A static
discharge from a satellite “power station” or cellular network
di/ti poled (as Identified by the FCC) 2.) A streamlined transmission
with a simple message encoded into the packet and transmitted to the
target subject to remaster a static discharge and hide the
interrupt/disrupt attack signal. I'm guessing that it is a very short
message, a single number or letter so that the static transmission is
relayed in a readable format, even by the brain of the target subject
who's wavelength has been prerecorded and studied in the footprinting
phase of the Intellectual Theft Attack process.
The static interrupt/disrupt signal is as if being struck by low
wattage, low amperage, low voltage electrical discharge like touching
a light switch and being “zapped” by the static discharge, the
difference is that, the static discharge is being pinpointed in a
targeted method to the target subjects brain in the format of a
transmission reaching it's destination or a hop repeater. This
(“button” as is often identified) type of transmission is very
painful, the persistence as I said, are the most painful aspect. Who
knows what kind of effects long/short term, dispositional, motor
function etc.damage the signal produces within such a persistence and
frequency of use.
The streamlined signal or “packet” signal is a more elevated tier
type attack. Meaning that, some tier or operations “Sergeant”
within the “attack network” discovered an alternative disruption
that may or may not be equally harmful. The transmission is more
fluid in that, the brain barely notices the intrusion and the
distributed letter within the transmitted “packet” (message) is
often overlay with sound or “slogan” to inhibit the transmission
target subject from discovering his/her secret regarding the
streamlined manner, causing a disruption in the target subect's
thinking to enable the seizure of personal Intellectual
property/knowledge based on the target subject's educational and
experience level or inadequacy.
Sound effects have also been used to create diversive efforts and
disruption to inhibit network activity discovery. The sound effects
include what sounds literally like explosive concussion or collisions
inside of your head. They aren't so painful but, they do create a
sense of imbalance in concentration and equilibrium.
Methods Concerning Network Techniques to Present an “unstable”
There are many techniques concerning the undermining of the victim
regarding his/her mental state. These techniques are on a broad base
of sadistic and masochistic methods in order to render the appearance
of a mentally unstable victim by a form of military style
psychological operations and police “trickery.”
The “dry-run” process I had mentioned earlier regarding network
“contact” by the network engineers or “master” thief is the
first implementation of the first stage of the entire “operation”
that I'm efforting to describe as ACTUAL Intellectual
Theft. The dry-run process is directly related to the footprinting
process which is, as I have stated, a mapping of the routine
procedures of the victim. The observers want to record your daily
activities and review those activities to find an exploit opening for
breach in disposition character operations of the target subject. The
network seems professional but lacks the type of leadership that is
present with military standards so, to the best of my knowledge there
are no military officers involved in the foul play operation. (When
all is understood regarding the nature of the crime it comes down to
the heinous crime of foul play) If there are military officers
involved they're low grade. Thus, all less than desirable grades and
appointments of military officers should be recorded, reviewed, and
posted as “threat” regarding ONLY this type of
The dry-run, based on my observations involves routine surveillance
of the target subject, from within the proximity of the target
subjects home, work, and routine activities. The method starts slowly
with approximately one surveyor, which usually goes unnoticed. The
one “surveyor” is possible “master” thief or “master”
recon team. The operation involves that of tactics which, may seem
professional according to military standards, but to military eye's
are clearly the contrary. It is possible that the “master” thief
“crew” has military members or ex-patriots in their employ but,
the leadership of the organization (name unknown) is obviously below
leadership standards according to military standards of any branch.
The surveyor as mentioned provides initial research to progress the
case study on the target subject to provide a fair extended survey
process to “ensure” a successful theft theft/foul play operation.
The acquired information is relayed to the rest of the network's
surveillance team while the “master” thief is in trail wrapping
up incidents and measures to prevent discovery from the prior target
subject. When the surveillance team receives the information
regarding the next potential target subject I'm sure that the network
uses relevant information collected online though search engines or
married family and friends to determine whether or not the potential
target subject is the correct type of subject to proceed with the
theft/foul play scheme currently being “PLAYED” out on me.
I've been observing the transmissions and activities of the network
for three years, and I believe I have enough information to pass
along in report.
The network is very damaging to the family aspect of our society as
the network has acquired enough funds through the prior operations to
actively and continually pay patrons, family, and friends of target
subjects of the foul play/conspiracy CRIME I am annotating in
the title of this report, to continue the activity.
In an effort to return to the dry-run process I am writing in
reference to the foul play scheme I have identified in this report in
the TITLE of this report! The dry-run process from initial contact,
is perpetual. The dry-run is part of the LOOP aspect that I will
identify in the final chapter of this report in full description.
What I understand to be a “dry-run” process in this case, is
perpetual in the sense pertaining to these instances to that, the
dry-run is used to provide cover and concealment for “master”
thief. It's designs seemingly are listed tactics to be repeated over
and over again to provide a time span or exploit opening for an
enabler of a new staged process to provide an opportunity for
“master” thief's escape or completion of the Intellectual Theft
unnoticed. “Master” thief doesn't care how many people are in
tow, he/she will provide them scraps, “We have food for you.” is
often repeated over and over in a duplicate fashion to encourage
“master” thief supporters (feeding them, a negated finance) and
provide a sense of “reassurance” to the target subject that
something is being done to rectify his/her circumstances. It seems to
the target subject that, at least he/she won't starve to death while
in what is known as “SOUP.” The “SOUP” is another portion of
the “LOOP” process. The “SOUP” is another method of
transmission cover. It is also used in two ways. There is an
amplification technique that I will identify later in this chapter
that works surprisingly well in provoking the target subject. The
provocation is necessary for the rendering of an image of a
“psychologically disturbed” or “unstable” target subject. It
is the prime method used to PROVOKE or ENCOURAGE RAGE in the target
subject, it is VERY important to remember this particular aspect of
the CRIME hence, the “SOUP” and the “LOOP.”
