Thursday, February 20, 2014

Boxer Hunde Ear Cropping...

    I was just perusing through internet pictures of boxer ear cropping styles. As a former boxer owner and, will forever hold an endearment for boxers, I am disgusted with what I was seeing. I saw boxers a couple years old being cropped, I saw people doing it themselves, I saw the worst infection I ever saw just eating the poor dog's scalp off. If you're going to have your boxer cropped which, I see nothing wrong with as it has been a boxer tradition since ancient times, please have a professional cropper do the cropping, as a puppy (they have standards for the appropriate age also) according to the styles that are traditional to the breed. There is short, medium, and long style and they all have their standard. You might have a tough time finding them but, the professional croppers are there. I saw one picture where the ears were cut parallel to the ground. WTF?

    Another thing, If you're not going to show your boxer... Is it necessary to crop their ears. We all understand the tail. No one wants Jesus Christ lashings. But the ears... Those pictures looked like they hurt the dog sooooo bad it hurt me.

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