Friday, October 24, 2014

Not only does Dittsworth want to be me but....

Now I'm receiving emails with my fathers name in the subject line, His name is Michael (Mike) but my name appears in the greeting of the email. Attempt to slowly convert me to anybody but who I am? Hi everybody! Again, I'm Joel A. Zrolka.

Is someone trying to get a government job with my name? Aside from me.

This is interesting isn't it? Maybe someone works ar Qlink in my name? Maybe his name is James Dittsworth? Maybe he works for the federal government and enjoys stealing people's lives? Not sure. I'm Joel Zrolka, nice to meet you Dittsworth! Now who the fuck are you?

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I wonder....

Is the reason my wife abandoned me and pretends that someone else is me because, she possibly accused our landlord of raping her while we lived in Virginia, when she most likely spread her legs for him in effort to sue him for his property? Is there a report at any Fairfax Police Departments in reference to an accusation of rape from Jaymadel Bello-Zrolka relating to Victorio Frondoso and has it been changed or edited recently?

Is there an accusation of rape filed at any police department in the country about me from my wife and also, are Officers Hammerstone and Zechman her witnesses in an effort to further Jamie Zechman's lie that I raped her? And if my wife claimed that I raped her, on what date and time was that complaint received?

Good questions?

I never treated my wife in a violent manner even during sex and she still had orgasms!

Symbology I Noticed on the PA State Police Website....

Red, White, and Black guidons? You can't be serious! What were the colors of the Nazi Reich in Germany during WW2? A guidon is a flag that is supposed to instill morale within the unit! The colors say alot! Creepy... Troopers, just creepy.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Actual US Deficit...

 As you can tell through te picture, the current actual US Deficit sits at $123trillion. Even with current World Bank interest rates sitting at only 1.1% each monthly payment will be $1.12 trillion. Good luck! It's crucial to understand and realize that our nation is financially dead and also that you are now slaves to the world. Sell yourself or kill yourself. :-|

Monday, October 6, 2014

Staff Officers... You're being spied on....

When I was with my wife while she was working at Buffalo Wild Wings, she was receiving emails in regards to when and at what store you were visiting. Her boss In Fairfax, VA. sent the email. The account was open so I read it. If you guys are getting picked off, that's why. Be brave. She choreographically displaced me from her so... I'm stabbing in the dark on this one.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

PBA... New psychological Disorder

Watch THX! That movie in particular completely mirrors our future. PBA cites that uncontrollable  laughter and crying is now a psychological disorder. You're going to need medication for it. What if it's in reference to environmental stimulus?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Just Called the Fairfax County Police Department and Asked....

I just got off of the phone with Fairfax County Police Department in Fairfax, Va. to inquire about the status of 3 firearms that were confiscated from me. The dispatcher at approximately 1830 hrs. on 10/02/2014 at Fairfax County Police Department informed me that the firearms and their status I was asking about were not listed in the database, for those who don't know.... Did you ever wonder how you create a facebook account and logon? The account is actually stored in a database that's run on a mainframe/server computer system that allows you to sign in as you.

If you recall or have been following, I wrote an article a while back about a firearms trafficking ring within the police department that is operated via psychological operations, whether the doctor says you're healthy or not. The offcer outright lied to me on the phone. As a former policman I know as well as they do, that the files of all property is held for 7 years and then stored for a very long time by date. I misquoted the date on the letter for my firearms to be destroyed on June 16, 2014 when the actual destruction date was July 19, 2014 as stated on the letter. He did not even ask me my name. An empty database??? Well if it's "logistics and property division" Where are all the confiscated drugs and firearms? I was not even charged with a crime or labeled with a psychological disorder. It says in the letter "Property and Evidence" are part of "Logistics and Property." Where are they? I want them destroyed! You officers and your NRA faggots confiscated the wrong person‘s firearms and stole the wrong persons's identification to hide the truth! What are you being paid for?