The “SOUP” seems to be a collective that for a reason I believe
to be subsonic hypnosis, are endeavoring to help “master” thief
to be successful. The reasons are unknown based upon my observations.
“Master” thief doesn't seem to make a more comforting atmosphere
for either friend or foe. The hypnosis seems perpetual as with the
“LOOP.” I've found the hypnosis technique is in every aspect and
phase of “master” thief's crime. He/She is infatuated with the
hypnosis to a panic. I've also observed hypnotic suggestion that is
most likely shallow that seems to apply “he” to a “she” if
you're not paying attention you will call “she” a “he” or
“he” a “she” without even realizing that you have done so. It
is unknown whether they left the hypnosis open but, there is
definitely a “switch” trigger word or sound. The switch trigger
word can be applied to any hypnosis with an obverse action and is
more annoying than it is painful. If you let it carry on it will be a
problem later.
Scenarios for subsonic hypnosis tend to vary upon what the network is
trying to accomplish according to their agenda. The “scripting”
is a pure example of the induce breech of openings/exploitation
settings for hypnosis. The “SOUP” will proclaim that, what you're
trying to relay to any given party regarding the target subject's
disposition is that the scenario was scripted and that the target
subject is a leech or is actually part of the foul play conspiracy
him/herself. I'm not sure if the hypnosis topic needs to be more
clearly defined, I'll try to fit the subject into this report in a
brief synopsis type chapter. Most hypnosis is subsonic or
subliminally transmitted, some seems to manifest through manipulated
actions induced through the transmission layer (whether repeater
system; microwave; analog etc.) within the target subjects
environment to passers by and by standers that often seems combined
with an amplification of possible stimulating comments, sounds, or
movements to either provoke the target subject or induce a hypnotic
effect whether the passers-by or on-lookers realize that they're
being used to inflict the desired affect upon the target subject
The Use of Military Style Psychological Operations (PsyOPS)
The hypnosis aspect of the operation is directly related to this
portion of my report. PsyOPS “agents” are using theatre,
hypnosis, music, obversity, and treason as the framework for a PsyOP
style method of “command and control.” It is possible that a
military PsyOPS ex-patriot(s,) expatriates, or veteran(s) are
coordinating with the “SOUP” in order to provide the “SOUP”
layer hypnosis, provocations, and exploits within the psychii of the
target subject. The sheer volume of hypnosis exploits I've discovered
within the “SOUP” are beyond any human comprehension. It is
practically impossible to avoid the hypnotic process and you become
compliant often to subliminal suggestion (i.e. “walk to the
kitchen;” “Sip.” inquisitive suggestion e.g. “where's your
lighter?” “turn left, turn right.” Simple commands) transmitted
by transmission operators, which are often hypnosis trigger words to
enable a manufactured sense of an unintelligent, robotic, or remotely
controlled target subject that is actually being stepped on in an
ulterior effort to blame the target subject for the crime that
“master” thief and his network are committing. Simply, “Master”
thief is committing but trying to blame the target subject.) It is
another aspect of the “SOUP” that enables the foul play operation
to be successful, if it is to be a success. Meanwhile, while all
these suggestions and inquisitive suggestions are taking place, the
Intellectual Thief Network is providing a method of victim
replication by ordering a network member to commit to every action
the target subject makes through the case study findings of the
target subject who is to be inserted as the “new” character
representing the target subject when the target subject is disposed
of however he/she is disposed of. Keep in mind the target subject and
his/her personal neurological algorythm have all been previously
studied and maintained through constant surveillance over the course
of years, possibly decades if family members are present within
“master” thief's network. In this manner, it is very easy to
suggest that the target subject is related to other crimes aside from
the networks move to provide “evidence” of the target subject's
“involvement” and “leadership” role within the ongoing foul
play scenario recorded in the title of this report.
Another measure the attack network takes (to secure themselves as
supreme intelligence based upon the contrary act of infiltrating the
target subjects brain activity with E.E.G. [in the first place],
microwave transmissions and all other types that can be used to
complete such a breach,) is to provide templated scenarios and event
diversions to corrupt any investigative measures and thwart the
recording of the activities carried out by the “master” thief
network. The “master” thief network seems to be successful with
others in this manner but, with eye's on the circumstances, a child
could recognize the actual mentality of the attackers. If the
attackers are hacking the minds of people it is not necessarily
because they are more intelligent, it has to do with an inferiority
complexity that seems to drive the attackers. It's unknown whether or
not the attackers are educated or trained. The methods used are not
intelligent based on the equipment with the design regulations that
ARE stamped on the back of ALL electronics devices to provide
assistance in acquiring the proper usage and operation of the device
whether by component or by unit as enforced by law.
Measures PsyOPS (keep in mind unknown if PsyOPS element is trained or
self taught from PsyOPS manuals) will use to provide extended cover
in effort to complete the foul play/conspiracy is to employ their
friends in the police departments to tag along and provide as much
cover for the network as possible in any means the “police friend”
can, whether through digital or physical means, until he himself is
in danger of being discovered. Who wants to throw away a police
friend? I suspect police will use the target subject's name to pass
around from police department to police department in effort to
suppress target subject's ability, to spy the surface and find an
opening for evidence to leak through the transmissions of the police
departments (if police departments are founded to be involved with
such an operation) part, in the foul play conspiracy identified in
the title of this report. PsyOPS knows target subject's primary
objective is to make sense of the incoming transmissions and MUST be
suppressed if the operation that is, the foul play conspiracy is to
Description of Monitor and WAN Overlays
Monitor is meant to be
defined in this section as a physical monitor such as an apparatus
designed to monitor or a physical network subject to monitor the
target subject by visual means.
