Monday, March 31, 2014

I might just start....

      I've started to write books in the past, and every time, before I can finish it mysteriously disappears. Maybe I'll write a book called Stolen Honor. I think I'll base it off of what is happening in my life regarding, the theft of my deeds and identity. Yep... I think I'll start it tomorrow. If any one sees a 3.5 inch floppy with the title "Book 1" on it. Please let me know. Or a word document containing the contents of Book 1.

New idea to eliminate racism in the USA

     Ladies and Gentlemen I have a prejudiced against certain forms of software. I have just been informed of this and I'm passing it to you.... I'm trying to think of a term that could apply to such a prejudiced. A warist? A softist? A Softwarist? Can you help me with finding the right term? I want to create a type of electronic software racism. The first of it's kind. Who want's in? black; white and everything in between are acccepted. We'll form our judgments based on the end users operating system. Then based on operating systems we can designate derogatory terms to each operating system end user. For MicroSoft users.. I like rapists, or no reach around(s) (acronym: NoRA(s).) based on a 360 gaming perimeter.

It's not looking good.

     Well, It's not looking good for me being able to comment on Google anymore. Looks like I can only post through the blogspot but, no comments. Might be what I posted to CNN yesterday. Must be punishment for me in reference to the comment I made regarding the story they posted on that closely resembled or should, say almost word for word resembled an article I posted here on Google.

The friend I never knew.....

      The friend I never knew just also informed me that security is old... You can leave business doors unlocked at the end of the day, no need for firearms, as a matter of fact no need for police, "just stop paying them, they'll figure it out." Look there's value in that shitty movie office space. No need for internet security whether physical or data. Of course that benefits the corporations. Hence, Corporate overlords, Hi MicroSoft.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Maritime Border Dispute in Asia...

      When you look at the map of China in comparison to the disputed maritime area, you have to take into consideration agreed upon international maritime law. These laws are proposed for a reason, and it's not that I'm siding with China. But if China overlaps with outlying islands, What can be done. That's Chinas, The Philippines, & Japan's call. The resolution is a matter of the overlapping in my opinion. An overlap is a shared border or demilitarized zone to best of my understanding.

Interesting article.

Hey... I just got word...

      I just got word that crypticism is old and outdated from a friend I never knew. Every body can send me their usernames and passwords to their bank accounts if that's true. No need for encryption, at all.


      Nothing to do today but troll and make comments on peoples posts to try and evoke a smile or anger within the poster. Hopefully it's a smile. But I also hope that with the postings of some of my articles you get pissed off (very angry.)

League of Nations Notion....

      Please click the link... I found this on webopedia in reference to "The League of Nations" which was reorganized into what is known as the United Nations today. It was horrific failure before and after Woodrow Wilson's presidency if you read through the list of organizations that are referred in the webopedia list, you will see the very organizations in my first ever blog entitled ICANN, ARPA, & RIPE. Go to or scan the barcode on facebook in my profile picture to see the article. It is at the very bottom, half cut off in the list of articles.

Now I'm getting phone calls....

      I'm getting phone calls now, asking me to come in the front door LMAO. That's been done. Some how my children keep dying, either from outside interference or birth defect. :-( funny stuff for everybody else though.

Comedy & Tragedy, It's true what they say... Check this out!

      I just realized if we sold every share of the top 5 corporations in the United States at current market value and apply current checking interest rates we could pay 1 interest payment and 1.7 on a second interest or principle payment (I would go with the principle) to the national deficit/debt. I applied checking rates to draw a comparison from where our money is coming from. Something similar to a checking account. That sucks! What do we use for the next payment? More companies. LMAO.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

"Free" Medical Care in the USA....

Hey Mr. president,

       I tried to send you an email regarding this but, when I push send, the email gets forwarded to my drafts. Must be some bullshit punishment for swearing like a soldier.

       In "ObamaCare's" seemingly current state, a mess of 6000 pages, your subordinates pushed every single anti-amendment clause through your delegation of authorization. The Affordable Healthcare Act seems flawed considering no one wants to buy into it. You should look to France for a comprehensive healthcare plan. Both France and Britain have a unique and affective plan that seems easily manageable considering it has been in their political system for quite sometime. It's not foreign influence and who's to say we can not learn anything regarding this particular issue from our extended families overseas?


