Monday, December 30, 2019

Trigger Words... (based upon a note that I've taken a few times in regards to the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service")

I have a list of single solitary trigger words that are often broadcasted frequently by way of the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates service." I can only assume that they are hypnotique trigger words that are broadcasted for a desired affect being that, they are only single solitary words that have no relevance to the rest of the broadcasts.

I created the list during a period of prolonged exposure to the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" since 2008. It's now 2019 and no company is hiring people who are forced to listen to the sine wavelength broadcasting of that network for trade secrecy reasons. This list of "trigger words" (obvious trigger words) not only suggests that, the 19 like-minded hijackers (9/11/2001) were influenced by the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates service," but, the broadcasting makes hypnotique and subliminal suggestion to target subjects (sleeper cells) the most prime suspect of that type of platformed like-minded framework between those 19 hijackers who did not know one another except for the 2 from Florida (and any other like-minded framework to boot so to speak) but, mystically were doing the same thing on the same day at the same hour. Not only should it be prime suspect for that reason but, it should also make clear that there is obvious intent by a corporate research & development department to disrupt social infrastructure and disassociate the target subjects (current) for future use by the corporate researchers/developers and their friends and family not to mention, any people that were incorporated by way of distribution (server images; proprietary R&D software; etc.) to provide a layer of concealment in the way that those folks who received training or instruction of the "Telepathy Updates" software or server images may or may not use the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service," applications and/or that network portion of the "Microsoft Network."

Anyway, here is the list of the most often broadcasted hypnotique trigger words that I believe are to either used to induce a lucid state or to, complete hypnotique instruction. Any one of these hypnotique trigger words has the potential to trigger a "suicide bombing" or even a "school shooting" every time that one of these trigger words is vocally or (by emulation) "telepathically" broadcasted via the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" for whatever means to whatever end any given broadcaster broadcasts them:

Trigger Words
"Oops"; "Goo"; "Play"; "Work"; "Wentworth"; "Wetwork"; "GoGoo"; "Poos"; "Sip"; "Sit"; "Sleep"; "Baby"; "Wince"; "Fleece"; "Fleace"; "Spiga"; "Network"; "Saracen" etc.

I have a few more notes on the collection and as I go back through to post or double check the accuracy of my notes to what is being broadcasted I'll keep the list updated and post others that I have listed in those notes.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

I've been asking....

I asked before and since the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasters are broadcasting about it I'll ask again.

How does "Microsoft Corps." have a trillion dollar market value? Where'd it come from? And, is it being laundered for some other organization?

March 2008/February 2013

Mark those dates in the title of this article in case you haven't already. 

Thursday, November 28, 2019

What's wrong with....

What's wrong with that "no radio," radio "Microsoft?" "Get a lab for that!" Try to NOT hypnotize or subliminally suggest to people to hijack aeroplanes and/or shoot up "elementary schools."

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Any article referencing "police" are directed to and at my hometown in particular, for the violations of my personal character and reputation as well as the false accusations and attacks against me as well as any fraudulent reports made against me on behalf of those police officers by either friends or family. 

Unless, you want to toss in dereliction in reference to how little progress has been made in identifying the actual influencing factor upon 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 who, apart from a pair "had no connection to one another. "

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Experience...

The "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" Experience as a target subject.

Picture C/o: YouTube

And for the traitor Stanley Kubrick, George Lucas was more accurate in his abstract vision of the future with THX 1138.

Blind Sheik Dry-Run?

I was just sitting here being forced to listen to "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" Broadcasting, and a petty thought crossed my mind. 

Do you think that the "Microsoft Telepathy  Updates" researchers could have used the "Blind Sheik" to rehearse a "dry- run" scenario for the attacks on 9/11/2001 back in 1992 by influencing the "Blind Sheik" and his correspondences though hypnotique and subliminal broadcasting over wavelength frequency?

I bet the broadcast wouldn't even be noticeable upon the "Blind Sheik" by network frequency monitors simply because, he is blind. The compensation of brain activity redirects to the audio portion of the brain when you're blind, the "Blind Sheik" would be very sensitive to sound. The volume of a subliminal broadcast upon a blindman would virtually be invisible on network frequency monitors. Especially since, "Microsoft Corporation" admits openly that. "The Microsoft Telepathy Updates service was researched and developed in secret exclusively at Microsoft Laboratories"

Picture C/o: The Washington Post

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Remember that time...

Remember when President George W. said that. "It was a war against pure evil." about the "Global War  on Terrorism?" Maybe, through all the jokes and "Lil Bush" episodes he knew what he was talking about. 

