Thursday, April 10, 2014

Microsoft push for biometrics..

The article is about brute force attacks on strong passwords

       Yep... We might need to retract from online business and banking because of this. Even strong passwords are being decrypted and exposed. The people who are doing this, are only destroying a revenue outlet for other people. That hurts so much.

       I've known and suspected for quite sometime, Microsoft was creating virus and backdoor flaws on purpose to collect end-user information for corporate benefit. I also suspect the password scanner that is being used was developed by a Microsoft insider.

      If you think about it, this is a sound conclusion. Who else knows the .exe extension and intricate development of programs executed by that extension?

      All programs and malware of all types require the .exe extension to execute a command of installation to enable that application (malware or not) to run on any Microsoft system.

      Another reason I suspect this hack has occurred is to push hard on the development of biometric hardware and software that Microsoft already has a jump on. Hence, the fingerprint scanner on most new Microsoft incorporated laptops.

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