Thursday, November 28, 2019
What's wrong with....
What's wrong with that "no radio," radio "Microsoft?" "Get a lab for that!" Try to NOT hypnotize or subliminally suggest to people to hijack aeroplanes and/or shoot up "elementary schools."
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Any article referencing "police" are directed to and at my hometown in particular, for the violations of my personal character and reputation as well as the false accusations and attacks against me as well as any fraudulent reports made against me on behalf of those police officers by either friends or family.
Unless, you want to toss in dereliction in reference to how little progress has been made in identifying the actual influencing factor upon 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 who, apart from a pair "had no connection to one another. "
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Experience...
The "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" Experience as a target subject.
Picture C/o: YouTube
And for the traitor Stanley Kubrick, George Lucas was more accurate in his abstract vision of the future with THX 1138.
Blind Sheik Dry-Run?
I was just sitting here being forced to listen to "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" Broadcasting, and a petty thought crossed my mind.
Do you think that the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" researchers could have used the "Blind Sheik" to rehearse a "dry- run" scenario for the attacks on 9/11/2001 back in 1992 by influencing the "Blind Sheik" and his correspondences though hypnotique and subliminal broadcasting over wavelength frequency?
I bet the broadcast wouldn't even be noticeable upon the "Blind Sheik" by network frequency monitors simply because, he is blind. The compensation of brain activity redirects to the audio portion of the brain when you're blind, the "Blind Sheik" would be very sensitive to sound. The volume of a subliminal broadcast upon a blindman would virtually be invisible on network frequency monitors. Especially since, "Microsoft Corporation" admits openly that. "The Microsoft Telepathy Updates service was researched and developed in secret exclusively at Microsoft Laboratories"
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Remember that time...
Imagine, A corporation who influenced a manufactured disaster through research and developement and then, implements a method of broadcasting that influenced said "disaster" and perpetuates the effects of the manufactured disaster to conceal the initial one on a sublime platform and then, again cranks up the intensity by trying to claim "victory" over that network publicly which, started two wars and endless antiterrorism operations across the globe, making mass murder a normal occurrence to the point that even the syndicated media is sick of reporting the amount of deaths across the spectrum of media outlets, deaths that were caused by the corporation through whom said "network" started the everyday casual mass murder and endless antiterrorism operations.
Picture C/o:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Binary Tungsten?
I was wondering, while a "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcaster was reading aloud my echo-encephylagram output across the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service whether, the Microsoft Network (MSN) was planned during implementation in the 1980s to appear friendly but be hostile through binary function?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Note 11/12/2019 03:56
It occurs to me this morning by being forced to hear "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasting that, for Microsoft to avoid criminal exposure for the influence upon the 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 by way of the service mentioned above that they, (Microsoft executives) most likely implemented the "3 Benefits" strategy (very old method of "reaping a spoil.") I assume, based on what I can make out of the broadcasting that sounds likely enough to be at least probable that, the "3 Benefits" chosen by way of an illegal sale of network rights and secrets to China and India are as follows: (or something like this)
1.) Makes the US Government and the people look incompetent.
2.) Razes (ultimately) Chinese Morale.
3.) Causes perpetual confusion accompanied with constant "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service broadcasting.
These, and possibly an extended list of "pros and cons" would conceal the criminal magnitude underneath a constant confused squabbling argument indefinitely so long as no parties realize that, the only reason that poses any significant answers to the 9/11/2001 attacks in NY and DC (the woes of all our current circumstances) is the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service it's self
1.) Makes the US Government and the people look incompetent.
2.) Razes (ultimately) Chinese Morale.
3.) Causes perpetual confusion accompanied with constant "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service broadcasting.
These, and possibly an extended list of "pros and cons" would conceal the criminal magnitude underneath a constant confused squabbling argument indefinitely so long as no parties realize that, the only reason that poses any significant answers to the 9/11/2001 attacks in NY and DC (the woes of all our current circumstances) is the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service it's self
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ASCII blah blah... (updated... 11/03/2019)
I don't know if there is a new secret character chart but I have been finding Cyrillic Characters throughout the computer OS distributions that I've been using because of one reason or another. The last I checked and from college coursework, I was concluded confidently that, Cyrillic because of a specific character were not to be injected in any distributions to include Windows, Apple, Linux nor even for or by any of the distributions upon the other. The special character only found in Cyrillic causes worldwide network issues. I've been finding that ASCII is absent in many distributions and there is a RUSCII chart in it's stead. I don't know if it is an attempt to scapegoat upon Russians some sort of practical joke or a catastrophic event. I had mentioned this in a posting on one website or another a few years ago.
Though this is my suspician, and you might not subscribe to connect-the-dots (a children's game in kindergarten class) but, I believe that the Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service in it's Research & Development stage is responsible for influencing (through hypnotique and subliminal suggestion) 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings.
All of these little instances of deviations upon and on and through the network(s) I am convinced, are a gimmick to deviate and avoid prosecution of the Microsoft Corporation for Murder by Mass by and for the Microsoft Corporation also, to sweep that instance under the "proverbial" rug by overlapping the initial Murder by Mass with a list of other Corporate crimes (e.g. Enron and Microsoft's role in that scandal) not to mention, any other offense that is worth biding time and throwing in front of investigators to undermine investigation of the 9/11/2001 attacks.
The attacks on 9/11/2001 pre-date the sale of MSN rights and network secrets to China and India, I also believe that given the opportunity to undermine the Chinese or Indian government it will embolden it's self with similar tactics.
(UPDATE) The development of the "AZURE Cloud Network" is also one of those types of gimmicks that undermines investigative effort and provides "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" a means to continue operations. The only problem with the gimmick is that, the "AZURE" Cloud Network is completely illegal. Microsoft is outlawed by federal ban from possessing any cloud service in any form, it must subscribe to a service that provides cloud storage. Developing a cloud network and then making pretend you sold it to another company to circumvent federal business statutes in my opinion, only cites a corporate conspiracy by way of fraud and what I believe to be "Foul Play" on the lower echelon of the "Microsoft" staff by the "Microsoft Corporation."
Though this is my suspician, and you might not subscribe to connect-the-dots (a children's game in kindergarten class) but, I believe that the Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service in it's Research & Development stage is responsible for influencing (through hypnotique and subliminal suggestion) 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings.
All of these little instances of deviations upon and on and through the network(s) I am convinced, are a gimmick to deviate and avoid prosecution of the Microsoft Corporation for Murder by Mass by and for the Microsoft Corporation also, to sweep that instance under the "proverbial" rug by overlapping the initial Murder by Mass with a list of other Corporate crimes (e.g. Enron and Microsoft's role in that scandal) not to mention, any other offense that is worth biding time and throwing in front of investigators to undermine investigation of the 9/11/2001 attacks.
The attacks on 9/11/2001 pre-date the sale of MSN rights and network secrets to China and India, I also believe that given the opportunity to undermine the Chinese or Indian government it will embolden it's self with similar tactics.
(UPDATE) The development of the "AZURE Cloud Network" is also one of those types of gimmicks that undermines investigative effort and provides "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" a means to continue operations. The only problem with the gimmick is that, the "AZURE" Cloud Network is completely illegal. Microsoft is outlawed by federal ban from possessing any cloud service in any form, it must subscribe to a service that provides cloud storage. Developing a cloud network and then making pretend you sold it to another company to circumvent federal business statutes in my opinion, only cites a corporate conspiracy by way of fraud and what I believe to be "Foul Play" on the lower echelon of the "Microsoft" staff by the "Microsoft Corporation."
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