      Is there nothing more relaxing than a Mr. Bubble bubble bathe?

What I've written about MicroSound on facebook....

      The link is my source, for the information pertaining to the development of current mind hacking applications. It sounds crazy, but believe me, it's true. And one can not deny the possibility given today's technological advancements.

What I've written on facebook on the development of the current use of MicroSound... Sounds an awful lot like MicroSoft doesn't it?

       "What they're showing here could be updated for use with WiFi. I'm talking language compatibility bridging; switches; hubs; access points; routers etc. if you update the article with modern terminology it sounds something like electronic DNA bridging compatibility system (cuckold. look this word up.) We all know electronic DNA does not exist but DNA does. 

Now think in psychological aspects. You can emulate psychological disorders that don't even exist within a person (e.g. Multiple personality disorder) with technology like this, all you need is switch technology, EEG graph readings and from a target subject or 2 or more people. 

I had mentioned in a previous article that the human brain runs on 8-42Hz, if you read the wikipedia article (noted wiki is not always correct) the article states the Microsound development runs between 28Hz - 28Khz. The signal strength and frequency falls within the range of 8-42Hz. Believe me, if this happens to you, you will know because it hurts very bad. I have a feeling local law enforcement officers like to use technology like this to manipulate people into believing that the US government is performing tests on citizens. What the citizen doesn't take note of is the police department undertone. Keep these things in mind. Police also could and will use this technology to cover up or hide any crimes committed by the police or the policeman's fraternal brother. Once again, source for this information is the wiki-link above, and I also hold the notion that, not all information distributed on "Wikipedia" is true but, unfortunately a lot is to either an extent or to fullness of the articles."

Orgasms are cool but....

    Please click the link and read the article... Now apply some of what I was talking about in my post on MicroSound... The MicroSound development is actually a huge violation of human rights even though this idea doesn't sound so bad.  But keep in mind hacking the human brain is torturous and inhumane. Intellectual property does not just exist on disk drives and recordable media alone. Intellectual property are the things which you can create either on paper or make a reality through tools with solely the power of your own mind and level of intelligence.

You can find what I've been writing about MicroSound on my facebook page.

Friday, March 28, 2014

More on Robert Scoble...

      Apparently Robert Scoble is associated with When I went to look for investor relations on their website and partnerships, they give all the business procedures and "ethics" the corporation supposedly carries with it in it's travels, but not a single partner or investor is listed! Is that ethical?

My google location says....

     My google location located in google+ sidebar says, my name is Robert Scoble from California USA. The location looks in the approximate area of MicroSoft Headquarters. My name is Joel Zrolka just like it says in my profile, I am from Pennsylvania. Wow weird things happen when talk about MicroSoft in negative tone. Must be magic aka: WiFi.

North American debt resolution..

       Wow. Bitcoin has raised 17 million. Are we raising the value of this coin to construct a new treasury or a fund raiser for the national deficit? You're going to want to maintain the collection of funds for this coin for approximately another 50 years before implementing your new currency and if it's a fund raiser to lower the deficit we just past $17 million 20 minutes ago, you didn't even make the interest payment. Think about the National Debt, we accumulated 5 trillion dollars in 5 years or less. A measly 17 million does not put a dent in 20 trillion which might as well be 100 trillion. LMAO! Good luck with that. Just tell the world bank we can't pay, we'll never be able to pay, and file for bankruptcy. Then we can forge a new currency and share the resources of our country with our closest neighbors, and apply those resources to our currency. The other countries willing to share their resource would also share the value of a transferable (between nation) currency. After all, Canada and Mexico are our closest neighbors, we all have vast resource and there's value in that. It's been done in Europe with great effectiveness. We could do the same thing here with a North American Union. You also have to keep in mind the US will be the biggest burden which will devalue the actual face value of our resource. By biggest burden, I mean the nation with the highest debt and a bankruptcy on it's record. Who's to say some of our agricultural friends in South & Central America wouldn't come along to share the resource that they can offer, in effort to bolster the value of the new currency.
       Now keep in mind the resource and value of those resources, that partner nations offer to bolster the value of the new currency, will be the only thing that the nations who particpate in my idea will share with one another. Sovereignty must be preserved on all national roles who take part in the new currency. There also needs to be a legal pact, somewhere along the lines of NATO. I think customs is still a necessity along with border patrol. Departments such as Border Patrol & Customs; CPA; EPA are departments who maintain law according to what may  or may not pass through the borders. For example, we know that marijuana is illegal here according to federal law. The federal law is in place to protect the citizens from a defective or harmful product. I believe the law should be altered to accommodate marijuana sales in the USA. But everything has its' process.
      I think my idea on trading commodities and resource between our hemispherical partners is a better idea than trading imaginary numbers like a bunch of dumb baby-boomers who use imaginary numbers, like they had imaginary friends when they were 5 years old.

