Saturday, November 2, 2019

ASCII blah blah... (updated... 11/03/2019)

I don't know if there is a new secret character chart but I have been finding Cyrillic Characters throughout the computer OS distributions that I've been using because of one reason or another. The last I checked and from college coursework, I was concluded confidently that, Cyrillic because of a specific character were not to be injected in any distributions to include Windows, Apple, Linux nor even for or by any of the distributions upon the other. The special character only found in Cyrillic causes worldwide network issues. I've been finding that ASCII is absent in many distributions and there is a RUSCII chart in it's stead. I don't know if it is an attempt to scapegoat upon Russians some sort of practical joke or a catastrophic event. I had mentioned this in a posting on one website or another a few years ago.

Though this is my suspician, and you might not subscribe to connect-the-dots (a children's game in kindergarten class) but, I believe that the Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service in it's Research & Development stage is responsible for influencing (through hypnotique and subliminal suggestion) 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings.
All of these little instances of deviations upon and on and through the network(s) I am convinced, are a gimmick to deviate and avoid prosecution of the Microsoft Corporation for Murder by Mass by and for the Microsoft Corporation also, to sweep that instance under the "proverbial" rug by overlapping the initial Murder by Mass with a  list of other Corporate crimes (e.g. Enron and Microsoft's role in that scandal) not to mention, any other offense that is worth biding time and throwing in front of investigators to undermine investigation of the 9/11/2001 attacks.

The attacks on 9/11/2001 pre-date the sale of MSN rights and network secrets to China and India, I also believe that given the opportunity to undermine the Chinese or Indian government it will embolden it's self with similar tactics.

(UPDATE) The development of the "AZURE Cloud Network" is also one of those types of gimmicks that undermines investigative effort and provides "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" a means to continue operations. The only problem with the gimmick is that, the "AZURE" Cloud Network is completely illegal. Microsoft is outlawed by federal ban from possessing any cloud service in any form, it must subscribe to a service that provides cloud storage. Developing a cloud network and then making pretend you sold it to another company to circumvent federal business statutes in my opinion, only cites a corporate conspiracy by way of fraud and what I believe to be "Foul Play" on the lower echelon of the "Microsoft" staff by the "Microsoft Corporation."

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