WAN Overlay is meant to be
defined in this section as any means to confuse onlookers and
investigative efforts through electronic and/or physical means via
server outlets from Internet Service Providers (ISP,) corporate
elements, law enforcement, or Intellectual Theft Network.
Hypnosis (a brief cover all) The Methods to Deploy and
Scenario based hypnosis – Scenario
based is within the frame of a conversation, action, relaxation,
chore etc. it is meant to provide an outlet or exploit for future use
regarding the network tactics being deployed. As I've stated the
tactics are prelisted and templated, so what you have, is an operator
setting the exploit or the “field” for future hypnosis
exploitation the operator within. The Intellectual Theft network in
this aspect is a virtual “monkey working round the clock” so to
speak. Scenario based hypnosis is a setting to provide a desired
disruption at any give point in network communications to the target
subject(s.) It is an attempt to discredit the target subjects
intelligence and provide a renewed sense among the network of
“superiority.” It's a morale maintenance apparature (seemingly.)
Virtual Environmental/Algorythhmic hypnosis – based
on signal type. The algorythmic hypnosis has various methods, it can
be static discharge (transmission stimulus) the tapping of your own
feet through applied stimulus regarding transmission stimulus. It can
be overlay through your own actions through whatever type of activity
you're conducting e.g. (writing a report through a word processor
application while listening to music.) The music you're listening to
is providing overlay to subsonic/subliminal transmission through the
media application. This type of activity is often through a remote or
physical server at the ISP/business with the assumption that the
target subjects computer and home network are secured, especially the
settings within the router. Transmission tactics tend to project a
sense of inferiority upon the target subject. It is often combined
with the transmission of network engineers to produce the desired
effect whether to discredit or manipulate the actions and
intelligence of the target subject.
Physical environmental hypnosis – The
physical environmental hypnosis is a series of actions and events
within the target subjects surroundings to either provoke or
influence emotion, action, and inaction. The series of events are
“ticky” type events, sounds, actions, amplifications, or any
other method to stir the target subject. (NOTE: Prime
activity of the Intellectual Theft Network is to project the notion
that the target subject has psychological instability.) It can be a
wide variety of things in the environment considering, the target
subject's immediate environment at any given time to include negative
remote manipulations/projections/amplifications that aren't limited
to the WHOLE of the manipulations, they can be amplifications in PART
of conversation or in part of action, to produce a desired affect
upon the target subject. The actions and events occurring, are hardly
noticable if you're unaware of the network disruptions and stimulus
being applied throughout the duration of the network's session or, if
you can not hear the transmissions. (actually the length of the
completed or abandoned Intellectual Theft.)
Event based hypnosis – Event
based hypnosis can be very similar to the virtual environmental
hypnosis but, these are things that are more physical being that the
target subject is interacting with the object e.g. (cell phone or
computer) or person inducing the hypnosis or subsonic stimulus i.e.
subliminal suggestion during sleep, conversation, or physical
interaction e.g. (sirens in the Illiad) usually portrayed by monitor
activity in both senses of surveying equipment and physical stimulus
by another human being. The examples and definitions of the event
based stimulus/hypnosis are listed above in all three definitions
regarding Scenario, Virtual, and Physical Hypnosiis
Placebo/Virtual Event hypnosis – This
is my favorite. It is the acting out of a supposed hypnosis that is
so far out mind or so far in the past of the session length, that it
seems as though, it could be hypnosis but is just untriggered because
of the lack of information regarding the trigger word to deploy the
hypnosis that the suggestion relates to and the inferiority of the
operator transmitting the stimulus void of hypnosis. It's based on
bad algorythmic placement. Thus, is NOT a real hypnosis at all, just
a mockery of this report again, to project the assumption to the
reader that the target subject is in fact mentally or psychologically
unstable which may or may not be true, based upon the stimulus
received by the target subject which is actually provocation to
induce that affect! (Note: Very important to remember.)
Remotely Manipulated hypnosis/Virtual remote controlling – This
is a combination of remote manipulation meaning, the involuntary
forced movement or forced action of any part of the human anatomy to
induce signal relay communication through hand gestures or facial
expression or even body language by means of electronic stimulus
that, may include devices such as drone controllers, industrial CCTV
remote camera manipulators, possibly even a toy type “Walkie-Talkie.”
The “retransmission unit” or cellular tower (same concept) and
satellite power stations provide enough power to amplify the desired
signal to induce the gestures. These are components of the network
that are wide open to attack based upon they're interval and the
placement of the components in remote locations with regards to
population. The manipulation is often accompanied by the placebo type
hypnosis to project again, that the target subject is subhuman,
robotic, or not of his/her mentality but in fact scripted or someone
else's property to be manipulated without any intelligence of their
Recommendation for neutralizing the hypnosis in any form –
find hypnotist, retrieve release note, and dispatch/KILL the
Network Differentiation/Identification
In order to be intelligent one must be more intelligent than his/her
box. If you're the only node in the network, you will know your
network identification by your router and node IP Address. To
differentiate between a Virtual Interruptive Network (tunneling
attack) and your VPN partners, you must understand your Virtual
Private Network Service. If you don't understand how your VPN works,
the chances of infiltration to the network are greater. If you're
part of a corporate network the odds are that, your IP Address is
pooled and reassigned everyday either statically or automatically by
admin assignment when you startup your node. Knowing the IP Address
of your device and the IP Address of devices is key. (For either
telepathic VoIP, or VPN or physical network for that matter.)