Imagine,  A corporation who influenced a manufactured disaster through research and developement and then, implements a method of broadcasting that influenced said "disaster" and perpetuates the effects of the manufactured disaster to conceal the initial one on a sublime platform and then, again cranks up the intensity by trying to claim "victory" over that network publicly which, started two wars and endless antiterrorism operations across the globe, making mass murder a normal occurrence to the point that even the syndicated media is sick of reporting the amount of deaths across the spectrum of media outlets, deaths that were caused by the corporation through whom said "network" started the everyday casual mass murder and endless antiterrorism operations.

Picture C/o:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Binary Tungsten?

I was wondering, while a "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcaster was reading aloud my echo-encephylagram output across the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service whether, the Microsoft Network (MSN) was planned during implementation in the 1980s to appear friendly but be hostile through binary function?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Note 11/12/2019 03:56

It occurs to me this morning by being forced to hear "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasting that, for Microsoft to avoid criminal exposure for the influence upon the 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 by way of the service mentioned above that they, (Microsoft executives) most likely implemented the "3 Benefits" strategy (very old method of "reaping a spoil.") I assume, based on what I can make out of the broadcasting that sounds likely enough to be at least probable that, the "3 Benefits" chosen by way of an illegal sale of network rights and secrets to China and India are as follows: (or something like this)

1.) Makes the US Government and the people look incompetent.
2.) Razes (ultimately) Chinese Morale.
3.) Causes perpetual confusion accompanied with constant "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service broadcasting.

These, and possibly an extended list of "pros and cons" would conceal the criminal magnitude underneath a constant confused squabbling argument indefinitely so long as no parties realize that, the only reason that poses any significant answers to the 9/11/2001 attacks in NY and DC (the woes of all our current circumstances) is the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service it's self

Saturday, November 2, 2019

ASCII blah blah... (updated... 11/03/2019)

I don't know if there is a new secret character chart but I have been finding Cyrillic Characters throughout the computer OS distributions that I've been using because of one reason or another. The last I checked and from college coursework, I was concluded confidently that, Cyrillic because of a specific character were not to be injected in any distributions to include Windows, Apple, Linux nor even for or by any of the distributions upon the other. The special character only found in Cyrillic causes worldwide network issues. I've been finding that ASCII is absent in many distributions and there is a RUSCII chart in it's stead. I don't know if it is an attempt to scapegoat upon Russians some sort of practical joke or a catastrophic event. I had mentioned this in a posting on one website or another a few years ago.

Though this is my suspician, and you might not subscribe to connect-the-dots (a children's game in kindergarten class) but, I believe that the Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service in it's Research & Development stage is responsible for influencing (through hypnotique and subliminal suggestion) 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings.
All of these little instances of deviations upon and on and through the network(s) I am convinced, are a gimmick to deviate and avoid prosecution of the Microsoft Corporation for Murder by Mass by and for the Microsoft Corporation also, to sweep that instance under the "proverbial" rug by overlapping the initial Murder by Mass with a  list of other Corporate crimes (e.g. Enron and Microsoft's role in that scandal) not to mention, any other offense that is worth biding time and throwing in front of investigators to undermine investigation of the 9/11/2001 attacks.

The attacks on 9/11/2001 pre-date the sale of MSN rights and network secrets to China and India, I also believe that given the opportunity to undermine the Chinese or Indian government it will embolden it's self with similar tactics.

(UPDATE) The development of the "AZURE Cloud Network" is also one of those types of gimmicks that undermines investigative effort and provides "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" a means to continue operations. The only problem with the gimmick is that, the "AZURE" Cloud Network is completely illegal. Microsoft is outlawed by federal ban from possessing any cloud service in any form, it must subscribe to a service that provides cloud storage. Developing a cloud network and then making pretend you sold it to another company to circumvent federal business statutes in my opinion, only cites a corporate conspiracy by way of fraud and what I believe to be "Foul Play" on the lower echelon of the "Microsoft" staff by the "Microsoft Corporation."

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/16/2019 19:14 (justification)....

An event outside my window combined with a "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcast was trying to effort justification of the "Telepathy" emulation method of communication. The method by it's self is the primary source of an influence/manipulation whether vocal/telepathy or subliminal/hypnotique to provide a desired outcome for any broadcaster at any time said "broadcaster" desires to do so by "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" transmission.

Keeping vocal/telepathy and subliminal/hypnotique in mind, it leaves exploitation by the network from whom the broadcast is being relayed (only e.g. "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service") upon any given target subject from bums to kings and workers to parliament ministers/congresspeoples, and leaves those target subjects "wide-open" to attacks, exploitation, coercion, extortion etc.

The conclusion is by way of any standard sense is that, "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" service is the source of a perpetual threat to governments and people in general. Being the source of an influential manipulation it would be in de facto of several foul play conspiracy criminal activities on every day of every month of every year that it is in operation and permitted to broadcast.

(Please See): My blog article entitled "A Thought on Hypnosis"

10/16/2019 04:32 "tumor"...

The Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service broadcasting has been extremely loud all day. At approximately 0430-0431 someone broadcasted. "Joel it's a tumor." I recently had a CT Scan at Easton Hospital in Easton, Pennsylvania within the last 9 years and several MRI scans since, doctors found "nothing remarkable." The CT Scan was conducted in the X-ray room and the nurse administered "silver contrast for better resolution" for the CT Scan. I didn't actually see the CT machine, and no one else was in the X-ray room with me other than the nurse.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Weave Record.

I weaved this coaster without error, very BASIC SKILL (i.e. over, under, over, under, over, under etc.)

 It's small it has a function and since I've been being FORCED to listen to "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcasting, I have been buying jute twine and experimenting old fashioned ideas like a small bow & arrow, the coaster, and a bigger sheet of weave.

On the bigger sheet of weave I'm about half way through. I noticed that even though it started well as I was traveling from the Northeast corner to the bottom and working my way upward, the very BASIC SKILL is turning into a twisted woven mesh. I believe because, it is a VERY BASIC SKILL that, the broadcasting that I'm Forced to listen to and it's algorhythm, maybe even vocal broadcasting or any physical stimulus that is being transmitted across the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" is recorded in the weave.

Keep in mind that the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" is a wavelength hertz broadcast whether or not, there is a converter bridge from terrahertz, megahertz, or kilohertz to hertz frequency . Our bodily motor function is operated by the brain, the brain provides the current of electrical stimulus to the very far reaches of our appendages to provide a coordinated movement. The interference of a network that is operating on the same frequency as my brain audible enough for me to clearly hear the broadcasting in some way renders in the errors of the weave on the big sheet. (See below.)

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Note: 08/28/2019 19:06

08/28/2019 19:06

The broadcasting of the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" for the past few minutes is random and one broadcaster (via telepathy frequency) said. "The nature of cloning (known to Christian groups as vesseling) is that, the clone of the host human does not permit the host from occupying the 'vessel' clone/carbon copy." This broadcast correlates with a thought I had that, a clone is by way of "Dolly" procedure a file copy like cloning (copying) a file on your desktop computer to another directory. There will be a loss of vital file information indicating a "carbon copy" most likely, in the header or the footer to identify the "carbon copy" as copy1..., copy2..., copy 3..., etc. There is a subtractive in the data used to re-manufacture a human being that can not be duplicated because of the absence of the host subject or, even the presence of the host subject. The "carbon copy" is void of an important factor and is disassociative of the host as if it were designed apart from the host though, it occupies the same texture as the host once was or is.

Are we cloning people? I only ask because the technology to manufacture a clone exists.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Thought on "Sleeper Cell Networks"...

I was perusing through the many notes I've been taking over the past few years and ran into a thought I had in reference to what "Sleeper Cell Networks" really are even if they were perceived alternatively (passive) given the influential capabilities of a "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service." The reports by intelligence cite, on several occasions "Sleeper Cell Networks" which have been posted by many national news media over a period of 37 years since the first attack on the World Trade Center Towers in 1992.

The idea of a "sleeper cell" seems almost void of sustenance or tangibility unless there is a platform to fill the volume of what a sleeper cell could possibly be in reality. The sheer nature of a "Telepathy Service" seats like T&E on pinion. The "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" obviously has the functionality to induce the type of human behavior that would embark such a NOTION of a "sleeper cell," it has frequency, it has volume, it has digital function, it has mode, etc. all the things required for manipulating or remotely influencing the type of behavior to form a suggestion through report, such as "sleeper cell." Volume produces the range of audibility it would require to broadcast suggestive stimulus by way of subliminal transmission, Frequency the ability to produce connectivity via a broadcast frequency upon multiple target subjects simultaneously from either the same machine or broadcast equipment or even multiple remote machines and/or broadcast equipment, Digital Function it has the ability to provide digital input/output to locate more frequency than you could with analog tuner type equipment, Mode it has the ability to go between conventional broadcast signal from analog, to digital, or even encrypted modes.

I think this point in relation to what I've been writing and investigating over a time span of 18 years now, provides more insight into what really happened and how much of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were influenced upon the American people the same way 19 hijackers were influenced to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings on 9/11/2001. I believe it also sheds light on a coup in progress and the several attempts by the Microsoft Corporation to monopolize a means of permanent infallibility both politically and force not only the United States but perhaps the entire world into electronic bondage remotely secured by the Microsoft Corporation and also, to use the Microsoft Network that by standard, is a very risky network not only upon what's known as the internet but, the global perspective and style of sovereign networks around the world that entraps them  into a circumstance that is not easy to break free from in the way legal constitution. It's also known as the riskiest option on the New York Stock Exchange.

