Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Note 11/12/2019 03:56

It occurs to me this morning by being forced to hear "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasting that, for Microsoft to avoid criminal exposure for the influence upon the 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 by way of the service mentioned above that they, (Microsoft executives) most likely implemented the "3 Benefits" strategy (very old method of "reaping a spoil.") I assume, based on what I can make out of the broadcasting that sounds likely enough to be at least probable that, the "3 Benefits" chosen by way of an illegal sale of network rights and secrets to China and India are as follows: (or something like this)

1.) Makes the US Government and the people look incompetent.
2.) Razes (ultimately) Chinese Morale.
3.) Causes perpetual confusion accompanied with constant "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service broadcasting.

These, and possibly an extended list of "pros and cons" would conceal the criminal magnitude underneath a constant confused squabbling argument indefinitely so long as no parties realize that, the only reason that poses any significant answers to the 9/11/2001 attacks in NY and DC (the woes of all our current circumstances) is the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service it's self

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