Welcome to the future...

      Apparently with the development of MicroSoft Cracking software, Wealthy people are now the only people who can use the internet with confidence.

My account must be hacked...

      I did not change the title font of my page, but I see that it has been changed from a script font to a courier type, either someone broke a 128 bit password or someone at Google is messing with my profile in response to what I'm saying about MicroSoft. Let me guess the youngest genius ever right? Bill Gates II? Let me clarify my statement on 128 bits. The algorithm that you need to crack my password is 128 bits. Are we releasing a password scanner to the public that cracks those types of passwords? If so how do we secure our accounts now? The internet is ruined because corporate assholes can't seem to keep a zipped lip. A password that uses letters, numbers, & characters requires that 128bit algorithmatic scanner to crack an account. Now how are we supposed to secure our accounts from banks to email? The guy or girl who has that scanner, is surely gonna sell copies of it or, keep it for him/herself and take whatever he/she wants from anyone he/she wishes at anytime he/she feels like it.
      Congratulations, someone has destroyed online banking; buying; sales; and anything else one can make money from online.
      Hey everyone, MicroSoft got a huge jump on biometrics on all those laptops with fingerprint scanners, I wonder who released the 128bit algorithmatic scanner to push the new biometric technology that is not fully developed and corrupt everyone else's financial security online? I'm guessing MicroSoft, just to put the ball in their financial court so to speak. Not everyone has the money for new laptops assholes. What do you do about that? Or you can use the new scanner utility to check who's wealthy and who's not, for their own personal information of course. Steve Ballmer and MicroSoft or one of their former employees, wants to know who wants to buy Bank data. I'm certain whoever is doing this, has got account numbers, routing numbers, names, addresses, etc. of banking clients and can get more from any website they want with this "new" algorithm processing application. Good times. At least I'm broke and can't miss anything I never had.

I bet,  it's a Microsoft developer,  researcher,  investor,  or an executive doing it. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Check this out "Micorsound?" sounds like Microsoft.

Microsound mind hack

Please click this link and read its' contents. It is a link to wikipedia. You can click either link I'll post both, one with my description and the visual link unless the whole picture shows up. You never know what's going to e-happen online.

Check this out.... Read my article about hacking/cracking the human brain like a computer. What they're showing here could be updated for use with WiFi. I'm talking language compatibility bridging; switches; hubs; access points; routers etc. if you update the article with modern terminology it sounds something like an electronic Deoriboneucleic Acid (DNA) bridging compatibility system (cuckold. look this word up.) We all know electronic DNA does not exist but DNA does. Now think in psychological aspects. You can emulate psychological disorders that don't even exist within a person (e.g. Multiple personality disorder) with technology like this all you need is switch technology and EEG graph readings from a target subject and 2 or more people. I had mentioned in a previous article that the human brain runs on 8-42Hz, if you read the article (noted wiki is not always correct) the article states the Microsound development runs between 28Hz - 28Khz. The signal strength and frequency falls within the range of 8-42Hz. Believe me if this happens to you, you will know because, it hurts very bad. I have a feeling local law enforcement officers like to use technology like this to manipulate people into believing that the US government is performing tests on citizens. What the citizen doesn't take note of, is the police department undertone. Keep these things in mind. Police also, could and will use this technology to cover up or hide any crimes committed by the police or the policeman's fraternal brotherhood.

I wonder... Was the developer of this technology, media, and I'm sure now software a current or former employee of MicroSoft?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I'm making a list for President Obama....

         All citizens who can view this and comment without negative or derogatory statements to the man himself. Tell me what you would like to see him do in the future. Post your comments.

Hey Google, I have an idea...

