Friday, April 4, 2014

Microsoft plagiarism tactics...

      What I think is happening here is MS is letting opensource operate under the illusion that you are opensource and free, when they see something they like, they offer you coin, more than you probably ever saw, and push forward with their monopolistic goals, to seize control of all software development around the world. To combat this tactic, hold on to your property and DO NOT SELL especially to Microsoft. Remember, the railroads here in the United States tried to do the same thing with rail all over the world.

      Let them steal your source, then when they get done changing the character value of the source “they came up with” take each character and revert it back to your source and see if character value matches your source under different character properties as yours. If it does, you have a plagiarism lawsuit. The same book in any other language, is the same book.

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