My thoughts on the "sleeper cell networks" I believe are of sound judgment, it would be difficult at this point for me to ever trust Microsoft again or, even to believe that 9/11/2001 and all of the mass murders to include school shootings; bar shootings; theatre shootings etc. were anything else other than what I have been saying it was in writing and verbally for the past ten years. My ignorance from the first time I took notice of "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" (by manually updating my computer) all the way back in 2000 while I was using Microsoft Win2000 makes me feel a bit guilty but, the tendency that the software industry has in titling low level application layer processes with a superpower sounding title eases my sensation of guilt for not having realized that, what was being updated on the "Microsoft Network" as "Telepathy" was actually what "Telepathy" really is.

*NOTE There has been more mass murder in this world from 9/11/2001 to present day than there ever has in any similar time frame in history! There must be a reason.

Friday, October 4, 2019

My Proposition for the Scottish Throne.

I have an idea that could pull Scotland from the depths of the "British Isle" slump. I believe in fair treatment and a serious attitude between one another and our fellow man outside of Scottish Genetics in reference to God Almighty. I also subscribe to an equality amongst brotherhood and between one and another sexes on various degrees outside of physical strength. I believe Scotland could be a more relevant country if it truly dedicates it's current social philosophical output in a similar direction and generates a philosophical manifestation to those specific aspects with mental constitution in public and privately, with the ones that we love. What I'm proposing could change the Scottish aura as perceived by foreign allies and enemies alike. I am proposing to the Scottish Parliament and to the Scottish people most importantly, to adopt an Irish Midgey to the Throne of Scotland and coronate him "His Majesty the King of Scotland." The sheer enjoyment of the Midgey wrestling when I was a child enflames my desire to make a genuine effort to involve every citizen from the smallest stature to the highest levels of intellectual understanding. I think the Scottish heritage is benefactor-ed through Irish companionship and camaraderie. With "BREXIT" and breaches of contract looming over every British and Scottish head, it only seems natural for an Irish Midgey to usurp. The British Isle needs true leadership in these trying times with a seriously entertaining sense of humor to cool the most heated of debates regarding EU membership and several other debacles during these past 2 decades that continue to engage our current personal and collective circumstances. What Europe needs,is a stern hand with a comical approach. I believe the midgey community could provide that type of majestic authority that's required to make a more adhesive social bond between allies and across the plane of understanding, enemies as well. An Irish Midgey in particular, I don't think any other will do. I can't recall the last time a Midgey had any authority on this planet and, it's not like it's France, It's Scotland. Please take seriously my proposition to develop a more compact version of authoritarianism and allow a suitable specimen of the Irish Midgey community to take charge and lead by example, the Scottish people into the future.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

I Was just About to Take a Nap...

I was just about to take a nap and decided to go to the bed and lay down. Right when I got settled, the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasting (that I am forced to listen to every day all day and all night [literally]) was a medley of "this and that" type "chatter" when someone had broadcasted in song about the "martial law" potential of the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service." Immediately, I had a thought that I felt needed to be written in post haste and tweeted the thought to both "Twitter" and "facebook." The thought occurred to me that, the best way for a CORPORATION to avoid prosecution of any crimes that they have committed is to quickly stifle investigative progress by all means at corporate disposal. My personal judgment and my gut feeling tells me that, the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" has been a tool for just THAT purpose over a period of 18 years since 9/11/2001. It would discourage the Provost Martial (in charge) by way of inclusion and accessory if he recommends or orders marching investigation/martial law.

What I'm getting at is that, the deployment of the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" on the government network (known to be a nuclear network) was implemented underneath telephony (cover and concealment/command and control) as a method to coerce government officials or even extort their positions as accessories by means of subterfuge and sabotage. "Subterfuge" (espionage) by deploying illegal network communications methods and, "Sabotage" by influencing 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings causing 3100-3600 deaths on a single day within a single hour by way of "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" while it was in "research and development at Microsoft Laboratories."

Resources to learn more about the nature of illegal broadcasting methods can be found on the Federal Communications Commission website

Resources for learning about then methods of communications used in the United States of America, include;; or PC Systems and Networking Technologies coursework through correspondence or campus institutions around the country e.g. Lincoln Technical Institute (LTI) Allentown Pa. campus.

Resources for learning about the research and development of "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Services" can be found at the "Microsoft Corporation" website keyword: "Telepathy Updates." At least, the last time I checked it could be located at the Microsoft website.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

A Thought on Hypnosis...

It had recently crossed my mind that hypnosis is a tactic more suiting for an alien extra-terrestrial than it is for any human being. Why else would the form of "lucid' control upon another human being be an option for influencing or manipulating another? The technique makes little human sense in the way of developing "said" technique that produces a weakness in human psyche while making the option more becoming for an extra-terrestrial influence. It's a technique that is foreign to human self preservation and disassociates the very will to survive just having been under hypnotic influence. If you're hypnotized, you have granted another human being a total control of the most intimate depths of your mind relinquishing all "will to power" unto another. Hypnosis is not an option that is a human viability in self preservation in a single individual let alone, the entire masses of humanity. Hypnosis is an ALIEN TECHNIQUE! I don't care if you think I'm crazy!