      Let's knock facebook out of the box with a new format to the Google network with a link called GoogleFace+ and when facebook files lawsuit for copyright you can just hold out your hand and yell GOOGLEFACE! right to them. They're not only selling our personal information, some folks in the corporate circles are interpreting it as ownership of the information and the individual the information is attached to.

Hey Google...

      I think you have some MicroSoft moles running around in your corporation. Because when I tell folks to view my blogspot, I jump to immediately and realize that the page does not hook. I just get a blank page or when I view some of my posts on g+ the article will not appear. The title is there but the article page appears blank. Take a look for yourselves. It's kind of annoying.

UPDATE: I was working of of my fathers iPad at the time I wrote this article. What I've realized is that, Assles at Apple were actually censoring the posts if they contained swear words. My filter was turned off meaning that the corporation decided take it among themselves and apply censorship to my speech based on foul language. Let's face it, sometimes cursing like a fucking soldier gets the point across.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


      The Board of Directors at MicroSoft, must have an excellent strategies board. Think about the name MicroSoft for a second, The name translated in Greek/English is SMALL & SOFT. Now when you think about the immense size of the corporation and their service habits, the translation does not fit the activities. Weird how a name can sway or divert the minds judgment of what an organization is  doing to its' customers and members. Now, reverse the translative meaning of MicroSoft to "MicaluHard," translated in Greek/English MicaluHard is Large and Hard. Now think for another moment of a perversive metaphor. MicroSoft is a GIANT American raping machine, that screws us all in the butt with a very large penis and very hard on a regular basis. Welcome to the future folks. MicroSoft says it's ok to rape people.

       MicroSoft and other large corporations, want to file taxes on the premise that a corporation is an individual. Does that mean we can apply law to a corporation and all of its' employees like an individual? Well, if corporations can file for a tax return as individuals then, all laws must apply to the corporation as individual citizens. So if a corporation does something to a citizen, by law, (because you can't apply one law to corporations in a particular aspect of American law without applying all laws in that very same aspect) then you can prosecute based on individual citizen laws. Who gets the right to pick and choose what laws apply to them? No one nor any corporation. You either pertain to the laws of business or American Standard Law (applied to all citizens) or, you are a lawless entity corrupting our country. What I'm reporting here has been a legal debate that has been circulating for a very long time. LOOK I FOUND THE "EVIL!"

      I found a loophole, and it does not exist in law but, in the interpretation of what laws the MicroSoft Corporation thinks it can attach to itself without any legal rite in existence. Think a little bit harder and you can identify that many corporations are following in MicroSoft footsteps, as if to say, "They can do it. Why can't we?"

      Basically what we're looking at here, is the largest criminal element in our society, that illuminates or hi-lights a direct reflection of our society directly. I'm using the word direct and its' adverb counterpart in my previous sentence multiple times, in effort, to pinpoint for the reader of this article, a serious societal defect.

      Hey, VMware... Is MS Virtual Box built on the exact same source code as YOUR third party application.program? Did you sell it to them? Let me guess small deviations from the original source and they did not pay a dime.

Friday, March 21, 2014

88 posts...

This one is just get away from that 88 number. 88 posts. Turn it sideways and take a closer look. Last thing we want is infinty squared. I like symbology. It does not need to be a part of every passing minute though.

Microsoft may have automated the facility... lol

     Well, there's one way to cut wages...

Isn't it cool...

     I think it's hysterically funny how previous posts in your sidebar go missing like they were never posted then reappear if post something that identifies the activity. Hi... Google

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I have an idea....

      Why not replace Google with a government search engine web site, for information collection on the industries that are betraying the people of this country at every turn. We can SAP the privately owned websites for criminal activity on the corporation's part. Then we can warrant if needed through our corrupt courts for any criminal activities being conducted by individuals. There does need to be law in our chaotic country. The police make that obvious.

It's obvious...

       You can be sued in court for everything you own including, your intellectual property without even appearing before a judge for any lawful or unlawful doing. I had no clue. Imagine this.... Someone posing as you, appearing in court without you're knowledge based on his/her fraudulent genetic evidence that you have a child, (Meaning the evidence was collected from someone else to attach to your court docket) and in court you are sued for your entire livelyhood and personal being, based on fraudulent evidence and lack of any possessions of value. This is a suit to strip a living human being of all that one owns on the premise that someone else's child is yours, this is also known as "CUCKHOLD." It's not a loophole and, with technology accelerating at the pace it does or with help of people from government departments whether municipal in particular, or federal it can be done, I'm learning this through experience right now. It sucks so bad and there is nothing I can do about it.

