Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Recent Intel Acquisitions....

Check this out... I was just reading recent acquisitions made by intel...
What does this mean:
Intel buys hackathon software developer, will integrate with Mashery

My question is... Did they buy the person or a product... It doesn't say. It's just weird because it says "developer" not developing firm.

Remember... With Computers... Software always accompanies hardware.



Check Out The Images On the Box....

WTF is intel doing to the human being??? I do like intel over AMD but, doesn't anyone else find the box images disturbing? If even slightly?

Episodic Senseless Violence in Europe...

       See? All countries have their problems with firearms... We're not the only ones. I saw something in the news similar to this while I was living in Belgium in 2004-2005. Some folks were being held hostage by gunmen. It happens more often than you would think in Europe. The common consensus here in the USA, is that no one owns or has firearms in Europe which is an out right lie. The Kings and Queens confer right to individuals they deem worthy in the community. There are quite a few actually even in the UK where they have unarmed police.

       Anti-firearms activists here in the USA like to use the idea that "no other country has the difficulties with firearms that we do" argument to push their peace agenda forward. I always say, that it's the asshole calling for peace that always starts a war. I feel this country has offended so many people worldwide that I would encourage you to keep your firearms close-by. Don't bury them or trust the police to hold them. Keep them close.


Dear us in the USA,

      These folks need medicine you can tell, by the high bodycount of the Ebola outbreak. Maybe we can stop selling weapons for a second around the globe, and donate some healing powder.


Monday, May 26, 2014

Hmmm... There is Weirdness Amongus it's Gripping Us Like Fungus...

Wasn't the satellite data out on the first day?? I mean, how else would they know it had crashed?? Aside from radar, doesn't the transponder send wifi transmissions??? I'm saying that airline is being held hostage somewhere!

Friday, May 23, 2014

My Last Wishes....

     Please read the whole "last wishes" stated below.

My last wish must expand... I choose cremation to dispose of my corpse. Why take up so much space? I would like no cloning nor DNA extracted from any part of my body attached or unattached. The US Government is the only government that should have my DNA on record. I would like my tattoos stripped from my body and cured into leather so as to destroy any residual DNA. My left arm's art presented to Benny Sui or his next closest kin. I would like the rest of my tattoos stripped and given to the current Provost Marshall of US Army Military Police Corps or what he or she becomes as a regiment, thus, to be distributed to whom he or she wills. If cremated, my ashes sent to France. Or try to make me a cyborg, no Artificial Inelligence please, (full reproductive abilities as a male with no alterations on my current size and longevity of my sexual nature.) No deviations from my current thought pattern and contemplativity (new word: Contemplativity; Dissect it and understand it!) with my own individual thought and creativeness. Operating on free will and understanding. Also don't forget my gift to Benny! The most important part of my wish. The skin goes to Benny whether I'm cyborg or not.

Note: No lowest bidders for cyborg experimentation, Mid range to high end parts only please.

Look at this one!

Where'd they get this idea from... I've posted that I've been seeking asylum for over a year now... Are these two police officers involved in what the police are doing to me? And are they trying to suppress what I'm doing and writing about?

Hey Check This out...

      I've been writing about my ordeal because of a woman who accused me of a rape, that never happened for as long as I've been writing on Google. This woman was related to Police Officers who are hell bent to keep my story underwater and ruin my life until I die because she knows and they know it was a lie to begin with! Instead, the news publishes this.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

MH370 The Flight That Never Was...

I've been saying, since the story broke that this flight was taken hostage. The story seems to have drifted from the spotlight. The media assumes that nothing floats on a downed aircraft. If you've been on a passenger flight you know the cushions to the seat even float.... The story is not even on the front page links on CNN, Like the flight never happened.

These are screenshots from todays top stories on CNN.

Here are some screenshots from foxnews... It was a big deal for a month and a half but now even though no debris or anything else was found from the wreckage.

I'm Curious About...