*** Concepts on the "Will to Power" exist in philosophy and behavioral sciences, psychiatry, psychology etc. I'm not a subscriber of Nietzche or his philosophical understanding but, "Thus Spake Zarathustra" is a excellent resource philosophically on the human concept to achieving the "Will to Power."***

Monday, September 30, 2019

I Would be Willing to Bet...

I would be willing to bet that, if things ever get better for us, it will have NOTHING to do with a "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" (I'm guessing there is some broadcaster somewhere, complaining that all I ever make mention of is "Microsoft Telepathy Updates.") Now there is nothing to complain about because any change in prosperity among us will have nothing to do with that network!

 So many school shootings and so many mass murders across the globe have been occurring so frequently that, you can NOT deny that there is an influence upon target subjects from within The United States of America in particular to achieve agenda goals or primary objectives of certain broadcast controllers whether or not it is politically, business, or personally motivated. The influence is obviously a combination of the program charter that we're watching on television that has changed within the past 10 years in plain view and the deployment of a "TELEPATHY" emulation over the networks in general.

Note 06/26/2019 14:05

06/26/2019 14:05

It occurred to me while being forced to listen to the perpetual "Microsoft Telepathy Updates ServiceⒸ," to audit the issue and acquisitions of the government stockpile of the "Telepathy WalkerⒸ" devices. That "Telepathy WalkerⒸ" device is obviously a "Telepathy Updates ServiceⒸ" end node device that is more than likely compatible with Microsoft rather than any others. The audit should focus on 100% accountability of the inventory on-hand and the amount of loss in item and dollars. If 19 or 20 devices are missing it would further provide details  about the like-minded structuring of 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001. Especially if a particular bard is being used to obstruct justice of a Murder by Masses investigation.

Q. What are the dates of purchase on those items?

Q. If any are missing, what are the serial numbers and dates of purchase pertaining to those serial numbers?

Q. What deppartment purchased the "Telepathy WalkerⒸ" devices?

Q. Are any of the department employees attached to "Microsoft Telepathy UpdatesⒸ" Research & Development? [The "Microsoft Laboratories" in particular.]

"Christmas Tree" 08/24/2019 22:48

08/24/2019 22:48

I was being forced to listen to the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" by a remote broadcast and nothing than the sound of it, sparked a memory from last year or maybe even the year before about one of the broadcasters singing across that network something about "Christmas Time" he would broadcast often. It sounded like a "he" but with Electronic Voice Changing/Modulating Equipment, it's tough to tell. I'm now wondering whether the broadcaster was referring to a "Christmas Tree" being the mass murder committed on 9/11/2001 and the several other mini foul play crimes or criminal activity being attached to the "Christmas Tree" like ornaments/hurdles to include any criminal investigations being obstructed by "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasting directly to obstruct a Murder by the Masses investigation...

I wonder what happened to that guy?!

Question: Is there a market for criminal foul play activity and is "Microsoft CorporationⒸ" buying those other criminal activities by way of payroll or outright purchasing to use as hurdles for investigative progress?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Algorhythmic Probing...

06/09/2019 19:08

The broadcasting via "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" insinuates that a "cyberwarfare team" is operating within the United States of America and is conducting what I would call "Algorhythmic Probing" or Anti-Threading" a target subject to produce a desired affect through that network. From what I can tell, the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" has  a broad base of functionality.

The Algorhythmic Probing or Anti-Threading a target subject seems to record an make track record of target subject reflex and thought output based on successive "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service "broadcast stimulii. Like the advent of the Personal Computer (PC) a machine used to find a dividend or sum of complex computational mathematical equations the technique reflects what is known about the human being as  the computer reflects on what is known of the equations. (e.g. CPU=brain<Cache=memory . Camera=eyes/Monitor=involuntary response from a combination to achieve an output of graphical display to complete a computational operation.)

The "Algorhythmic Probing" or "Anti-Threading is simply an obstruction or obstacle by way of broadcast upon a live target subject to be used as an obstruction of an physical environmental factor (e.g. forming a coherent statement without jumbling the words that are being attacked by broadcast interference over a wavelengh frequency (human frequency) that either matches the target subject or is close enough to that frequency to cause interruption in motor function upon the target subject by broadcast interference. It is obviously being tested in dry run to be used to thwart any correlative thought or brainstorming upon investigative target subjects i.e Police; Military; Intelligence etc. Seemingly, an effort to further obstruct investigative findings not only pertaining to 9/11/2001 but, could also be applied upon other investigative personnel to obstruct other cases related or unrelated in addition to the "motherload" investigation known as the "9/11 terror attacks."