What-You-Say attack
In the event of an Intellectual theft, the network conducting the
attack doesn't really seem all that interested in what the target
subject has to say whether it is relevant to the success or failure
of the attack. The attackers seem remotely configured to enact a
pre-ordained plan. There seems to be no deviation from the scoped
plan, and no compromise to any setbacks. It seems as though the plan
is THE plan and “that is all.” It doesn't necessarily lead
an investigator to believe that the network is professional at all.
It would seem that the intentions of maintaining the specified design
is a serious flaw within the network. It has no outward display of
flexibility. Often catch phrases are transmitted over and over to
either provoke, divert, post the startup of either the next chain of
sequence. The whole network seems completely hypnotized into a no
fail state of mind. Success or death. The numbers of the network
could exceed any perception being that, the method being used is via
hardware, software, and signal bridged (by computer network
definition) to the target subject's nervous system (the brain.) The
network for upkeep and maintenance, could leave the target subject
for sometime with hypnotized members of the network to carry out
specific tasks such as the relentless reiteration of catch phrases
and amplified stimulus that I mentioned in the c.
Concerning Network Techniques to Present an “unstable” Victim
section to continue the provocation and torment as means to
stupify or degrade the ability of the target subject to make a valid
conclusion and defensive posture, in effort to succeed at a later
date, while the higher ranking network members are off conducting the
operation on other target subject(s.) Which is why I think the
operation is an unprofessional inflexible plan without deviation.
The amount of members depends on the the loss of the network. if they
lose a network member they only need hypnotize another. In reference
to what-you-say, what-you-say is used in any combination of ways
except for the original context. What you said, can only mean the
number of variations that could be contrived from the statement and
NOT the context that it was meant. This seems mandatory according to
the networks plan, is often perverse, and ongoing. When the network
feels threatened by the target subject, it seems to replace itself
with children to take the sentencing for the crime. It's a pathetic
network and “that's how you tell.”
“Scripting” Attacks
Scripting attacks are defined for this report's purpose in this
section, as a method of attacking the intelligence of the target
subject based with a projected sense of inferiority by the “master”
thief network upon the target subject(s) with a number of scripting
sequences, reverse scripting, scenario based algorythmic Q & A,
and virtually any means within those descriptions that may be used to
apply and obtain the desired result upon the target subject.
Scripting for this report's purpose is not in reference to the
authoring of program scripts for applications or dependencies of
applications to exploit or to function. The scripting for this
report's purpose in this section is in reference to the cinematic
affect that can be acquired by and from audio stimulus and
suggestion. The audio stimulus is applied through streaming
technologies whether satellite driven or ground cellular network
combined with a multitude of other devices that are available to
medical professionals along with Long Range Acoustic Device (LRADs)
effects that are actually within the cellular network abilities.
Scripting – Scripting for
this section of the report is in reference to the producing in
advance of any given stimulus, the theatrical authoring of a scenario
or Q&A based attack on the target subject in advance of the
strategy to subdue the target subject and exploit success to
“script's” deployment. The scripting ranges as a broad array of
ideas resulting from the sheer numbers of the attack network's
broadcast upon the target subject(s.) Examples are too numerous to
produce in an effective manner but if you attack someone with audio
equipment with the type of theatrical scripting the experience forces
upon the target subject, you could imagine how inferior over a
strictly streaming audio network any given target subject can appear
over an extended period of time. I'll do my best to describe a
scripting attack. The simplest attack seems to relay by using the
title of the attack against the target subject by provoking the
target subject until the brain becomes catatonic ENOUGH
to be able to persuade “on listener”s that, in fact the target
subject(s) is inferior to the attacker by means of being scripted
simply by exclaiming that the target subject is “scripted.”
(Sounds childish but, it has it's use for extended attacks.)
Reverse Scripting – The
“reverse scripting” method is in reference to letting the target
subject upon extended provocation revel in the apparent sudden
silence and try to interpret the chain of audio events that have been
inflicted upon the target subject(s) for possibly hours, days, or
weeks. During the “silent” period the provocation will remain
persistent with background noise and of course the “always on”
child. During the silent period through my experience with it, the
target subject will roll around ideas in his/her head and act out
residual hypnosis that is either “passed” or current. The
strategy by the attack network in this case, is to sit and wait to
“ambush” any given conclusion that the target subject may come to
realize. Often, the conclusions will seem of sound thought based upon
the extended aggressive audio stimulus. The thought and ideas will be
intercepted by the target network equipted with E.E.G technologies
and used in a way that is obverse to the reasoning and use in a
virtual theatrical “improv” set type provocation. For instance,
the attack network will wait for the target subject to conclude his
thoughts on any given stimulus, let the target subject “script”
his assumptions that may or may not have relevance, to which the
attack network will rebuke with the hopes that the target subject
will forget the instance of thought, the level of provocation will
depend upon the attack networks realization of how close to being
correct the target subject is. If the target subject is correct in
his assumptions, you can expect the provocation to be extreme.