I'm curious as to whether, Microsoft and other large corporations see the average human being as a virus in their system... You can apply the same terminology to human beings as you can your product... with computers, CPU=Brain; Wifi=communication (talking,) the motherboard=main body (flesh & organs;) video card=sight. 

Let's say you're not using the software that large corporations want you to. Do they deem you a virus? Or a "bug", or even a trojan horse=surprise?

 Are large corporations doing this to us? Hanging us and smiling about it? Sucking our dicks and then castrating us.

I'm going to post quite a few pictures of my wife.... Does anyone else notice anything

Is it me or does she look different in all these photos??? You can tell it's the same woman by looking at her nose. Same nose different face.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I Have Just Learned that Mayor Bloomberg of NYC Likes to Hurt Disabled Veterans

       Apparently, Mayor Bloomberg likes to hurt not only combat veterans but any veterans who have disabilities which can be: Hard of Hearing; Missing finger; PTSD, amputee, etc. He's hurting them by implementing a Nationwide psychological operation via Hospital Networks to incarcerate and strip combat and non-combat veterans alike of their weapons and humility. He and his peoples have deemed veterans unworthy of basic American Rights. I came to this conclusion through facebook meditation... I was trying over and over to get the picture of the letter you will find in the comments to my very last poston my timeline to come out clearly I was having a difficult time with it. You can view how many times I posted it by going to my facebook page and viewing my very last comment on my timeline. www.facebook.com/joel.a.zrolka

       As you know if you've been reading, I am requesting political asylum/sanctuary from countries all over the world for what these folks along with the police are doing to me. I have called many times and written many emails to the State Department regarding my passport number. I've been trying to get my previous passport number because it is expired and I need that number to get a new passport. The U.S. State Department sent one automated message with absolutely no information regarding my passport number. They keep telling me to go online and apply but, while in the middle of the application I come to a spot where I can go no further because it requires me to know my old passport number. Do politicians do this for sport?

      This really has nothing to do with my firearms being taken from me and more to do with who has them now? And what are they being used for? One way you can get rid of firearms in America is to make them all illegal. But then who is going to take the firearms from the people who are making them illegal. The only way to really make a firearm illegal is to shoot someone with them or go poaching. I am also concerned about the next sane veteran that this happens to... I have lost all faith in this country and wish I had never done anything for it in the first place. That will probably be the only wish I ever receive. If you still have your firearms I just want to let you know, that folks want to take them from you, and it's not just the government... It's your own family and maybe even your own husband or wife, or even her family.


Hey... Doesn't Jabberjaw look kind of like Bloomberg.. and Versa Vica, Vica Verse??

Look it's a predator made for children on TV... Bloomberg likes kiddie porn (sarcasm.) I can tell by, the intelligence/mentality level of the Tri-State region in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania... Think Penn State, it must be kiddie porn correct sir? Penn State.... Isn't that where Jerry Sandusky did the child rape thing in the bathroom, everyone knew and no one said anything! Didn't that also happen at Syracuse, in Syracuse New York? With the basketball coach there?? Creepy stuff man! Sounds like a child prostitution ring to me! Are you the pimp Mr. Bloomberg??? Do I have a right to ask these questions?? Are you pleeding the 5th by not answering??

Monday, May 19, 2014

The World is Being Monopolized!!!


Try Linspire or something. I tried Linspire when it was called Lindows... Microsoft decided to sue that company for their name and they had to change it to Linspire. Did Microsoft also kill the individual who wrote the kernel??? Haven't heard much from that guy/girl in quite a while. Or did you steal everything from him/her including husband/wife and life?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Everyone "Seeees" Now Right Microsoft?....

Why is that? Something you did? Don't blame Linux users... Are you stashing used NIC cards in laptops again?? I was wondering why mine was cracked. You went Electrolux on it... Door to door NIC card plants. YOU ARE SOOOOOooooooooo OOOO Oooooooollllllllllddddddd! So Old!

