Wednesday, March 30, 2016

1st Rule of a General.....

      The first rule of a General or Field Marshal has and forever will be "Don't Touch the Land." That phrase means a lot to me even though I'm not a General. 1.) It means DO NOT poison the water: Do not truly call yourself a leader of people or a politician if you have ever poisoned the water. 2: It means DO NOT taint the land with radiation or scientifically foul weaponry. 3: It means DO NOT harm the decency of the people by murdering or poisoning decent people by poisoning the water or tainting the land nor through any action of your army.

      The fact that nuclear weaponry is even a reality that we face as a collective human race is a sure sign that no true General or Field Marshal any longer exists. This is a screenshot of a Natural Resource Industry here in the USA. I invested in this company less than a year ago because it had just entered bankruptcy and the stocks were cheap as always "There might be value in what is apparently scrap." My point in the first paragraph relates directly to what Natural Resources really are aside from the common misconception with this company in particular about coal being the ONLY Natural Resource on the planet. This industry isn't too small and apparently has good competition and was a good competitor. Why the stocks of a Natural Resource company whom has an endless list of Natural Resources to invest it's own self in, why those stocks are worthless can only mean that someone has touched the land. I worry about what it is that the land has been poisoned with.  Screenshot:

      The truth of the matter is, that something unbelievable and probably horrifying has occurred to make Natural Resources worthless by making a company that invests it's time; energy; funds etc. into the naturally supplied items available from the very ground we walk upon. If Natural Resources are worthless then, Gold; Silver; Copper; Water; Oil and all other items that are of the like are worthless too. What is it that we did collectively that makes these items worthless in their industry but apparently not according to the commodities market which, is really what natural resources are. Please tell me.

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