Algorythimic Scenario Based Q&A – The
algorythmic based Q&A is a method to algorythmically question and
answer in effort to apply the APPEARENCE of the “superior”
intelligence of any given member or group of members of the attack
network based on the question at hand. To implement the strategy is
only to come up with simple or complex sets of questioning, and based
upon the case study of the target subject, (regarding brain
wavelength output) reply and answer any given question in reference
to the case study findings that are based upon psychological
profiling of the target subject, or answering the questions before
the target subject makes his own conclusion (or, as the target
subject has made his/her conclusion in his/her mind to be intercepted
with the assistance of E.E.G. Servers and technologies)or reply
regarding the simple or complex sets of questioning thus, applying
case study findings algorythmically to resolve the question sets for
the target subject in advance but, it is ONLY in psychological
appearance to “on listeners” or the readers of this report. An
oddness of type, audio illusion. (In appearance ONLY that the target
subject is under the attack network's control or “in command” as
a node within the network for scapegoating purposes.)
Used by Hardware Operators
The definition of hardware operators is in relation to network admin
nodes and high ranking personnel with the technical “know-how” to
conduct the manner of network function described in this section. The
manner of operation is that of an individual conducting server
functions that relate to the attack defined in the title of this
report. The scope of duties is relatively small in description, but
requires the talent to operate the equipment described in the
description of hardware section of this report. The duties of this
aspect of the Intellectual Thief Network could include: Operating the
subsonic layer of communication to provide a means to an end, or
virtual cover and concealment regarding the task at hand, remote
manipulation of the target subject and any other individuals in the
target subject's environment depending on the array of equipment
The equipment transmission is what I believe to be a pinpoint stream,
but as with light you will have dispursed array from the pinpointed
transmission for example, when you turn on a streaming flashlight the
“StreamLight; MagLight” for instance, transmits light in a
pinpoint fashion while in the pinpoint array or the wide array
stream, while the illumination creates a dispursed affect in the
pinpoint stream not only illuminating the pinpoint target brightly
but also providing an auratic illumination of the immediate
environment surrounding the pinpoint target. The equipment used by
the admin nodes as hardware operators include all natures of
electronics devices and their transmitting equipment e.g. (NIC cards
di; ti antenna array, Military and industrial grade retransmission
units, repeater system; analog Commercial Band functions to include
HAMM; and analog police radio traffic.) I understand that the use of
these devices ( in the past) in a alternate manner of communication
than that of which, I am describing has been permitted within the
guidelines and policy of the use of the equipment and FCC standards,
but the extreme over-indulgence of the type of power that is related
to the equipment is beyond that which is humanly or
extra-terrestrially acceptable.
Hardware used to provide the type of unacceptable communications is
NOT limited to developmental research regarding the “isotopic
radiator” and any developments to that device, or any other method
of “telepathic” radio communications. The hardware is not limited
to Server communications used by commercial business and corporations
when it should be. I don't think Thomas Jefferson had the isotopic
radiator in mind when he suggested to “Advertise, Advertise,
Advertise!” The equipment is not limited to “public” radio or
public use of Commercial Band radio. The type of hardware is not
limited to LANParty type equipment designed by “mainboard”
corporations or elements within the “mainboard” design
infrastructure. Those parties seem to know what I am talking about
when I discussed the issue with an Agent in customer service at DFi
industries in Germany. The manner of the agent's tone with
punctuation, seemed remarkably opposed to the brand and band of
communications that are occurring that I don't even want to give a
name to.
The operations of hardware Operators in description as I said, are
vague, but when you revel in the type and amount of individual
processes at any particular job on this planet that has assignments
to, and the complexity of a device that fits in your hand such as a
“smartphone” can be enormous. The “smartphone” is a prime
example of the types of hardware used to carry out operator function
it has all the components required to conduct the type of operations
I am referring to. The “smartphone” has a microphone, a speaker,
multiple outlets for wireless type communications and methods to
distribute the communications i.e. bluetooth; wifi; and satellite
routed communications. The “smartphone” was NOT intended for
commercial sales to the public, to my understanding the technology
was intended to be reserved for high ranking and trusted resources
within the Federal, state, and local governments and NOW poses a
significant threat to every nation's way of life on the planet
regarding the type of subsonic relays that are transmitted through us
daily. Some of those transmissions are harmless, but when all of
those transmissions become harmful what is to be done in reference to
the sheer volume of “smartphone” in use?
The operator poses a threat on the scale of a stock manipulator
network within the New York Stock Exchange or any other KNOWN
terrorist organization throughout the world for that matter. He/she
provides the threat through the day to day duties that the operator
whether within policy or operating outside of the framework of those
policies. The operator really shouldn't be more than a wooden
manniquin or paper masche` model maybe even a blow up doll, the job
of the operator duties can be conducted better with a “dummy”
character than any live resource or Artificial Intelligence (AI.)
methods and protocol (virtual or electronically transmitted) to
include analog and digital means as well as the “virtual” method
used within the network structure describing layers in the network
band width and the placebo method of virtualizing that aspect.
The protocol is the network's overall plan or event oriented hypnosis
at any given time through any given provoked or concluded scenario to
and from the target subject. Electronic Protocol sounds seem VoIP
(TCP/IP) with “telepathic” bridging. The bridge as I mentioned
seems to be a combination of Medical Equipment (E.E.G.) and
“augmentative and alternative communication” for
paraplegic/quadriplegic patients combined with Servers and
Virtual methods, are any of the stimulus regarding emotion, to deploy
a sense about and within the target subject's conscious. That means
transmitting the recording of a state of emotion over a broadcast to
a targeted subject and force “playing” the emotion to run live in
the target subject's mind in addition, providing any stimulus needed
to produce an electronic manifestation of that emotion. The equipment
needed to provide such a feat is only an E.E.G. and a transmission
source. The E.E.G. Would have been used to record the emotional
pattern of a recorded subject though, the pattern of the target
subject and would be displayed to the E.E.G. Device differently
because of the individual “fingerprint” effect, the emotional
transference would be received by the mind in approximately the same
way that the recorded subject had perceived said “emotion,” in
the target subject. (Comparatively, crossing over the connection of
an amplifier and speaker.) It's a method of generating a palatable
conclusion among observers that the network's “inman” (most
likely a Doctor noting the medical equipment) has pinpointed the
psychosis of the target subject that in reality does not exist
unless, the target subject is mentally unstable or has a LONG
history of mental instability to start with. I can only assume that
those types of targets were rehearsed with first, before the
Intellectual Thief Network began to roll-out it's network operation.