Call the police. My NIC card has been used for internet crime right? Is that your story? Over a nasty email and a bad review? Just like Phillipsburg NJ and Easton Pa. Steve Ballmer (the former CEO of Microsoft) Was from Allentown Pa. One city away from where I resided at one time. He grew up there. Let me guess... He started what you're doing, and you have to finish it or keep up the bad work, right?




That's me in the picture, But the friend I never knew just informed me that what's going on is now an anti-firearms protest! Why police officers? So I'm easier to kill? Shall I smoke a cigarette now? Let me guess you are truth inc. now right?

Time & Effort...

      I don't think you all realize how long it took me to put what is happening to me together. My wife got paid to divert the attention from the police! FOR MONEY? :'( It took near a decade to understand, and about 8 years more to formulate and execute a strategy. I trusted my wife. Oops, that's why I don't trust anyone, because it's my own family too. If that is the "new police..." You are doing the same thing as the old police! Did all the old police get promoted to the US Marshall Service or something? CIA? To the CIA huh? Do you have to protect me from something? What? You? That's not necassary! NO FUCKING THANX! SCUM!

      It's not paranoid... It's true. Raped (literally,) Raped, and Raped again by the police using the homosexual community as a conduit. Officer Zechman, Officer Hammerstone, and Officer Marino. To keep Jamie Zechman's LIE that I raped her a secret!

      It's not a lesson, or a test, or a joke, or a book, or a movie, or an album, or a scrapbook, or anything that money can be made from unless you fictionalize it.... It's the FUCKING TRUTH!!!! One lie right after the other from start to present. To do that for a policeman's niece and cousin, or sister or whatever Jamie Zechman is to Officer Travis Zechman & Officer Norman (<not sure if actual first name) Hammerstone is a revolting display of arrogance and power.

      And, I'm helping make room for intelligent people, all for free apparently. I'm OpenSource not a hacker/cracker, you only get paid if your Microsoft and a hacker/cracker!

Here's another advertisement for MRI's this time.....

Eh... It's been done! Negative findings! Does that mean I don't have a brain? Doctor's are reading me? I'm Harper's lol! Look... they're cheap now. Don't forget the doctor's service fee and all other fees associated with whatever the hell they're doing with that Affordable Care Act. Well if there are no fees how are medical technicians and doctors getting paid? Taxes??? JESUS CHRIST! How much do they want?

Comprehension Check for Psychologist's... Do You Read English???

AAAaaaaahhhhhh hahahahaha!!! Online therapy??? Maybe you should post that on Jaymadel's (my wife's) profiles and websites. READ MY BLOG psychologists, you would be pissed if it happened to you!!!. There you go... Maybe you need comprehension therapy! I found this advertisement on my blog page!!!! That's odd! Hey Jaymadel... Where are those divorce papers I've been asking you for for months on end now? I know I can block it, but I might as well watch it... Let me guess, a one time advertisement now right? I'll never see it again? Here feel free to read my facebook wall too.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

More Information Regarding "Silver Contrast..."

       Ladies and gentlemen... Here's more on Computed Tomography scans... There is one paragraph I want you to pay attention to. It's the one that says you drink the dye. It is not injected in you and it is not called "Silver Contrast" as a matter of fact I doubt it's used for medical purposes at all. By the way... Here's that paragraph but you can read the source by clicking the link.

       In some cases, a dye called contrast material may be used. It may be put in a vein (IV) in your arm, or it may be placed into other parts of your body (such as the rectum or a joint) to see those areas better. For some types of CT scans you drink the dye. The dye makes structures and organs easier to see on the CT pictures.

        NOTE: It says "some" cases! So, that means that NOT in all cases is the dye (NOT CONTRAST) needed.


Citizenship Surrendering...