Note: 08/14/2019 16:14

08/14/2019 16:14

Example of the potentially catastrophic broadcast results if "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" is left unchecked.

* "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcaster: He/She broadcasts an anti-tobacco message (Anti-smoking campaign type advertisement.)

* The broadcast, a seemingly positive broadcast that represents a message for good health, unfortunately perpetuates the method of communication that obviously influenced 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 into like-minded framework.

* Another set of stimulii lead to a thought on the broadcast that makes clear that, the broadcaster is blaming an inanimate object (tobacco) for the broadcast that he/she is making in supplement, not taking into consideration that if left to "open-mic" style broadcasting, the potential for another catastrophic event to be influenced by hypnotique and subliminal suggestion over the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" is an inevitable certainty even though, the content of the broadcast has the perspective of healthier living and the fact that there are plenty of broadcasters outside of the broadcast being made to influence the "target subject" of the "broadcast" at hand should indeed smoke a cigarillo/cigarette whether that set of stimulus is for a comical affect or for a desired degenerative affect.

* To emphasize in more picturesque detail, the broadcaster is suggesting that, she had been in a car accident where the tree had moved to obstruct the roadway she was traveling from the woodline.

*That type of broadcasting (anti-smoking campaign) has a positive looking perspective to it until, a driver of a vehicle is hypnotized and/or subliminally "charged" to drive their vehicle through a festival or market place crowded with people.

Note: 07/02/2019 22:02

Note: 07/02/2019 22:02

"Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasters at the time & date of this annotation (See broadcaster Telepathy server logs [AUDIT]), lead me to suspect other investigations whose detectives who become aware that the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" Network and it's developers was the main influencing factor upon 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings on 9/11/2001 through the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" may be being affected by the same types of hypnotique and subliminal suggestion that was used to form the like-minded framework between the hijackers to divert investigative direction. It also insinuates that the "terror attack" was executed by ways & means of state sanctioned conviction and punishment for crimes that were influenced through that network to begin with, to be ruled in a way (if prosecuted) that deploys the gimmick of the interuptive impediment to foul play for and by to dodge appended conspiracy charges. I assume, is an effort provide Microsoft Corporation an avenue of evasion in reference to a prosecution for murder by mass "Conspiracy (business)"

What I mean by "ways and means of state sanctioned conviction" is the broadcasting is impersonating judicial officials, not only medical practitioners attempting to scape blame upon entrapped officials.

Note: 06/30/2019 22:26

06/30/2019 22:26

It just occurred to me that, the perpetual effort to criminalize any person who might have evidence to support the notion of influence that was broadcasted upon the 19 hijackers of the 9/11/2001 terror attacks, is the very same style of broadcasting used by news media outlets including MSNBC to criminalize Osama byn Laden with very little conclusive evidence and in addition, the perpetual nature of the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcasts was obviously to support the syndicated reports of "terror operations" masterminded by Osama byn Laden proprieting a pillar system for the sydicated reports that may or may not be true. 19 like-minded hijackers were not "master-minded" by a sole individual based upon variations of the 19 target subject personas. It's more than likely since the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Updates Service" was in  Research & Development(R&D) during and before the attacks indicates the "secret" project that bornes the "Microsoft Telepathy" portion of the network, it's engineers and/or friends and family of those researchers committed to the platforming stage to build a like-minded foundation between the target subjects. By syndicated report the hijackers were "not aware of one and another." Only two were reported to have actually met the other.

The sheer volume of accusations by "Telepathy Updates" broadcasting towards me and towards any other organization, fraternity, or bard (e.g. "Linux" users/developers; "Masonic Order"; "Fleece Club" etc.) is a good example of how the desired affects of every single "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcast are unraveling foul play even though, the stimulus to persuade any observers is being broadcasted over the very same network perpetuating further, the intention to commit more mass murder based upon vindication of an initial mass murder that was again, influenced through the very same network. It perpetuates a state of aggression and a justification ONLY through hypnotique and subliminal suggestion to kill away the witnesses or any investigative findings (to include investigators) by way broadcasting the hypnotique and subliminal stimulus that indicates was the exact method used to construct the like-minded framework between hijackers who weren't even reported to have known one another.

Dry Question...


Why does Microsoft make "pirating" copyright movies, and software so easy?

Does Microsoft squander target subjects first and then, later accuse them of intellectual piracy when the target subject becomes entrapped in an "intellectual piracy" act?

Wet Question...


Are, you only "Drunk," "Wet," "High," or "stoned" when you are certain a corporation has committed a crime?

