Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Acting as if the Universe Does Not Exist...

      Scientists are acting as if the universe does not exist. The "theory" states that scientists are suggesting that space can be folded like a blanket so we can travel to an opposing destination within our universe. To fold anything you need to find the edge of what you're trying to fold. If you are literally trying to fold nothing, you're wasting your time. To fold anything you must make flat, our universe is 3 dimensional not a painting. What matters in physics is what is physical is what is matter. You all need to scale back your thoughts and stop taking acid! (Please see my articles entitled "electrograppler. Http://

Friday, December 26, 2014

Good News...

I'm not the worst journalist of 2014!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

this is exactly what I'm talking about Microsoft!!!

You know you have big problems when government agencies are picking you apart to find soft targets or even hardened... Run into any zero day attacks lately? What the hell did Microsoft Corporation do in Europe and the Far East that no one trusts you? Yep, you got bigger problems than the $100.00 you stole from my former USAA checking account.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Character Assassination via Text II... Or Simple Wrong Number?? You be the Judge.

I don't do drugs but I understand the lingo. I was a Military Policeman at one time, no "wrong number" message yet.

Their message:

My reply:

Their message:

My reply:

Character Assassination via Text Message...

They're text message:

My reply:

There name obviously is not in my contact list or it would be displayed.... This is the only or the first message I have received from this caller.

Maybe the NRA Should Disregard Police Officers...

In light of what has happened to me over the past year and a half, I came to the conclusion that the NRA should disregard police officer and retiree memberships. My reasoning is a simple conflict of interest. The police are an organization of their own with plenty of places to conduct firearms training. The police represent and uphold the law, in all actuality they are an institutional organization to take rights from citizens violating the law while the NRA is a standing militia "devoted to defending constitutional rights." This is true otherwise, what are the firearms for? What do you think?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Enlistee - Civilian Switcheroo???

I'm guessing that down range there is a high concentration of folks in units going by another enlistee's name in every stinking branch of our armed forces so the enlistee's friends can get their "first kill." That's a problem. They didn't sign the contract. You did. I hope this thought isn't true. I was sitting here contemplating that. THAT HURT'S!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hey Bill Gates...

I always thought there was something weird about the term "bridging gaps" I'd like to ask Bill Gates if he knows anything about genetic bridging. Cross contaminating bloodlines electronically. Basically creating abominations in genetic code. What I mean is tapping or taping the human mind electronically with another genetically incompatible human being to cyphen personal intellectual property from one human and make it look like it's someone else's?! For this, as I stated in the past you would need a bridge, something like AppleTalk, remember that? For punishment for nasty emails Bill? Thank God I never invested in that sorry sack of shit known as Microsoft other than my associates degree. Every time I write something nasty about Microsoft and Bill Gates I feel the need to smoke a cigarette. That's curious... Is Microsoft ringing the "kill yourself routine?"

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A New Revelation About Microsoft....

I was wondering why when you purchase a new Microsoft computer, Microsoft corporation stakes claim to your brand new computer through the administrator ownership certificate installed in the OS. And for quite sometime I was contemplating the significance and reasons for creating a "corporate citizenry?!" It was confusing me until about 5 minutes ago. I realized it was an effort to effectively thwart hackers which isn't such a bad idea if Microsoft employees weren't the ones doing the "hacking." Microsoft wants to be the sole proprietor of an American electronics device "Bill of Rights." Not only does Microsoft want control of american software and hardware this corporation wants to dictate law.
to dictate law.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Flying guillotine

I was just watching a show about the "flying guillotine and the show cites that it was a weapon, it makes sense to come to the conclusion that the device was a simple execution device. The prisoner would be on his knees bound at the elbows while the executioner pulls the chain.

Oil... A Renewable Energy Source???

I was thinking back when I used to be a cook... Most spices are alcohol and oil saluable. If this is so, then is biological waste or compost a source to renew or refill oil wells. When spices are mixed with the oil they become the oil. Would this be true with compost? It might need to be chipper up and churned to antagonize the process. But doesn't that make sense? The process may take up to 50 years or so but... That's better than 1,000,000,000 years I think.