      It just occurred to me that, the only reason a corporation would offer "corporate citizenship" is if, the government had surrendered authority to corporate authority, nulled American Citizenship, somehow managed to incorporate a software program via satellite transmission to run a subliminal routine and induce a "new" thought pattern to keep people in line so as not to interfere with corporate law. The subliminal routine will probably be incorporated into a medley of electronic devices. from stereos to cell phones, to televisions, graphical overlays transmitted via wifi (Straight to your brain) even subliminal messages between web pages. It would not be difficult if you understand that our brains run on an easily achievable frequency in todays technological standards. Ask the IEEE. It's effort that was probably afforded by the League of Nations before, during, and after World War 1 with the medley of technology that they had during those times... e.g. Radio, HAM (Handheld Amateur Radio), machinery, even weapons. Corporate Citizenship!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Patent infringements involving Apple & Google...

From what I'm reading involving the actual patents... No Patents involve hardware as the article claims. I read two articles so far and am upset that they are refering to devices and not the actual software. That is actually what Microsoft and our corporate overlords want. They are not device patents. It is software. Microsoft is happy to let them squabble over old protocols which are important and necessary to internet communications and allow Apple and Motorola to waste their money while the Microsoft corporation researches and developes... Good look dummies!

"The ITC ruled last week that Apple did not infringe U.S. patent numbers 6,272,333 (the '333 patent), 6,246,697 ('697 patent), and 5,636,223 ('223 patent). The 6,246,862 ('862 patent) related to a sensor controlled user interface for a portable communication device has been remanded to the ALJ." << from PC World."

Those are protocols that allow you computer or wireless device communicate with satellite and cellular land based transmissions.

Duh... Hooked on Dumb... That's why I don't buy your products Apple. Who's your legal tactician?? Sun Tzu? Mencius? A former Microsoft employee? That might be your problem. Time to start reinvesting in riskier ventures cause these software and protocol corporate assholes want too much. Look for new Operating System technologies.... OpenSource is full of them.


My Wife Must Have Stockholmes Syndrome...

      I always like to talk shit to POLICE... I Call them Nasty facist faggot pigs and I still can't get arrested. It just happened the other day.

      I was yelling it from down the street... They seemed in hurry to look for something... There must have been a crime.... What could it be??? Or they just can't find the range to find me??? I'm the one calling you facist faggot pigs... That's me Joel Anthony Zrolka. Just like it says right prior to the comment I'm making here on facebook. I'm staying at 926 Talmadge St. Corpus Christi Tx. 78418. I moved here from 6177 Franklin Hill Rd Bangor Pennsylvania 18013 because I was choreographically displaced from my wife who lives (lived) at 274 Clinton St. Whitesboro, NY 16942 because I was displaced from my place of work at 9766 Fairfax Blvd. Fairfax, VA 22031 Because I was displaced from my place of residency at 12908c Gray's Pointe Rd. Fairfax Va. 22033 over a lie. That's the last 1 year and 3 months of my life.

       Now ask yourselves why?

       Police or Joe Liston or who ever else trying to make me "CUCKHOLD" by fucking my wife and making her pregnant . For me??? No thanx! Scumbags.

       Jaymadel likes it though... Must be Stockholmes Syndrome.


A Thought on the Recent Privatization of the US Military...

      For those of you who thought privatizing the US Military would be a good idea for the people... Guess what. You were wrong. The question is, Who has enough money to buy a whole military branched in 5 segments and everything underneath it. Dare I say, A very large corporation and it's Co-operationals from around the world. Hi Microsoft citizens. You share huh? Look!!!! He's kind. Well, I can tell that you don't own it, as a citizen. If so, how much did you pay? Now the US Military can cut loose any veterans or people the military considers to be a threat to it's corporate overlord. The future is bright. 

       I just figured it out.... Hacking and cracking is legal now.... The corporations say it's OK. You can tell by the information trading. It's become a commodity. So that means you no longer have to pay for Microsoft products. Generate product & activation keys as much as you want. And I still wouldn't go back to it. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

In Case You're Wondering Where Your Wife Went....

       List of 100 social media sites...

If she's anything like mine, with her faggot (<<<literal) friends based on what she did.