Note: 06/30/2019 22:17

06/30/2019 22:17

The phrase "In-Mode" has been broadcasted quite a few times over the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service." I am still unaware of what "In-mode" means. I can only assume that it has something to do with UAV controllers. Toy drones often have mode options to select by remote. Or it has something to do with drone network switching or selection.

To find the Monopoly CRIME you only have to read this list:

1.) Active Directory
2.) Drone Network (unknown Active Directory status)
3.) "Telepathy Updates Service"
4.) Acquisitions & Sales (Attempted and closed)
5.) $1,000,000,000,000.00 Market Valuation (Microsoft's "New York Stock Exchange" appraisal)
6.) *All operated, administered, and conducted over the "Microsoft Network" (MSN.)

*Reminder: any perceived leakage of confidential or classified information is by way of vocal broadcasting over the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" transmissions by Microsoft staff and friends/family. Any notes or logs hand-written and/or otherwise by me are my reflex response to a perpetual state of broadcast that I am forced to hear via wavelength frequency. 

Note: 6/30/2019 20:36

06/30/2019 20:36

The "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcasting has been perpetual obviously, since 9/11/2001 whether or not you could hear it, to make foul play to obstruct investigative findings in a mass murder marching investigation that was initiated shortly after those "terror attacks" on 9/11/2001 when, the "telepathy" broadcasting and whoever was operating it on that day or just prior to, forged the like-minded foundation to unite a team in a suicidal effort and crash aeroplanes into buildings, is obviously influencing a new wave of attacks that you're watching on CNN, FoxNews, HLN, or whatever media outlet you frequent (e.g. school, bar, theatre shootings) by way of possible offline networks as well as online networks to motivate the foul play in play so that the "Microsoft Corporation doesn't have to face prosecution for the mass murder that it caused on 9/11/2001 and, may be the sole reason for an illegal transaction (i.e. Patriot Act Laws and National Defense Authorization Act Laws) of specific network portions and manufacturing rights of the Microsoft Operating System and/or developments to include the administration by outsourcing it's help desk! Also, that illegal sale (i.e. Patriot Act Laws and National Defense Authorization Act Laws) might shed light on the multitude of criminal activity that the Microsoft Corporation has been conducting prior to 9/11/2001 and succeeding that date (e.g. the attempted purchase of AT&T and it's routing tables; Microsoft involvement in the Enron collapse; and the possible destruction of evidence in the form of logs and documents relating to a number of Microsoft Servers, controllers, remote locations, and VPN staff.) It's obvious to me that the "Microsoft Network" will use the hypnotique and subliminal techniques that the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" is capable of, to obstruct the investigative findings along with using any measure to coerce an alternative "investigative" route like scapegoating or using entrapment to hinder whistle-blowers.


06/29/2019 19:27

One "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcaster was broadcasting that. "Maybe the network is the problem." But, then someone else broadcasted that. "The problem was the broadcaster." My opinion through my observations is that both are the problem. There is definitely something wrong with the "programming.

Note: 06/27/2019 01:03

06/27/2019 01:03

The "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcasters were making "broadcast chatter" over a wide range spectrum of things, as there were plainly too many broadcasters to make sense of the stimulus or the desired affect that was objectified in those broadcasts. Through my observations every single "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcast/transmission has a desired affect or a desired outcome based upon a target subjects reflex response to any given "Telepathy Service" broadcast. During the jumbled broadcasting it dawned on my "little mind" from the many accusations that the "Telepathy Service broadcasters are vocally transmitting across that portion of the "Microsoft Network" (aka: MSN) that they were using "sexting" as a buffer to dissuade any investigative finding that could attach the "Telepathy" method of communication to the influencing factor upon 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings on 9/11/2001 via the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service." In essence as if to say. "The kids did it." The first reports of sexting I recall were being reported by CNN and FoxNews a few years after the 9/11/2001 terror attacks, approximately 2004-2005.

Note: 8/26/2019 16:14

8/27/2019 16:14

On several occasions in my life there has been mention of an "incident" in Peking/ChengDu China also, someone mentioned it by way of "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcast. It occurs to me that, the simplified computing offered by the "Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (and DOS whether prompt or emulation)" makes possible an avenue to easily divide & conquer investigative effort in resolving the "Peking/ChengDu incident" that may or may not have occurred (to me the incident is hearsay based on my age and lack of official report) by fault of Microsoft intrusion upon the government network in the 1980s, (disregarding for a moment, the murder by mass that occurred on 9/11/2001)

Toddlers operate handheld devices and tablet devices. That means any given toddler could fit the bill as a culprit of any given crime committed over the internet OR, any hypnotique and subliminal suggestion broadcasted over the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" by way of "entrapment" and scapegoating.

* I error on the date of this annotation in my hand-written notes. I made the correction in this blog and noted the error in my hand-written annotations.