       Another thought... let's say I was (true story) raped by homosexual men whilst in a stasis, and these homosexual men decide to "marry" you to another man via ordained homosexual preacher in your drunken slumber at a young age. This group of faggots could use the marriage documents to whatever end they feel like and you would not be the "wiser," to the criminal act this particular group of faggots had just committed. They could use your name in court matters or even exchange it with your deranged estranged "partner" in effort to demoralize and cripple your character throughout your life. Sounds horrible doesn't it? Maybe even hard to believe that a group people could do such a thing to another human being? Think about it. There are some pretty horrible and disgusting elements in our society.

WiFi is so awesome.

      A little tid bit on what WiFi is. WiFi is what is known as Electromagnetic Field Interference (EMFI.) All you have to do to interface with WiFi is match the frequency to draw in the signal. It's not magik folks. Some people have developed a way to use the EMFI to apply pain and disfunction to other people. Apparently it makes you stupid, especially when you have a large quantity of the WiFi signal focused directly on you. Hello gamers! Believe me or don't. I don't give a shit. You heard it first at F.U. Informative!

802.11 ac if not try either a;b;c;g; or n and everything in between all the way to ZET. (IEEE standards) Bunch of standard assholes.

All you need is 26 listeners, don't for Cyrillic's & Chinese and Japanese written characters.
I do believe we have the longest alphabet in history as english speakers.
Don't forget Japanese & Chinese written characters are not an alphabet but small phrases.
There is a simple Chinese alphabet though. It's ancient.

   Mentally challenged children can use a WiFi device. Sometimes they hit the wrong button and burn down the forrest, Most of the time it's just a sick standard asshole.

Ladies & Gentlemen...

      This is your Anti-President speaking... <<<< That's a joke. This isn't... I've just found out, it is not the NSA hacking/cracking us at all. It's SEIU and their Mary, marry, or merry band of psychologists doing surveillance on all of us so the head psychologists assigned to The White House, can present their report of the American Peoples psychological disposition to the President. Welcome to THX 1138. If you don't know what an Anti-President is, please read a wiki about the Anti-Pope. It's not that I don't like President Obama, I don't like the people who weaseled there way into his heart and betray him at every angle & turn. That is all. You read it first at F.U. Informative!

My diagnosis performed by me.

      BLFS - Bad "luck" from stimuli. It's obvious psychologists.
What I've come to understand is.................... U lie

      Is that a fake practice in your pocket? Or are you just happy to see me? Maybe it's time to restructure your science into a more psychiatric practice. Leave it to real doctors. Don't worry everybody REAL doctors gave me a sanity note. Kinda like a hall pass.

      Now, don't go overboard psychiatrists. Try and give the correct prognosis & diagnosis, and apply them to the individuals who suffer the symptoms of the disorder you are applying to them. Not everybody needs a lobotomy. LOL.

      Hey look.... No exclamation points. This isn't anger talking.

      But somehow, one made it into subject line on google+ that's odd. I didn't type one.... or did I?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Political Sanctuary...

      Nothing like requesting political sanctuary from every country but my own here in the USA. Yeh, it's been heart breaking to see a bunch of Nazi ASSHOLES try to rule the world when they can't even get a grip on themselves!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Don't say anything about PSU...

      Whatever you do, don't say anything bad about Penn State University, No matter whether your article or blog is helpful to people in general, Penn State Alumni, being the manufacturing "CEO" line that it is, will bury you beneath ads. I live in Pennsylvania don't be surprised if I end up dead for what I'm saying, "maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow." Or be a prostitute because no one will hire me, or eat my own boogers for the rest of my life whatever the so called "punishment" will be. It's just what happens to people who say bad things about large organizations. Do what you got to do. As I see it any prestige they have ever accumulated has been stripped from them by Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky. Hey PSU.................. F.U. I inform.


Are insurance companies cashing out "Casino Style?"

