Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Someone just drove by with a PA in their car making taunting sound effects. I wonder.... Who uses PA systems in their vehicles? POLICE use those. FOUL PLAY---> Harrassment ----> CONSPIRACY!



New idea for "Ranger Beads..."

I was trying to find a way to find points of interest by shooting an azimuth across a broad map online and realized that you can't hold a compass vertical to "Google Maps" to find the desired points of interest. But it occurred to me that it would be a good idea for the integration of a hand held PDA into transversing a map electronically to find waypoints such as e.g. (landmarks; buildings; hilltops; etc.)

What I was thinking was a compass designed to plug via standard jack, firewire, USB3 or other I/O to a PLGGR type device such as a PDA to transverse a map both electronically and onfoot. Though "Ranger Beads" would still be affective for the count, the new device would simplify land navigation for outdoor terrain traversing. The compass doesn't need wi-fi it only needs to transmit the degree/mil of the azimuth from the compass to the device by wire to find POI and implement a call or a waypoint. I started a repository for maps on www.github.com. I'm looking for topographical; satellite; images; and topographical landscape maps. Three versions of the topographical (old) would be nice to encrypt between corespondents. Good idea huh? I'm looking for a benefactor for the idea and GOV contract to start a production of prototype.

For the most part the topomaps don't even need to be current, It just needs 3 sets and 3 versions of the topographical landscape maps encompassing pretty much the world or area of operations.

To clarify: There would be a simple hand-held device that can read a particular lensatic compass as you're shooting an azimuth, the device has only a map and a pedometer and basic mathematical computations needed for it's application, with virtually no connectitivity. The device is only for traversing and achieving the estimated/computed layout of your pace count and pace direction so that you only have to do what the device tells you to, to traverse the range of terrain across the field of view from where you have shot your azimuth, given range and directional input and applied to your pace count baseline. It automatically, based on pace count baseline, traverses the range virtually before you start your count and identifies waypoints of pace count traversing like breaks in pace count upon impassable terrain.

A picture in case you can't read. 

STD Dialactic Thermal Shock Therapy...

Since STD(s) are temperature sensitive as are all single celled organisms, I would recommend in the event of a mutating virus like HIV/AIDS a clinical trial of a thermal shock therapy. You would need an anti coagulant such as saline maintain a low viscosity of the blood, the trick is to nuke the blood just hot enough to maintain the integrity of the blood. Being that all single cell organisms such as viruses have a nucleus (that which controls the functions of the organism [cell brains]) you would have to short or fry the nucleus in effect destroying it's ability to mutate and administer antibiotic treatment. Another thought is to maintain an electrical current through the blood during transfusive loop dialysis. I think it will nullify the HIV cells mutation mechanics within the nucleus and render the virus treatable with antibiotics.

Blood cells are as sensitive to temperature as the viral cells, so a test of the red & white blood cells sensitivity to the treatment would also be required for clinical trials. If sensitivity is antiviral this is an advantage. You can find an intensity to which the virus will be affected and the majority of blood cells will remain functional.

The combination of thermal and electrical charge could possibly burst the virus depending on the effect of the clinical trials. I would call it STD Dialactic Thermal Shock Therapy or SDTS.

The therapy of the blood within the appearance of bed ridden patients contracting MRSA may also have a desired positive effect to weaken the virus to the point of treatable circumstances.

Anybody else over think of things like this?

picture C/o www.tes.com

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Charlie Dent redeux (The white remix)

Did anybody notice Charlie Dent turned white as Miley Cyrus? He was black, when I worked for Air Products where he is a major investor. From what I've heard he was good man.... Sorry for your loss.

The white version looks like this:

While the black version looked like this.

 I have a screenshot of the "old" Charlie Dent somewhere. I bet it's on one of my old computers. Did someone kill him and take his place or holding him hostage?

Senator and Congressman Pat Toomey and Robert Casey <----->

Here are the search results on www.google.com keywords: "Laws against an individual."

You're not protecting me Mr. Casey and Mr. Toomey, you're inhibiting me. But I bet because of the types of faggots that you two "gentlemen" are, you claim that you protect me. I bet you do, so that you don't have to face criminal charges and lose clout. Felonious criminal charges!

The protection argument is null. MOOT!

Check your earmarks terds! We have retards for congressmen. Maybe earmarks 2005-2016. I made a trip to the NATO Health Clinic in 2005 with symptoms of strange sensations on my scalp. The VA has that on record. I noticed these strange scalp sensations and immediately reported it to Dr. Johnson and Dr. Bentley. They came and went throughout the years until I started to hear the people you're using. I know what an isotopic radiator is. I like to call it an isotropic radiator because that's probably the only way to fight it. The idea of the isotopic radiator isn't perfected and you probably paid to have it removed from text books and the internet, It's a pretty interesting read.

The strange sensations could only be attributed to satellite transmission now knowing what I know, being that I was in Belgium at the time. I wonder if BELGACOM has reports of anomalous transmissions. Ranging from 2004-2006 within the pinpoint area listed below.

Something they can't explain via european equipment? Pinpoint would be Leuvensestenweg Brussels, Belgium NATO Support Activity 80th ASG Brussels (USAG) or whatever you changed it to now.

The reason the protection argument is MOOT, is that your pathetic attempts to replace me with another individual don't even threaten me in the least. Try harder. I'm going for a walk in about an hour.

I bet you have been getting away with this for so long that you've done it to over 1,000,000 people. How quickly are you killing them off?

Use MS-13 or something. I was wondering why orphans were causing so much violence, money to an orphan is G-d send isn't it? Try using your own... Don't you two Mr. Toomey and Mr. Casey hold close ties to White Christian Identity Movements e.g. White Christian Posse Comitatus? It would explain the disappearance of the Italian and El Salvi population in America.

You do know that there is a Posse Comitatus Act don't you? It's 18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus. To bribe them is to use them. Hope you're not using ex-patriots like MS-13 in your posse.

Not only is it FOUL PLAY!!!! It's impeachment! You must face impeachment. And being that those two are involved Mr. Biden should step up to the plate!!!!!!!!!

Note: I left some of the comments up so you know how I'm putting this together. Thought by thought.

Pictures C/O wikipedia