Friday, June 20, 2014

Looks Like a Manifesto To Me....

      A quick look through a domain search and I found quite a bit relating to this article... As I said a "QUICK" search... Here's what I found.

      Usually you can tell a Linux based website from a Microsoft based website by the vibrant colors that are automatically installed on a Microsoft machine. I've been voicing my objection about Microsoft and it's development of what I like call electronic tactical operations throughout the world but in particular in this country we call home, the USA. The picture below is an extension of my search. My web search is classified but apart from the picture/manifesto above I found a document from an organization calling itself "" As you can see in the picture No. 1 below someone tried to delete there registration of the website to conceal their identity. That's weird No.1

      Now for my next picture you will see that the registrant organization is called and sponsored by Is "Bluepixel" Bill Gates' hacker name? Who is From what I understand is alot like, not sure if he registered through both which doesn't make sense, once you buy your DNS name it's yours.

      In my next picture it goes further to identify names and, through what DNS vehicle the organization is registered through. I believe though I might be mistaken that Microsoft is or was the owner of or a major sponsor I don't recall which.

 Now I want to show you the difference in colors representing a Microsoft "opensource" server depicted below and a linux driven server which usually is more plain and without the vibrant colors, usually. Though there are some great linux based webpage developers. This is a picture of a Microsoft driven webpage below.

Now I would like to show you a true OpenSource webpage that is linux driven. A more text based page as you can see below.

      What I'm getting at here is the only reason there is such a fuss about electronic tapping and spying is because there is a black president in the White House... And I'm white guy. If a white man was president no one would even notice. Mr. President.... It's because you're black.

      I have more pictures of discrepancies regarding just this website and it's attempted registrant deletion I'll post them below.

      I found another part of that is interesting. With the exception of the lengthlyness of a Microsoft EULA the EULA directly reflects the structure of a Microsoft EULA. That's weird. Is it because they're operating on a Microsoft server? All these things lead me to believe that Microsoft is the source to include police departments, of your stolen identities and the information or documents that you may lose on your desktop or in your files on your computer, not the NSA though, agencies like the NSA may be purchasing the dossiers Microsoft puts together on their users since Microsoft is doing the thievery.

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