      I'm guessing with the advent of the New; New Deal. Insurance CEOs around the country are reaching and stretching for that last big push to get everyone insured around the country, so that when, ObamaCare really starts to gain ground, the CEOs can dose up their subordinates with a pile of money to keep their mouths shut and rob the American people of their hard earned money for insurance that the insurance companies will never have to payout. ObamaCare puts all of the insurance industry in a very bad state of affairs. I would not be surprised if, when ObamaCare if ever, takes off, you see insurance "big wigs" run for the hills, or Russia LMAO. Yummy, Yummy Insurance companies want your money in their tummy. That must be their cadence, somehow. Rearrange a word or two... I've never been a song writer.

Reuter cites: Flight 777 name Change....

       Today reuters released an article that officially changes the flight number of what was yesterday flight "777" to "MH370." That's an odd move since until today everyone from infowars to CNN to Fox News and so on, cited the flight as "777." I just wrote an article yesterday based off of a Reuters article. This is a source news agency equal to the likes and collection methods of The Huffington Post. Most news that you see on T.V. is scooped from these two outlets. You'll see in the article they are now calling the plane model itself a "777" Another odd move. I also noticed that in the archives the headline of the article and the article itself has been edited for storage. Copy and paste the URL below, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

I was just reading Fox News and they cited that what is now flight MH370 may have had a waypoint diversion and also the plane may be found intact. I wrote yesterday or the day before that it is possible that the Jet may have been taken hostage. One more thing here, Fox News also reported that China devoted 21 satellites to the search, that covers a lot of area. We'll have to wait for the analysts evaluation probably for a day or two. Copy & Paste the URL to your browser and see for yourself.

Monday, March 17, 2014

It's starting to look like...

      It's starting to look like, through media outlets that there is a political fuck-for-all running rampant among the nations, I think the people world wide are going to have to grit there teeth, bite down hard and beareth the pain. It looks as though, through the articles, I'm reading, an introduction to a global catastrophe. Maybe equal or greater than what happened in both World Wars. I think a lot has to with the people burning down the forrest with electronic devices, that might not be all bad but, it's certainly not good either. There are a lot of people who do real bad things to other people and to trade one group of assholes for the other is a mistake. It's not looking good for us in our collective economic position but, it might work to our advantage, so long as we don't touch it either politically or operationally for mow just "let it ride." I feel we are responsible for a good portion of the mess accumulating around the world, that is not being disloyal, it's being linear.

       As bad as it seems with NSA surveillance through applications that are readily downloadable, at the "AppStore" and "Google play" I think the people are doing more damage than the government. I also feel as though for once, we have an upper tier of government that looks or plays the part of "doing the right thing" and lower tiers e.g. municipalities; county; and state departments, really pushing hard at a time when it seems evident through many media outlets that things (money in particular) are stretched beyond what we can imagine. What I'm guessing is soon to be $20,000,000,000,000 deficit/debt, (That number in and of itself  is phantomesque.) You can try to pay down a debt that large by making principle payments on top of interest rates that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund impose but, unless you're God, you just will not have enough. We might be able to make a few payments only, beyond that is impossible. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund see themselves as a legitimate banking industry where as the United States perceives it as an imaginary or corrupt element that hinders every move our government makes financially. This hurts all of us and by working with an imaginary economic theory which is actually all our governments budget is based on, is comparable to watching "Ironman" or "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" and saying to others, that these movies are what's really going on in our environment. Unfortunately for President Obama, his predecessors left him a White House and Country that was completely bankrupt. When I say predecessors I'm talking about the whole line from Martin Van Vuren to George W. Bush. I don't know if it's coincidence that the weight of that debt rests on this current president or if it was targeted to promote a scapegoat but something seems strange about it. Doesn't it?

      I don't think Russia in the Ukraine is a political ploy, everyone is reporting on it. I think China, being as secretive as they are, displays a sense of distrust amongst nations, and so many other ethnic, political, and religious wars don't make it seem any better. As I said, I feel the United States is more than responsible for many things happening around the world. I'm sorry if you don't agree, that's just my opinion and you know what everyone says about those. In previous statements I had mentioned that, what is America today closely resembles the Nazi Regime in Deutschland/Germany in the 1930s. I do not adhere to the philosophy "If the shoe fits, where it!"

Flight 777

      Is it me? Or is flight 777 the unluckiest aircraft with the luckiest numbers you ever saw? Is it also odd that the plane mysteriously vanished into thin air? On CNN there was a headline that stated "Where do you start a search in an area that extends from Kazakistan to the Indian Ocean?" I know?! From a land based airport in Kazakistan. lol. Horrible situation with punchlines instead of headlines. It was yesterdays headline if you cant find it check the archives.