Note: 6/25/2019 21:33

6/25/2019 21:33

"Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcast: "It's too late for Joint Forces, It's obviously something that American Law enforcement couldn't handle." (Telepathy Frequency) The point or the meaning of the broadcast is unknown. To me it does not make sense. But, at approximately the time and date of this note, given the time to hand-write this note, that was the broadcast.

It reminded me of an instance during either a speech made by the Military Police Corps. Regimental Commander or something Drill SGT was relaying to us in AIT in reference to an assault on American Law Enforcement outlets by way of subterfuge and sabotage not necessarily being a "Joint Forces Operation." Maybe it struck a chord in my memory by word correlation or perhaps I didn't quite hear the transmission correctly based on analog/digital interference.

Note: 6/25/2019 17:39

6/25/2019 17:39

The "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" broadcasters often make broadcasting by "script," sometimes .dat sometimes by a handwritten method type that an actor would recite during a play to the effect that the broadcasters themselves are medical professionals. I'm citing just an observation based on the broadcasting over an extended period of time and the frequent attempts at diagnosis through the method of communication that obviously influenced 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings suggests that the broadcasters are impersonating medical practitioners.

A primary treatment in the medical profession is to be able to recognize and treat traumatic shock without advancing the affliction or the symptoms.

Note: 6/21/2019 15:43

6/21/2019 15:43

The "chatter" being broadcasted across the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" at approximately 15:40, given time to record in note by hand related to what was clearly an indication of an effort to sabotage the civil populace of the the United States of America through hypnotique (e.g. perpetual music) and subliminal (e.g. gain/volume control) suggestion, via the "Microsoft Telepathy Updates" network and make for a perpetual state of broadcasting. It also indicated that the broadcast is by way of a hostile corporation that was born and razed within the United States of America (See Microsoft server telepathy logs [AUDIT.]) Left in perpetual state, the method of broadcasting leaves untended, the plain view of the same type of influence and manipulation through that network upon 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings by instilling like-minded framework through a hypnotique technique accompanied by subliminal suggestion.

Note: May 21, 2019

05/21/2019 15:53

A "Microsoft Telepathy Updates Service" broadcast was transmitted across wavelength frequency close enough to mine for me to hear. "Push Deja Vous." The broadcast I heard occurred approximately 2 seconds prior to the sensation that I believe is a network broadcast for a desired affect. The broadcast came right before the sensation that I experience as what's known as "Deja Vous" but, may be dissimilar to another person who perceives "Deja Vous" differently. In my notes I recorded another noteworthy annotation of the occurrence, If I run across it or encounter the occurrence again, I'll attach an annotation to this one.

*Broadcasters were attempting to provide a stimulus as I was taking these notes to change the time and date that I recorded in the top left from "May 21" to "May 31" and then again about 5 minutes after that instance from "May 21" to "March 21" by hypnotique and subliminal suggestion.

Monday, May 6, 2019

A Nugget of Truth. ...

Here is a little nugget of truth for
There is a mass murderous corporation among us that influenced 19 hijackers to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings through a "telepathy updates service," that network had the killing potential of murdering 38,000,000,000 over a time span of 18 years. That's worse than cigarettes. So, the anti - industrial broadcasting (through the telepathy updates service to live target subjects) that's made by the network at the time of being able to comprehend what I'm writing, turns out to be as murderous as any tobacco brand. Don't forget, the potential of dying from tobacco is what built its campaign on. "Potential."

In sum, by broadcasting over that "telepathy updates service" is potentially killing and taking part in the same metaphorical type of "killing its customers" as tobacco has by way of tobacco sales. is a potential mass murderous agitant when drawing contrast in the style of my summarization.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

I'm foul....

I'm not taking a single word of this blog down. That's how much pain and suffering is involved in the articles I've written over the past 7 years and the comments I've left in support or on contraire with and for evryone of you.

The people who've provoked every word of what I've written are using the same type of broadcasting that was used to influence 19 hijackers on 9/11/2001 to hijack aeroplanes and crash them into buildings via hypnotique and subliminal transmissions over the Microsoft Telepathy Updates System. It's the ONLY way that 19 like-minded frameworks could be influenced to all die on the same day at the same hour in effort to achieve an agenda.

Who has more of an agenda than the largest software corporation in the USA?

If you mention anything about it, it won't matter that their is a marching investigation into the mass murder that occurred that day or if you're a former Military Policeman who is force marched to detail in report and through media, positive findings and/or a true mode of deployment in those attacks that influenced those 19 hijackers. The political element and the police departments are so deep up to their necks in Microsoft stocks that these folks will perpetuate mass murder in the same way  that they and/or the employees of their investment, used that network on 9/11/2001 and kill you in the process. Also, if they can't kill you now, those folks will squander you until no one is looking and kill you then. FOUL PLAY!