Monday, June 23, 2014

Drones are Dying Everywhere...

       Apparently, we have crashed 418 Predator Drones since 2001. Each predator drone costs $4,000,000 - $10,000,000. Simple 3rd grade word problems bring you to the sum of $4,180,000,000 was spent on Predator Drones within the last 13 years. Not to mention, the amount of resources these things destroy every time they fire a Hellfire rocket. So the cost of a Hellfire, Predator, Destroyed resources combined together and since we can not estimate a one size fits all face value, for destroyed resources at any given time combined with it's lifetime rocket expenditure, We can estimate based on the value of a Predator Drone and a Hellfire rocket that it exceeds $4,180,000,000.00 at any given time. Don't we have to rebuild what we destroy? They were calling it "Nation Building." 13 years of battle in the Middle East is going to be a pretty hefty price tag. Not to mention the value of lives. I suppose we have to ask Black and White Supremacists what the going rate on human being is these days. Wow We're fucked! Good looking out for the future moms and dads. Why do you think I'm 38 with no children?

       If I had anything to do with it, I would ban drones of any type with the exception of reasonably sized surveillance drones, I like to know if someone is watching. Let's face it, we're using robots to kill people without putting at least one of ours in danger! It's disgusting and it's not right. If you're going to kill someone in a military fashion with a military vehicle and military weapon, I think you should have to be on location to watch them die. Just my opinion. Watch them die in real time so that your trigger finger isn't so itchy when it comes to killing people the next time around, and so that the life you took weighs on conscience and judgement.

      One more thing... On auto correct, whatever happened to dropping the "e" and adding "ing," "ly," & "ment?" It's a mutative language... I can save space on server systems... Teach them how to drop the "e" and then add  "ing," "ly," or "ment." The only reason I add the "e" is because auto-correct tells me I'm wrong. Do you know how much data space 1 single "e" from every post and comment from every user takes up?

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