Network Bandwidth would be those layers reserved for emergency
medical, police, and fire station. It sounds like the repeater that I
used in the Military Police Corps known as the “Military Police
Repeater System.” The bandwidth is encrypted and only another
receiver running the same equipment/key/frequency should be able to
receive those transmissions but, if you bridge the device you can
transmit to whatever receiver/transmitter you would like to
communicate with to include a human brain. You could bridge a human
to human by using the repeater system and the hardware bridge device
by transmitting the signal of the repeater combined with the signal
of brain A bridged via some E.E.G. compatible hardware (exists) to
Brain B but the layer reserved for the repeater system does not have
the capability to provide accommodation for that type of function
because, of the amount of devices you're trying to sync to an
encrypted repeater device. The system would definitely let someone
I've experienced a few times where the attack network tries to
emulate the results that you could pull from this type of
communication but the effort is based on algorythm and always seems
Chp.6 Reasons
and Motives
The reasons and motives for the type of network activity that I am
describing are quite simply for personal profit of the network and to
provide cover and concealment for network operations conducted on
other target subject(s,) also to provide cover and concealment for
extra-network activity outside of the network functions that I
believe are plotted without deviation with exception of individual
The extra-network functions could be the cover and concealment of
FOUL PLAY operations that work in the networks interests. If the
network is only interested in the personal profit of the networks
capabilities and provides assistance in only one direction, you have
a root before your eyes. If the transactions star pattern from a
waypoint, you have possible root or collection point.
Chp. 7
Description of
the Experience, and the Counter Operation Aspects Succeeding the
Individual Deployment of Counter Tactics.
The experience is somewhat of the setting and displeasure of being
remotely controlled like a remote control (RC) car. Often the
experience will be seemingly a manifestation of someone else's
direction or what seems to be a conclusion drawn from the mind of
another by the target subject even though, the target subject is
actually drawing up the conclusion that is being relayed by a literal
HUMAN relay (Being used as Network Apparatus, most likely a fresh
young mind for the operations sake) who is using a CPU/GPU or other
processing unit outside of what can be done with an E.E.G as a
network bridge. The network “master” thief and/or partners are
actually bridging to a CPU/GPU (Central Processing Unit and Graphics
Processing Unit) to be able to produce the spoken display of what the
target subject is thinking before the target subject can relay
his/her thoughts him/herself. Especially in an extended attack the
target subject can often seem slower than the Intellectual Thief
Network and it's operators creating the illusion that the network is
indeed the conveyor of the thoughts and actions of the target
subject, (whether inventive or creative, angry, happy, or sad) are
actually the thoughts and actions of the network operators but is
only illusion. There is a overlapping factor in that, 95% of the time
being, that algorythmic displays are often guessed by network
operators and the fact that the target subject will fight on an
intellectual level or go on a killing spree (It could be related to
the outbreak of killing sprees These United States have been
experiencing in reference to “school shootings”) primarily, the
reason you might observe the illusion of the inferiority of the
target subject at any give time that either is or is not there. Very
difficult to put into words being that, the baseline for intellectual
superiority does not exist.
The CPU and GPU were created to be the brain for complex mathematical
equations produced and calculated by our earliest computer systems
Both, the CPU and the GPU are of the same caliber semiconductors the
only difference is in the cache, the CPU will hold more cache than
the GPU. The GPU is set upon one task where the CPU is threading
multiple tasks at a time. The fact that people have found a way to
bridge computer components and use those components like a
prosthetic, is a constant threat to the security of our inventiveness
our collective brainstorming within think-tanks not to mention the
toll that it will take on the competitive nature of our species, when
it comes to the inventiveness of our minds for instance, WAR.
The only reasonings anyone would have for bridging a human being to
an apparatus outside of a serious debilitating medical condition
would be to emulate a target subject in effort to become the target
subject through collusion and subterfuge. There is no other reason
being that the computer will do the mathematical equation for the
human without his/her assistance in the processing the task of any
given mathematical equation or problem. It is sheerly a means to
complete an identity theft based on superficial reasons that really
don't play a part in the development of any of us, let alone the
consequences it will have regarding diplomacy with other nations when
those with the aptitude to fill those diplomatic positions,
deteriorate in aptitude because the operators of such a network have
attacked those personnel for so long that, the brain deteriorates in
it's processing ability for the human being. I don't think you'll
want marionettes dictating or authoring policies that effect
collectively everybody, especially when there are weapons of military
grade involved in any given diplomatic intervention or process. The
results WILL be catastrophically damaging.
a. Transference- Transference
is defined ONLY as a residual manifestation of emotional, movement,
and sensory manipulation that is possible through transmission of the
emotional, movement, or sensory output of either a recorded or live
subject, bridged via software and/or hardware to the target subject
(human being under attack.) Transference can be the emotional output
of human being that is felt on a residual plane as the target subject
from the attacker through transmission hopping, relaying, or
repeating. (Almost as if human beings were being used as a
pharmaceutical drugs, for example.)
b. “Feeds”-
Feeds are defined as any source
of transmission that inhibits the closing of the frequency bridged to
the target subject, to enable the target subject to carry on in a
normal frame for the remainder of his/her life. The ONLY measure
that would benefit the counter attack network for the target subject
is to eliminate the “feeds” either through armed conflict or by
Hopping is defined as the transmission re-amplification, relaying,
or repeating in a retransmissive manner, i.e. Retrans unit, upon the
target subject and the near by environmental objects that would be
conductive enough to create a desired affect whatever it may be.
