Monday, March 31, 2014

New idea to eliminate racism in the USA

     Ladies and Gentlemen I have a prejudiced against certain forms of software. I have just been informed of this and I'm passing it to you.... I'm trying to think of a term that could apply to such a prejudiced. A warist? A softist? A Softwarist? Can you help me with finding the right term? I want to create a type of electronic software racism. The first of it's kind. Who want's in? black; white and everything in between are acccepted. We'll form our judgments based on the end users operating system. Then based on operating systems we can designate derogatory terms to each operating system end user. For MicroSoft users.. I like rapists, or no reach around(s) (acronym: NoRA(s).) based on a 360 gaming perimeter.

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