       This is strange how the airliner has no debris whatsoever anywhere they are searching, it's possible these folks on the plane itself maybe being held hostage for a time for either, monetary or revenge purposes. Plenty of debris should be floating according to what the "news outlets" are reporting. These folks at CNN & Fox know where the plane was last seen on radar, there is a radar gray area, it have been rerouted to land at an airport with hostage takers in waiting.

       This is not the first time something like this has happened, the black box could have easily have been discarded at low altitude and moderate speed.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Funny stuff....

       I just called the Pohatcong Police Department in Pohatcong, NJ from my fathers home phone and told them they charged me as a terrorist in 1989 when I was 13 years old, they ruined my life, and I also told them to go "GO FUCK THEMSELVES." They called my fathers, cell phone while he was at work and told him. My father was good enough to let me stay here for a short time. Apparently there is a phone listing for cell numbers only the police have unless, my father is a policeman and I do not know or, he he is being radio controlled by them lol. Ridiculous small town pig shit! I can not describe it any other way. We might as well be in kindergarten.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


     Guess what folks? we're all soon to be "remote control" drones... Hi worker bees! The article from The Huffington Post where CNN and FOX and their affiliates get the source data for the news that they air on T.V. cited "Mind Control" and then went on to say that the device was single channel I'm guessing transmit only along with a secret device that does both transmit/receive?!?! what's the point of a receive only or transmit only device??? THE ARTICLE LIES! If I were to transmit a thought (think average person to person conversation) I would like a response to my thought from the person I want to transmit my thought to.... Why would someone not want a response back? (conversation/telephone/telepathy device???) In the picture a woman is sleeping with device on her head... Why would I want to receive or transmit a transmission in my sleep? What if someone cracks/hacks the device? Do I want to be hypnotized?? NOPE! THIS IS FUCKED UP! And TRUE which is even worse! And it is odd how the articles cites MIND CONTROL in the headline and veers off subject from the headline itself. Yet another example of technology that was used in WW2 by NAZI GERMANS.... The poles have shifted now it's NAZI AMERICANS!

This is messed up!

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Monday, March 10, 2014


      So, through contemplation, about what was our three decade+ long war with the Arab Nations around the world, I'm curious about how many entire families have been wrongfully murdered through combat operations and bombings. What is the civilian death toll on the Iraqi and Afghani population? Is it anywhere near 6 Million? I think the USA and it's population should go fuck itself for attempting to call me crazy and strip my rights based on a philosophy that I posted online. Starting to feel a little like the Bismark is command or god forbid Il Bruto d'Leon! Please stop killing Arabs & Muslims. Or is it too late to maintain the idea that, the USA is the best and mightiest nation on earth. I think it is.... What's the rules to the war? Is it 1000 people for every 1 that was killed in the World Trade Center attacks? To the best of my knowledge those folks are dead... At least that's what the news told us. They also stated that Osama Bin Laden is dead also. Al Musawi??? The Hussein family? Who else needs to die? Are you done? We as Americans can now say, we are the best Nazis that ever lived! USA! USA! USA! right?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Just been thinking about classical composers...

      Just realized almost every classical composer has a mispronunciation in the way their names sound, for instance: Amadeus Mozart is pronounced like Amadeus Motezart; beeeeeethoven is pronounced batehoven; Freidrick Chopin is pronounced like Freidrick Chopan; Rachmaninoff is pronounced like Rachmaninov; Tchaikovsky is pronounced Chickovsky; and Johann Sabastian Bach is pronounced like Johann Sebaschin Bach... Why is that? Did they all piss someone off?

The Hobbit movies...

      Know what I just noticed about the hobbit movies? There are no black people... I'm going to call The Hobbit movies "The Hoggit." It's kind of disturbing to me... Was Tolkein racist? White dwarfs, White hobbits, White elves, some orcs were white, even White wizards.... It's like Hobbit a gay for all in those movies lol. Has anybody else noticed this? Bush wick Bill can be a Hobbit too. how bout the name Limbo Baggins? What about Samuel L. Jackson? He was Mase Windu. I bet he'd make a great Bolden The Brown! Dave Chapelle would make a great Elf  for a name... Chahapel Blockine.