This relates to the appearance of psychosis upon the target subject
to create a means to the conclusion of a successful “Intellectual
Theft,” or to render the appearance of the target subject to a
less than desirable perception among surrounding “by-standers”
and “on-lookers” through the provocation that accompanies the
hopping technique to induce the abnormal appearance and reactions of
the target subject though, it only a reaction to the applied
stimulus. Those reactions may or may not seem so sane or insane to
any “on-looker” or “by-stander” but, that depends on the
level of involvement or knowledge of the “Intellectual Thief
Network” conducting it's operations that any given “by-stander”
or “on-looker” has. I often refer to the network in this report
as an “Intellectual Thief Network” when in reality the measures
and operations being conducted in such a network are really “meshed”
into a grand array of circumstances. I believe low-level type target
subjects with a reasonably intelligent output to co-workers who may
be network operators or surveyors, are prime subjects to be attacked
in reference to the target subject then, marked for case study and
“footprinting.” The footprinting process is described in Chp. 1
of this report.
I suspect though have lack of evidence to report of the posting of
postage reserved for and addressee on the envelope or shipping
invoice of postage and cartons to illegitimate addresses. This helps
provide a cover for target subject impostors assisting the network in
it's operations. The “assistive” impostor at the alternate
address where the postage may be delivered to, might be only an
assistive element and really have no connection to the network
operations. As I've stated I only suspect without support of evidence
but, I thought it might attract attention to the serious nature and
operational forethought that is going on within the networks of these
attacks. It actually seems childish when you observe it for an
extended time. The age ranges of the attackers might extend into the
adult ages and NOT just be an adolescent operation.
Chp. 8
of Psychological Disposition of victim and offender throughout the
psychological disposition is the appearance of psychosis. The
appearance is the result of many forms of stimulus directed at the
target subject. The many forms are defined throughout this report.
Some may involve crossed wavelength through bridging subject to
target subject. The primary goal of the theft network described
throughout this report is to obtain money through electronic methods,
whether physical or through electronic manipulation via software
running hardware items that may be or may not be proprietary or
commercial. The software and hardware used have been described
throughout this report (to include ransomware and malware promoting
ransomware.) Though electronic record keeping is a modern method of
keeping personal documents, the methods used to disrupt the manner in
which anyone keeps records can be prevented. It's really not a
difficult thing to avoid, it's more difficult to maintain a
satisfactory dispositional appearance in light of the incoming
stimulus. Which, as I have stated is the primary focus of the type of
network that I am describing in this report.
religious factions are concerned the type of activity that the
network is conducting may and will at some point breakout into
violence. With certain sects of Jews and Muslims without reference to
Gypsy but not limited to, the effects are going to be disastrous
based upon the spiritual aspect of those religious sects. Either an
infliction upon those sects based on a misidentification of the
circumstances regarding the outright violation of those religious
sects and their religious values and how those religious sects will
react to the stimulus that the network operators are transmitting.
Chp. 9
implications of the security problem regarding “Intellectual
Theft,” neurological infiltration/hacking, the security disposition
of all networks and aspects of the security risk placed upon
government and financial outlets.
The implications of the security problem is potentially disastrous
and catastrophic to mainstream society. It's not so much the money
that is involved in taking “hostages” in this manner. In the
manner I am describing it is not possible to literally take hostage
but, only provide a constant appearance of psychosis to redirect law
enforcement away (by way of routinuity) from the target subject to
make way for the operation to continue, possibly to promote a future
redevelopment of circumstances for the attack network to take
advantage of.
The neurological infiltration aspect of the network operations are
actually the easiest to to draw a conclusion of how the network
operators are conducting their method of attack. Because of the
presence of medical equipment used to conduct the operations that I
am describing, you must assume that a doctor is involved being that
the accountability of medical equipment such as an E.E.G. device is
100% accountability at all times in reference to the policy described
in the devices user rights and permissions based on EULA and FCC
The potential disaster regarding is, complete network failure that
will extend all the way to the stock market and Federal Defense
The RISK of catastrophic network failure is beyond 99%. Meaning, that
it's a total risk to modern civilization, NOT just lifestyle!
Chp. 10
of NETWORKS; Network types; network devices, nodes and users.
assuming since I am hearing the transmissions that are the source of
provocation in this type of attack, would be the network structure,
that of BusLine network with microphones. Completely illegal!
Chp. 11
“Loop” description set apart from tactics. (IMPORTANT)
The “Loop” as I call it, but to the network it is described as
“Soup.” The Loop is actually the identification of the word it's
self, it is a sequence initialized hypnotically or by remote
manipulation or even subsonic transmission to induce the same set of
events, occurrences, and verbal provocations in a Pi type manner
(over and over again), the “Loop” is a physically induced loop
error emulation through the manipulation in those methods that I just
mentioned of the “Loop” and that portion of the network who may
or may not know that they in fact part of a criminal network.
NOTE!!! The “Loop's” function is to maintain psychological
stimulus upon the target subject to maintain the appearance of a
psychologically unstable target subject.
Chp. 12
and a very short description of the process based upon historical
truth and outcome of the study.
is the study of a chain of events, numbers, or letters that occur
over and over in either, extended or a shortened interval. The
process was studied extensively in China around 200 B.C. that ignited
a chain of events that completely destroyed China for the next 600
years. The best thing to do, is ignore the algorythm unless you are
under attack from a network to the likes, that I describing in this
report. The results are always Pi and there is no further study
needed unless you're referencing to the secret architecture and
implementation of encryption.
Chp. 13
of suspected outlets.
The suspected outlets that I believe the attacks are coming from, is
from within the ISP (Internet Service Provider) and friends and
family of those installation's employees. I also believe the attacks
are coming from their partners in the software development industry
e.g. Microsoft; Apple; even Linux. They're using all three to try and
avoid any pinpoint suspect but the truth is that Microsoft bought out
the OpenSource Foundation and developed a “new” system that
replicates UNIX. So, the system isn't so new and turns out to be a
complete takeover of software development. MONPOLY! It also turns out
to be very dangerous.
It remains unknown whether some of these attacks are being conducted
from within law enforcement barracks and departments. It would be
great cover and concealment for this type of operation to exist.
Chp. 14
to the CRIMINAL behavior of “intellectual theft” based upon the
strategies, equipment, and tactics that are comparable to the type of
disruption that the activity causes in the victims life.
Knip it in the bud, or KILL the entire network as soon as it appears.
Every time!
AAR- After Action Review.
Admin- Any node or
member of a network conducting network administrative functions.
AI- Artificial
Algorythm- A sequence
of actions, numbers, and/or letters that reappear in extended or
short intervals.
ASIP- Advanced
SINGARS Improvement Project.
Line- Alternatively
referred to as a line topology, a bus topology is a
network setup in which each computer and network device are connected
to a single cable or backbone. The following sections contain both
the advantages and disadvantages of using a bus topology with your
CCTV- Closed Circuit
Central Processing Unit.
A crossover is an electronics
device that takes a single input signal and creates two or three
output signals consisting of separated bands of high-, mid-, and
low-range frequencies. The different bands of frequencies feed the
different speakers, or “drivers,” in a sound system: tweeters,
woofers, and subwoofers. (The concept can be applied to transmission
EPRA/ERPA- Electronic
Photographic Residual Appearance/Electronic Residual Photographic
EULA- End User
License Agreement.
FCC- Federal
Communications Commission.
Surveillance of an object or target of physical attributes and day to
day activities of the object or target.
Play- 1.)
if the police think someone’s death was caused by foul play, they
think that person was murdered The police said they had no reason to
suspect foul play. Detectives have not ruled out foul play.
an action that is dishonest, unfair, or illegal, especially one that
happens during a sports game
GPU- Graphics
Processing Unit.
communications development project that was the predecessor to the
SINGARS system.
a unique string of
numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the
Internet Protocol to communicate over a network.
URL nomenclature or dial-up address e.g. (telephone number.)
ISP- Internet Service
Loop- Is a portion of
the attack network that operates as an emulated/simulated “Loop
Error,” for cover and concealment of attack network operations.
Malware- Software
that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems.
Military Police Repeater System- An
encrypted military assigned frequency and device designed for the
Military Police Corps that was distributed to low-level law
enforcement as part of the Patriot Act “Inter-Agency Information
Sharing” portion of the Patriot Act Bill.
Network Bridge- A
network bridge is a computer networking device that creates a single
aggregate network from multiple communication networks or network
segments. This function is called network bridging. Bridging is
distinct from routing, which allows multiple different networks to
communicate independently while remaining separate.
Denoting software for which the original source code is
made freely available and may be redistributed and modified.
PsyOPs- Pertaining to
Psychological Operations according to military doctrine or civilian
A type of malicious software designed to block access to a
computer system until a sum of money is paid.
Retrans Unit- A
single antenna array unit to re-amplify the incoming signal as hop to
it's targeted destination in a stream to avoid interception.
Server- Mainframe
node of a network along with remote servers that act as an extension
of the mainframe server to provide a service from a remote location.
Channel Air Ground Radio Signal. Project.
Soup- See “Loop”
Something that incites to action or exertion or quickens
action, feeling, thought, etc.
(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of
sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind
without their being aware of it.
Subsonic- Below the
frequency, pitch, and volume of individual human hearing, that
produces a subliminally induced affect.
VoIP- Voice over
Internet Protocol
WAN- Wide Area
MIDI- Musical
Instrument Digital Interface.
Telepathy- (within
the scope of this report) Telepathy is a manner of communications
that emulates or simulates the telepathy “super power” ability.
The supposed
communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known
Telepathic- Of a
telepathy type.
distance in the line of advance of a wave from any one point to the
next point of corresponding phase
A particular course or line of thought
especially as related to mutual understanding
3.) A
unit of measure on medical instruments in reference to the recording
of activity in neurol;ogical studies
VPN- Virtual Private
Exposed Network Security Secrets and Solutions 7th edition- by
Stuart McClure and Joel Scambray.
Hardening Network Security- by
John Mallery and Jason Zann.
P.S. I want to change the look of what I mean by "hypnosis." I'm guessing that the hypnosis is shallow like a lucid conscious state type hypnosis. I guess for ease of manipulation. Often it might be a controller, subliminal messenger, and subject for clandestine attacker network "operations." I highly doubt sanctioned by any government.
P.S.A. Add proxy network bridges defined as conductive hops to the list of equipment. It turns out a hop can be used as proxy via elevated conductivity to organic tissue. I suppose this type of "use" would depend on the conductivity of the subject upon the target subject.
I'll continue to update.
*** This report was a hasty observation annotation that took 2 years to make sense of the perpetual state broadcasting and, is a simultaneous log of reflex response to network broadcast stimulus.***
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